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ebay is the BIGGEST scammer of all!!!!

I sell a vintage lamp for $175. Shipping was approximately $100. Buyer files claim with eBay that lamp was delivered in many small pieces and that he almost cut himself. **bleep**. I purchased a special heavy duty box from Staples. I use the thickest shipping paper that I buy from U-haul. I wrapped that lamp up so good, there's no way it broke in transit. Buyer won't send me pictures. Buyer won't accept partial refund. Buyer didn't even contact me, and went straight to eBay to file a complaint. The worst part is that after eBay messages me that buyer filed complaint and they're sending him a return label...I notice the address they put on return label is an old address from five years ago! I've moved several times in past five years and always change my address with platforms I sell on. So I contact buyer and say don't ship they put wrong address. He then becomes belligerent and threatening. I have called, literally called, eBays customer service in the Philippines 😡 FOUR times now. Guess what. eBay says only way to solve this is for me to go to the post office and buy him a $100 shipping label with correct address. I will then be out $475 and no pictures to file claim with post office, (if the lamp is truly broken), and no lamp! Because if the buyer sends it back with wrong label, and I never receive it, eBay literally said, in so many words, too bad so sad. I'm livid!!! I did EVERYTHING correct on my end but get the shaft. AND...I can barely understand anything these "customer service" people in the Philippines say. Seriously, I can't understand them... because they speak something they call english but it's not! I'm so mad and sad. I'm closing my eBay, and PayPal account, and moving to Amazon. My credits already ruined so let them bill me, lol! 

One last thing... I've now learned that not only does eBay not give 2¢ about sellers, but that I can buy something on eBay, claim it's broke, get full refund, ship an empty box to with wrong address to seller, and keep the item! Cha Ching$$$$ 👍🏼 eBay YOU CAN SUCK IT!

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Re: ebay is the BIGGEST scammer of all!!!!

Said the guy who sells plushies and t-shirts. 😆 LoL

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