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Can this bronze bust be saved?

Reaching out again to the wealth of knowledge here. Picked up this 7" tall Albert Carrier bronze of Rembrandt for not much at an estate sale.  As you can see, it's in sad shape. I'm thinking it may have been in the ground at some point because of some dirt that used to be on it. What is the discoloration (kind of a reddish  tint - surely someone didn't paint over this piece?) and can it be removed? Can this piece be restored and if so, how? I think it used to be mounted on a base of some kind. Thanks in advance!  Mark


900-591 (4).JPG900-591 (1).JPG900-591 (3).JPG900-591 (2).JPG

Message 1 of 15
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Can this bronze bust be saved?

A couple of thoughts, are you certain that it is bronze? Are there any mount holes? Art restoration via chat board is not a good course, you are better served by a trip to a restorer to get an estimate. In that, you can learn many things without a commitment. Looking through the muck are there any traces of gilt?

Message 2 of 15
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Can this bronze bust be saved?

Thanks for the reply. Not positive that it is bronze - tried a magnet and that didn't attract. Attached is what the bottom looks like. I would think that hole is used to attach the head to a base? I don't live close to a "restorer" but will continue my search. I've seen something about "bronze disease"? 



Message 3 of 15
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Can this bronze bust be saved?

Message 4 of 15
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Can this bronze bust be saved?

Hope your browser can translate to English


Message 5 of 15
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Can this bronze bust be saved?

Summary(translate by a Chinese software)

1. The first method is to dip a little toothpaste and wipe it with a toothbrush on the parts with patina. Since the toothpaste contains active agents, it can quickly remove the patina.

2. The second method is to use table salt, because it has a certain permeability and the friction of table salt can remove copper rust.

3. The third method is to use white vinegar.Applying white vinegar to areas with patina can quickly remove it.

4. The fourth method is to use talc powder. Talc powder has a certain lubricating effect and a certain friction effect, which can remove the patina on the copperware.

5. The fifth method is to use oxalic acid. The acidity in oxalic acid can react with copper rust to dissolve the copper rust and remove it easily.

6. The sixth method is to use rust remover to spray on the parts with copper rust. The rust remover is a highly efficient active agent that can quickly remove copper rust to achieve the purpose of preventing rust and removing rust.

Message 6 of 15
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Can this bronze bust be saved?

As a start, this is a work of art and not an old farm bucket.  Placing your information in the hands of an untrained novice can quickly lead to disaster. Removing whatever we see in the photos haphazardly can, in an instant, ruin a possibly original surface or even just bits (traces) of an original surface.


Restorers start with the least invasive cleaning methods to accomplish the task and ascend to the harsher elements. They also do many tests BEFORE work starts. I've seen many wonderful antiques and paintings totally destroyed by the well-intentioned methods you describe and I just hope that no one who is untrained reads your post and follows through on that advice.


No harsh feelings intended.

Message 7 of 15
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Can this bronze bust be saved?

【WD-40添加剂】WD-40除锈剂wd40润滑油机械防锈油除锈润滑剂螺丝松动门窗锁自行车清洁【行情 报价 价格 评测】-京东.jpg

I think this American product is fine, I had used it.However, I suggest you consider it carefully before doing it.

Do a small part first to see the effect.😎

Message 8 of 15
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Can this bronze bust be saved?


I tested it with something I have , and you can see the effect .

As for whether you  do the same way, you MAY think about it by yourself.🙂

Message 9 of 15
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Can this bronze bust be saved?


The picture is too small before, this is a big picture

Message 10 of 15
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Can this bronze bust be saved?

Can this bronze bust be saved?

WD-40 lubrication, it is not a rust remover nor is it a penetrating oil. It will not dissolve rust. 

Message 12 of 15
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Can this bronze bust be saved?

Thanks for all the input. I may have found someone who can restore it near Provo, Utah. I'll update you on what he did to it if that happens. Thanks again! Mark

Message 13 of 15
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Can this bronze bust be saved?

You might want to contact Rita Robben.  I am working with her on a damaged silver plate nut bowl.   She works with several metals. 


Metalsmith Rita Robben


Robben Metal Restoration

4196 Gray Street                             

West Harrison, Indiana 47060 

1 877-257-0596 Toll Free 

Message 14 of 15
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Can this bronze bust be saved?

Thank you - I will give  her a try!  Mark

Message 15 of 15
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