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Requiring 4 days for a buyer to pay is way too long

Ebay's rule of waiting for 4 days for a buyer to pay before cancelling is ridiculously long. Should be 48 hours.

Message 1 of 87
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Re: Requiring 4 days for a buyer to pay is way too long

@luxgoods wrote:

Immediate Payment for everything!  No other e commerce platform allows 1 hour to pay. Absolutely ridiculous

You are likely looking at other sites that have fixed price listing.  That is simple and it is within a seller's ability to require immediate payment.  The same does not hold true on auctions.  Two completely different types of listings.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 46 of 87
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Re: Requiring 4 days for a buyer to pay is way too long

Before this four day implementation payment people usually paid very promptly. Now payment language is out there and I send reminders and still get payment on day five or six. This is by far one of the worst policies eBay has ever implemented. I hate it! If you are bidding up at the last second then you are online and you can pay at the same time. Whatever made them do this?

Message 47 of 87
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Re: Requiring 4 days for a buyer to pay is way too long

Ebay's rule of waiting for 4 days for a buyer to pay before cancelling is ridiculously long. Should be 48 hours.


Would you rather pay your fees upfront before the buyer paid, wait 2 days minimum to zap the non-paying bloke, and then an additional 4 days to dump him just to get those fees credited back?  The current system is fine; in fact, tremendously better, don't be greedy, you don't pay those fees upfront anymore.  You should complain about the new Bulk Editor that replaced the previous version (which required no replacement)----that is the non-rectified problem now in an attempt to get $0.10 fees by discouragement.

Message 48 of 87
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Re: Requiring 4 days for a buyer to pay is way too long

Yours is an old post, but I feel compelled to reply.

Not everyone is at their computer when they receive the notice that they have won.

Four days seems reasonable to me.

As someone suggested, if you want faster payment, use IPR, FP.  

PS:  Sorry, this was meant for the OP, addressed it the wrong person.

Message 49 of 87
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Re: Requiring 4 days for a buyer to pay is way too long

Some sellers want money immediately and don't want to wait 4 days, and are not following the rules.  I understand they want the money as soon as possible, but the policy allows buyers 4 days to pay.  For buyers it's a good time frame.  I think it's annoying when some sellers are impatient and send a buyer an email after 1 day and says "I have not heard from you.  If your not intending to pay please let me know so I can sell to someone else"  This does not sit well with me when the buyer has 4 days to pay.  As stated by another, eBay used to allow up to 2 weeks to make payment (mainly because buyers would send payment by mail)  I wish some sellers would be more respectful to buyers.  Sellers can send an invoice.  Then on the 3rd or 4th day send an email saying something like "Thank you for purchasing this item.  Once payment is made I will ship your item out immediately. Thanks again for your business" 

Message 50 of 87
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Re: Requiring 4 days for a buyer to pay is way too long

Then again it would be a bummer to have to relist over and over if buyers didn't pay within the 48 hours. 

Message 51 of 87
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Re: Requiring 4 days for a buyer to pay is way too long

@appytrails99 wrote:

Before this four day implementation payment people usually paid very promptly. Now payment language is out there and I send reminders and still get payment on day five or six. This is by far one of the worst policies eBay has ever implemented. I hate it! If you are bidding up at the last second then you are online and you can pay at the same time. Whatever made them do this?


If this were true, then before the change the process took several days.  That would mean that buyers would be taking several days to pay because of the Unpaid Item policy.


Ebay sends reminders automatically to buyers.


It isn't Ebay's fault nor is it due to the changed policy.  If it was, your buyers would be making sure they paid in under 96 hours from purchase.  Because at 96 hours and one minute a seller can file for the Cancellation due to non payment.  Not the 5-6 days you are saying your buyers are taking to pay.  By waiting that long, many sellers would have already filed the cancellation.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 52 of 87
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Re: Requiring 4 days for a buyer to pay is way too long



For sellers that want their payment immediately, they can do that.  List your items with a Fixed Price and mark them IPR [immediate payment required].  Of course you can only do this on fixed price listings.


