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eBay will not remove negative feedback left in error?

eBay refusing to remove feedback left in error - had a buyer place an order then immediately leave negative feedback about a coupon code not working. Messaged them a screenshot of their order showing it actually did work.T hey responded that it was a mistake and apologized.


Sent them a revision request, which was ignored. So I requested eBay remove it, and now they're telling me that it "was the buyers experience" and they are no longer removing feedback.


Anyone experience this before? This doesn't make any sense to me at all..




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Re: eBay will not remove negative feedback left in error?

Your only option is to get the customer to do the feedback revision.


If they refuse, there is really nothing else to be done.  It's very hard to get eBay to remove feedback that doesn't explicitly violate one of the rules for feedback.  Feedback revisions, on the other hard are likely done much more frequently - while it may not seem like it from reading on the boards, the vast majority of customers are actually decent folks... it's only the bad one that get complained about on the boards.  🙂



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Re: eBay will not remove negative feedback left in error?

Your feedback is fine.  Don't sweat these oddball negs, they won't matter.

Message 3 of 7
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Re: eBay will not remove negative feedback left in error?

 and they are no longer removing feedback



While a couple of posters here have said eBay discontinued the following new "streamlined" procedure, it is best to be aware in case eBay has not.  From a post on eBay for Business F. Book page, the following was provided by a staff person (unless, of course, they are giving their AI responders names now..LOL) :

eBay for Business: 
We’ve recently standardized the process to have all feedback appeals submitted through the Seller Help Dashboard to better align with our global process and maintain consistency for all users. This would be why any support member you talk to though phones, chat, email, or social media would be unable to assist with the removal. We understand that changes can sometimes be challenging, but we believe this adjustment will ultimately create a more streamlined experience. Thank you for your understanding.  ~Jenn


So far, it still appears that in the strive to be 'consistent for all users' the bot responders AND CS are still telling everyone NO. 

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Re: eBay will not remove negative feedback left in error?



I didn't see a negative FB for this reason.  I certainly could have missed it, but I didn't notice it.  You have one negative FB and it is just a couple of dashes.


Always keep in mind that if you are going to send a Feedback Revision Form that you have had a conversation with the buyer BEFORE sending it and they agreed they would change it.  If they agree, you should always tell them that they are going to get an email from Ebay for the fb revision that has a link inside for ease of changing the FB.


NEVER just send out a feedback revision form in the hopes a buyer will comply.  They have a 10 day life and after they expire, you can't issue another one on the same transaction.  Plus you have a limited number of these forms you can use, so wasting them can be costly at a later date.


While Ebay has certainly tightened their belts on when they will remove a negative fb for a seller, it still has to violate a policy of Ebay's to get removed.  They are not removed just because a seller doesn't like it or agrees with what the buyer said.  They didn't do that before they tightened up their FB removal procedures.


IMHO Ebay is way out of line on how they are currently NOT allowing any appeals on FB revision.  But many of the sellers that are upset by this are or were trying to have a FB removed that was never removeable before they made this change.


At this time Ebay is totally depending on the automated FB removal function supported by AI to decide if a FB is removeable.  And they have taken away all avenues we use to have to appeal the decision.  This is wrong on many levels.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 5 of 7
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Re: eBay will not remove negative feedback left in error?

Also, there is a known glitch where you send the buyer a revision request and they do not receive it.  Call eBay and have them look at that.  My account was affected and the buyer even called and was told the same thing.  Ebay did remove their feedback.  It shouldn't have to be this hard to get a feedback removed that was clearly left by mistake.  Ebay needs to do better.  

Message 6 of 7
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Re: eBay will not remove negative feedback left in error?

@spreadlovelikefire wrote:

Also, there is a known glitch where you send the buyer a revision request and they do not receive it.  Call eBay and have them look at that.  My account was affected and the buyer even called and was told the same thing.  Ebay did remove their feedback.  It shouldn't have to be this hard to get a feedback removed that was clearly left by mistake.  Ebay needs to do better.  

An issue like you ran into is not a common issue.  It didn't happen to intentionally delay getting your issue resolved.  Your issue is different than any of the others I've read on any thread on the subject in recent memory.


With that said, getting a fb removed shouldn't be a snap.  It should follow a process and be properly reviewed for a policy violation.  In your case it was being changed because your buyer agreed to change it.  That is normally a pretty easy process.  Sorry for your extra effort in getting the matter resolved.  But it isn't the norm.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
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