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Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

I think this might be a great place to kinda land and connect with a some friends.






Can you please invite some folks to come and post and bring some snacks?  I think I will just keep 2 screens open and coastal picked the name of this place - "dingy falls" when ya need a little respite, please let me know to "dingy" and I will dingy over!




....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@katzrul15 , @evry1nositswindy , @policequilts  @silverstatetreasureboxes , @mr_lincoln  , @jewelbiz 


We're back🤣🤣🤣


Did anybody miss us

Message 8656 of 8,739
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

I missed you!


Still missing a bunch -o-posts, but delighted it has returned!  Yay! Woot!   (Etc)



....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 8657 of 8,739
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate



Do I search for chocolate or a gang ! 😄 😄 😄

Message 8658 of 8,739
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@evry1nositswindy   More of the killdeer


Here's the eggs.  Had to put a stick where the eggs are so that I don't accidentally step on them.

DSC03216 (640x480).jpg


Here is the bird playing "injured"

DSC03224 (640x480).jpg


Here is a couple of shots of the eyes.


DSC03225 (640x480).jpgDSC03226 (640x480).jpgDSC03228 (640x480).jpg

love them legs

Message 8659 of 8,739
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate




You're getting the stink eye, and it seems a bit of a talking to.


Nice photos.


22 here last night. Would not do well to be uncovered.


Robins working the yard here look fat. Not sure if there are nests with eggs here just yet. Probably a bit early. I will have to wander out to the usuals spots to have a loon. I did dream of peeking into bird nests a couple three nights back, but the eggs were white in the nests that I located.

Message 8660 of 8,739
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@katzrul15 great that you got with the mods to find out what was going on.


It seems that it had to be an intended action removing the thread posts, but just beyond my understanding how the process was happening with the posts vanishing. I would think just a click or three, and all would be gone rather than a fade away the way it was happening.


Maybe an "archiving" process. Again, beyond my level of understanding😐


I just happened to stumble in when it was happening.


Some will be blissfully unaware that anything even happened.

Message 8661 of 8,739
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@buyselljack2016 wrote:

@katzrul15 great that you got with the mods to find out what was going on.


It seems that it had to be an intended action removing the thread posts, but just beyond my understanding how the process was happening with the posts vanishing. I would think just a click or three, and all would be gone rather than a fade away the way it was happening.


Maybe an "archiving" process. Again, beyond my level of understanding😐


I just happened to stumble in when it was happening.


Some will be blissfully unaware that anything even happened.

No idea.


Sent sonething to mods, but no reply (so far).


Just odd, but SO glad it is corrected!  


TY yesterday for the posts and pix.  Made my Day!!  Just beautiful pix and so nice to see SPRING!!



....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 8662 of 8,739
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate



Sometimes you just have to have things like this impulse buy that I made. Hand-Held Double Stitch.


DSCF5146 (1024x764).jpg

And sometimes you just have to wonder ......... "what was I thinking".


I guess I was thinking that for a simple little "sew" that would be just the thing.  So much easier than dragging out the big machine. 60 years ago the flip it down for storage treadle (electrified ?) machine sat at the top of the stairs in the hallway. Nothing that I ever used (likely played with it) but it sat right outside my bedroom door. It was right there by the hand crank record player for the 78's.


Anyway, this one was something that caught my eye. I bought it. Pulled it out of a pile today to maybe take a shot at using it. I had noticed it in the smoke/computer room (or in the hallway) this Winter and moved it out to wait for an opportunity to use it.


It's all loaded up, ready to use. Must have come that way. I don't remember (don't remember everything) ever having used it. Bobbin wound. Threaded. Plastic around the entire machine.


Oh, by the way. The receipt was stuck in the flap of the box. It was 90% smoke stained, but all the evidence was there to be seen. $12.47. Purchased Jan 21 , 2005. I sure needed it. Wanted to use it today on a torn flannel shirt, but it is the thick style heavier shirt, and won't work for that. Will have to tear something else to give it a shot. I did try it out on a strip of cloth. Looks like a winner.


