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Charging fees from Shipping Cost

As a seller, I feel it is unfair on the part of eBay to charge fees from the shipping cost of an item. This is because, the shipping cost is solely for shipping and not part of the seller's income.


Please address this, because it is getting me upset.

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Charging fees from Shipping Cost

eBay calculates charges that way not to upset you, but so that users charging $100 for an item with free shipping pay the same fee as users charging $50 for the item and $50 for shipping, or users that charge $1 for the item and $99 for the shipping.


In each case, the fee now depends upon the total cost the buyer pays.

Message 2 of 10
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Charging fees from Shipping Cost

Fee's on shipping were brought in around 2011, so you are a little late to the party LOL

I have been imported from Australia and this is my posting ID
Message 3 of 10
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Charging fees from Shipping Cost

As mentioned above, eBay had to change this years ago.


There had been some unscrupulous sellers who would sell an item for a penny and charge $99.00 for shipping, thus paying no FVF.

Message 4 of 10
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Charging fees from Shipping Cost

Ebay has stated before that 75% of sellers offer free shipping

it was also stated that 75% of products offered were new


this is only conjecture but I think more people that sell used items charge something for shipping.

this year I will ship 2000 packages and I charge $5 a piece for them.........usps 1st class


if you are not happy with ebay picking awyay at proits you need to charge more for something.

either the item or shipping need to be raised a dollar.


if I do that its an extra 2000 for me.I cant raise my prices becuse I do many 99 cent auctions


its OK to ask for more out of a sale and shipping.some sellers charge a lot for shipping and sales are still brisk 


Germantown proud Germantown strong
up the whiskey hickon
moving right along
Message 5 of 10
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Charging fees from Shipping Cost

1.  This FVF on a separate shipping/handling charge has been around for over 10 years.  In my case the FVF on shipping amounts to  a an extra buck & half on average in my selling cost over 1600+ shipments - I simply increased the price of my items by an average of $1.50 - most items I sell are in the $28 to 30 range plus shipping/handling.

2.  No one says you can't make a little extra income over your S & H charges - eBay says just be reasonable.  I always have.

3.  Pepto Bismol is good for upset stomachs.

"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
The Devil made me do it! - Flip Wilson
If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too J.R. Johnson
Message 6 of 10
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Charging fees from Shipping Cost


Simply put eBay charges a fee on total that buyer pays.

Sellers are or should be aware of this and must price their items accordingly.

Shipping costs are part of  sale/income as are taxes.



Message 7 of 10
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Charging fees from Shipping Cost

Like others have said, this is not an attack on you. It is merely a way for eBay to get their fees.


I have been on eBay since 2004, I remember having my listings buried under page upon page of 1 cent listings with outlandish S/H. Like $29.99 shipping on a CD. 


My listings wouldn't make it to the first page until minutes before ending. Though that was back when you could expect a bidding war on just about all auction listings I found my sell-through and bottom line improved after this **bleep** was nipped in the bud.


Currently, I'm not listing and haven't since late 2019.  As a mail carrier, I have always stopped listing prior to the holidays as my work days are way too long at that time. With Covid  the mail has never eased up at all the whole of 2020 and it's only in the past month that things have become a bit less extreme. I am planning on jumping back in after I retire in February and even though I had gone to mainly Free Shipping (shipping included). I will say that if eBay ever goes back to only having FVF's on the item price I would be out totally.

Message 8 of 10
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Charging fees from Shipping Cost

You are a very experienced and trusted eBayer and a knowledgeable contributor to this Board.

I have to ask:  why would eBay ever even considering going back to having FVFs on the item price? 

Message 9 of 10
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Charging fees from Shipping Cost

On eBay started charging a FVF on shipping about 10 years ago, not sure when they started in the UK. I would guess they started years before you arrived and are not going to change because it upsets you. Had you performed the necessary research before choosing eBay, you could have decided against listing here if you found it "Too Upsetting".

"Those who enter the arena unarmed or unprepared are quickly dispatched."
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