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ebay is the BIGGEST scammer of all!!!!

I sell a vintage lamp for $175. Shipping was approximately $100. Buyer files claim with eBay that lamp was delivered in many small pieces and that he almost cut himself. **bleep**. I purchased a special heavy duty box from Staples. I use the thickest shipping paper that I buy from U-haul. I wrapped that lamp up so good, there's no way it broke in transit. Buyer won't send me pictures. Buyer won't accept partial refund. Buyer didn't even contact me, and went straight to eBay to file a complaint. The worst part is that after eBay messages me that buyer filed complaint and they're sending him a return label...I notice the address they put on return label is an old address from five years ago! I've moved several times in past five years and always change my address with platforms I sell on. So I contact buyer and say don't ship they put wrong address. He then becomes belligerent and threatening. I have called, literally called, eBays customer service in the Philippines 😡 FOUR times now. Guess what. eBay says only way to solve this is for me to go to the post office and buy him a $100 shipping label with correct address. I will then be out $475 and no pictures to file claim with post office, (if the lamp is truly broken), and no lamp! Because if the buyer sends it back with wrong label, and I never receive it, eBay literally said, in so many words, too bad so sad. I'm livid!!! I did EVERYTHING correct on my end but get the shaft. AND...I can barely understand anything these "customer service" people in the Philippines say. Seriously, I can't understand them... because they speak something they call english but it's not! I'm so mad and sad. I'm closing my eBay, and PayPal account, and moving to Amazon. My credits already ruined so let them bill me, lol! 

One last thing... I've now learned that not only does eBay not give 2¢ about sellers, but that I can buy something on eBay, claim it's broke, get full refund, ship an empty box to with wrong address to seller, and keep the item! Cha Ching$$$$ 👍🏼 eBay YOU CAN SUCK IT!

Message 1 of 31
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Re: ebay is the BIGGEST scammer of all!!!!

I just had a wooden bed frame with a shelf head board arrive from another site with one board cracked in half.


And there is NO paper I’d use to ship s lamp!

Message 16 of 31
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Re: ebay is the BIGGEST scammer of all!!!!


Message 17 of 31
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Re: ebay is the BIGGEST scammer of all!!!!

@shipscript wrote:

That video is a must-watch! LOL

Did you notice how, even after overfilling the box, the peanuts still settled more than an inch? The bubble cocooning saved the day.

Until the last couple seconds of the video when he was holding the vase, dropped it and broke it. 😂

Message 18 of 31
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Re: ebay is the BIGGEST scammer of all!!!!

@klondikebaloo wrote:

I notice the address they put on return label is an old address from five years ago! I've moved several times in past five years and always change my address with platforms I sell on. So I contact buyer and say don't ship they put wrong address. Because if the buyer sends it back with wrong label, and I never receive it, eBay literally said, in so many words, too bad so sad. I'm livid!!! I did EVERYTHING correct on my end but get the shaft. 

So @klondikebaloo, you updated both your ship from address and your return address on this page before the return label was issued?



Message 19 of 31
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Re: ebay is the BIGGEST scammer of all!!!!

Items that cost a lot to ship are a real risk when things go wrong.   Worse, buyers know that and they know they get it for free.

Message 20 of 31
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Re: ebay is the BIGGEST scammer of all!!!!

“I did EVERYTHING correct on my end but get the shaft...”


No, you did not do everything correctly. You did not provide up-to-date information about your return address. You may not have adequately prepared the package. Then you assumed your buyer is lying (when most buyers are honest). They just want their item as described, and delivered in a timely manner. Of course your buyer is upset. You are telling them not to proceed with the return after the label was generated, likely alienating them further. 

It appears eBay is not to blame for this fiasco.



Message 21 of 31
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Re: ebay is the BIGGEST scammer of all!!!!

Or list with local pickup only?

Message 22 of 31
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Re: ebay is the BIGGEST scammer of all!!!!

Yes and that happened to me over a vintage typewriter . It ended up costing me money .I will not ever ship anything  heavy again .Local pick up only . It was an expensive lesson to learn 

Message 23 of 31
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Re: ebay is the BIGGEST scammer of all!!!!

did buyer provide photos of packaging and the broken item?

Message 24 of 31
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Re: ebay is the BIGGEST scammer of all!!!!


You should have refunded and said please don't  return it to me because broken glass can't  be fixed and glass shards are dangerous in the mail.  Then you would not been further in debt for return label costs.

Message 25 of 31
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Re: ebay is the BIGGEST scammer of all!!!!