From there we go to a Wally bash. I like Wally choco chip cookies. Picked up a package on April 10th. The 17th I went to grab a pack. My hand jumped back. I was shocked. Made me forget to buy my box of cereal. Did self checkout, and left the store in a snit. The package of cookies had gone from $2.34 to $3.24.


On another trip out it was a stop at DG for choco chip. Taste and consistency  is about the same. DG is $2.75. A while back they were $1.50, but slowly crept up. The $0.90 quick jump at Wally set me back.


Then on the "flipside", Wally did a $0.32 rollback on party size potato chips, and a $0.23 (11-1/2%) rollback on swiss cheese. The swiss goes with my "nearly nightly" salad.  Cauliflower went up, and the heads are smaller. Looked at the price and left it there on the 10th, but next trip I decided I'm worth it and can afford it, so I bought it anyway.

Message 8663 of 8,739
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

It's back!  Not sure what happened.  I did post something about it on the mentor lounge and it sounds like @katzrul15  contacted the mods, so all is well! 

evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 8664 of 8,739
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

Yeah . . . .

This thread is still here . . . .


Suppose to get to the high 50's and then rain.


Milo spent the night on the porch.  I thought it was cold out there, but I guess his blankie and a new sweater gives him enough warmth.  ( the new sweater was from prepping clothing and it is a new sweater with a hole in the threading.

Message 8665 of 8,739
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@evry1nositswindy wrote:

It's back!  Not sure what happened.  I did post something about it on the mentor lounge and it sounds like @katzrul15  contacted the mods, so all is well! 



I never heard anything from my inquiry....glad the thread returned and TY for your efforts!





The weather has been so off lately.  I really need warmer evenings, less wind!


Happy Friday, everyone!



....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 8666 of 8,739
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate



Interesting sewing thingee....


I keep my singer out all the time now.  Alwats something that needs mending/attention!


Headed out soon to meet my son to go talk to a banking guy.  Working to establish an equity line and just need to sign some paperwork.


Glad the weekend is almost here!

....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 8667 of 8,739
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

Did anyone hear me say ouch, or any bad words?


Went fishing today, and did not take my camera., or phone (w/camera) Thought about both before I left, but quiet hour, and no belt for the camera case. Did not just want to stick it in my pocket. I try to be careful at the river, but lots of rocks, and lots of cold water.


I thought nothing new to see there anyway, but as I was working upstream, throwing a line in the fishless pools there was a series of small falls that would have made a nice pic. Water level was right. Angle was right. Sun was right. All I could do was look, and think.................. where's the camera dummy? I think there is a boot print in my butt.


50's today.  (above average)  Warmer next 6 days. Perhaps I will wander out of the yard again. (with a camera)


Message 8668 of 8,739
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

I made it down at the farm yesterday and started to clear the brush.

Hands and knees to get the the small buckthorn trees. Used the hedge shears and it worked nice.

Then I got into the larger buckthorn trees. I got to use the battery operated chain saw.  SWEEEEET !

I getting more stuff done with that little chainsaw.


The night was on the warmer side - in the 50's, and had some rain.

Today, it will be in the 70's. Will be going down to the farm and get some more brush cut.

Hopefully, I can get a lot of the brush cut so that the days I have free and no wind, I can just burn the whole day.


Was able to list a few items on my website last night.



Last night, I found the first tick on me. Ughhhhh!

Message 8669 of 8,739
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@policequilts you are getting set up for a day's work. 


I'm here watching the robins, and chips. I might go out to pull some parts from the blower before the scrapper snags it, or I may just sit here.


Mouse in the garage trap 4 days in a row, but empty today. Seems the froot loops did their job. Overnight chicken bones will be safe.


May take another walk at the river. This time with a camera. I would like to go fish a small lake, but if I go to the river 1st, it may not happen. Uphill on the way back from the river, and then more uphill to get to the lake. I do OK on the level, but not sure that I am up to two uphill's.  Downhill on the way out, so may have to think about it. Looks like the moisture from the sky will deter the second half.


Maybe between the raindrops tomorrow, or in the sunshine on Monday for the little lake.

Message 8670 of 8,739
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