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Forum Posts

eBay Technical Issues Board has Moved

Hi all!We wanted to share that we have moved the eBay Technical Issues Board from the Community Info tab to the Buying & Selling Tab. This has been done to help get more exposure to more members in effort to help share and report any technical issues...

User avatar by Community Team Community Team
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Entries in Notification Feed Deleted!

All the notification entries on my "Notification Feed" were deleted just a few minutes ago. All of them have been wiped out. It displays only the two I've received in the last few minutes. Anyone else experiencing the same issue? nicole@ebay What's t...

User avatar by Rockstar
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Why does eBay ask for our feedback if they don't actually want to read it?

A stupid box shows up asking for my feedback and so I write this long post and then it tells me to limit my comment to 500 characters... really? Why the hell did you even ask? So I filled it out again and then it said this: You know what? I'm just go...

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Please welcome Kyle!

Happy Friday! Phew, it's been a long week. Please welcome Kyle to the Community team. If you have marketplace related questions, you can tag Kyle. Kyle has been in various departments within eBay since 2009. He enjoys fishing and hiking all over Utah...

User avatar by eBay Staff (Alumni)
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Reporting inappropriate tags

Hi Community. We recently scrubbed our tag list, and removed inappropriate tags. If you find tags that break Community Guidelines please report them to the moderators by selecting options menu then Report Inappropriate Content. In the description, sp...

User avatar by eBay Staff (Alumni)
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Resolved! Soapbox - start your day with a Quote thread This thread is completely messed up. With over 1200 posts and a new one added almost every day, this thread is a bit unwie...