@shipscript wrote:



That video is a must-watch! LOL

I wish he had addressed ceramic handles, the most likely to break, instead of a globular item, the least likely to break. Did you notice how, even after overfilling the box, the peanuts still settled more than an inch? The bubble cocooning saved the day.


The post office used to put out a Christmas season video of how they shipped a gazillion packages each season. The eye-opening video I had watched showed a dump-truck load of packages tumbling down a coal chute into the sorting center, with handlers raked the boxes into reach, to be tossed into various bins. From there, they were dumped out onto conveyors where they were battered and bullied into alignment for scanning. And that was just one sorting center. These packages often pass through several hubs. Of course, there are also many videos of long haul trucks being T-boned or overturned in a collision, spilling goods all over the highway.


A couple of years ago, I received a shipment where the box was completely crushed on one side with a split seam. However, when I peaked inside and pulled out the bubble-wrap cocoon, the ceramic baking dish had survived. I sent photos to the eBay seller so she could improve the outer boxing, where fill was absent, whereas the inner cocooning had done its job perfectly.




@shipscript"Did you notice how, even after overfilling the box, the peanuts still settled more than an inch?"  


Yeah that is my biggest complaint about that video.  Void fill shouldn't be used to protect an item.  It is just there to fill the void.  They really should have used a smaller box.


Even though some sellers may not appreciate it, knowing how a package arrived is always good info.  Even with as obsessive as I am about my packing I know I have more room to improve.  I've been thinking about making some videos on how to pack stuff, but that production quality is kinda hard to beat.


Also I wonder if the person in the video secretly worked for a shipping carrier in the past 🤣

Message 26 of 31
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Re: ebay is the BIGGEST scammer of all!!!!

Well, when you move over to Amazon, make sure you give them your CORRECT address. Duh.......

Message 27 of 31
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Re: ebay is the BIGGEST scammer of all!!!!

@gwzcomps wrote:
...Also I wonder if the person in the video secretly worked for a shipping carrier in the past 🤣


LOL, surely they must have...


It would be great for an eBay user to produce that sort of video...including the soccer game.  I hope you do.


  • That video addressed compression and shock on fragile items like ceramics. A note of caution, when mummifying a fragile item, tape carefully so the buyer does not launch the item while struggling with the mummification.  I usually have a folded end of the tape that is easy to locate so that the package can be slowly peeled apart.
  • But there is also an issue with heavy objects that are not fragile, like some auto parts, that can shift around easily and can hammer their way out of the box and disappear.  Mummifying the item to protect the box, instead of the item, is the cure.
  • And how many times have we heard complaints of receiving an empty envelope because a seam was slit by a sharp object shifting around in the envelope? The Cure? Tape the item to a piece of paper or cardboard the same size as the envelope, or tape all edges of the envelope so they won't split.
  • Also there is the problem with boxes that are taped in only one direction so that standing on the flaps will  separate the flaps from the tape. We've received a lot of boxes (typically from amazon fulfillment and quill) devoid of any fill, so the boxes were literally open upon arrival because the flaps had caved in.  I think that type of packing may be due to consumers not wanting to dispose of filler like peanuts. A full sheet of cardboard taped in place before the flaps are closed would have solved that, but I don't think eBay sellers should emulate the shipping methods of those companies because most eBay sellers don't have the financial depth to handle the resulting damage claims.
  • Oh and lets not forget those packages where a garment or retail box is situated right where the buyer will slit the package with a knife or open the mailer with scissors, damaging the item in the course of opening the package.
  • And then there is the disappearing label problem, whether from water damage or rubbing on the conveyors.



ShipScript has been an eBay Community volunteer since 2003, specializing in HTML, CSS, Scripts, Photos, Active Content, Technical Solutions, and online Seller Tools.
Message 28 of 31
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Re: ebay is the BIGGEST scammer of all!!!!

@shipscript wrote:

  • That video addressed compression and shock on fragile items like ceramics. A note of caution, when mummifying a fragile item, tape carefully so the buyer does not launch the item while struggling with the mummification.  I usually have a folded end of the tape that is easy to locate so that the package can be slowly peeled apart

And also, DO NOT MUMMIFY IT TOO TIGHTLY! I once bought a vase that arrived with part of the lip cracked right off because the seller had wrapped it up so tightly that the bubble wrap actually squeezed the vase until it cracked.

Message 29 of 31
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Re: ebay is the BIGGEST scammer of all!!!!


Message 30 of 31
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