Ebay does not have a policy on a buyer's payment terms.  Each seller should state what their policy is.  Ebay has a policy that sellers can use for a buyer the seller deems to be non paying after the seller has waited 96 hours after purchase.  But sellers can tell their buyers they have 7 days to pay, 14 days to pay, etc.  Some sellers even allow buyers 30 days to pay.  That is up to the seller to decide what is best for them.  There is no right or wrong answer.


As to the reminder invoices.  Ebay sends them automatically, we can't stop them.  And some sellers send their own.  That is completely up to the seller and it is their decision.  Each seller needs to do what they feel works best for them.


Ebay NEVER allowed a buyer 2 weeks to pay.  The oldest UID [unpaid item dispute] process was a seller could file a UID 7 full days after the purchase.  Then the seller had to wait another 7 days before they could close it if no payment arrived.


As I said before, back then or now, Ebay does NOT have a policy on when a buyer has to pay.  That is completely in the seller's hands.


"I wish some sellers would be more respectful to buyers."  That can be turned the other way to say some should be more respectful of a seller's right to decide certain things for themselves.  What works well for you may not work well for someone else.  There is no size fits all, there are all kinds of variables.


I'm glad your process works well for you and certainly you should continue with that as long as it works for you.  But again, because it works for you does not mean it will work for ALL other sellers.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 53 of 87
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Re: Requiring 4 days for a buyer to pay is way too long

So what happens if a person bids on an item days before the auction ends and then ends up winning the auction, meanwhile a hurricane comes through and then the person has no electricity for several days?  The auction ends during the time the electricity is out, the seller waits two days and suddenly cancels the sale?   Two days later the buyer has electricity and wants to pay but the bid is cancelled by the seller.  Why not give the buyer the full 4 days to pay?  


If a seller needs money immediately they can list all they want with BIN and ask for immediate payment when your at Checkout but when it comes to auctions, some people may need a few days to make payment or even they may want combined shipping for more than one items purchased using auction or BIN. 


I had the reverse happen to me, the hurricane came through and I did not have electricity for several days.  It's hot, humid outside, no A/C, I could not check my emails regarding eBay auctions because I had no access to a computer (no cellphone either).  Days went by and customers wanted to know if I will ship the items out.  I eventually, got access to email and told them I would send them next few days.  These weather conditions could make it difficult for people to pay exactly in one or two days so sometimes things happen possible death in the family, etc.   Also, some sellers don't mention they want payment within one or two days in the auction description probably because they don't want to turn off buyers. 


Why doesn't eBay just add a note when someone bids at auction or BIN near the shipping cost area and put the Payment Terms "Immediate Payment Required" or "Payment Due in 2 Days" etc.  That would make things a lot more clear for buyers and sellers.

Message 54 of 87
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Re: Requiring 4 days for a buyer to pay is way too long

I realize this is an old thread, so this response is not really to the OP, but to the many many others that seem to regularly complain about "buyers not paying".


.... the choice is already there for you to take.


Check the box "Immediate Payment Required".  Boom, problem solved.

Message 55 of 87
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Re: Requiring 4 days for a buyer to pay is way too long



Ebay is excellent about announcing when there has been a natural disaster and extending coverage for both buyers and sellers in the area of the natural disaster.


The buyer does have 4 full days AKA 96 hours after purchase to pay for the item currently, so there is no need for any kind of adjustment on this.  The policy is already in place.  Sellers can file for an unpaid item earlier than 96 hours.  But again, if there has been a natural disaster, just refer to the Announcement by Ebay for the coverage offered to affected members.


As I stated before IPR is only allowed on Fixed Price listings.  A seller can't require IPR on an auction.  For a buyer that has special needs, it is in their best interest to contact the seller and ASK for them to extend them a little more time for whatever reason they may have.  It would be all about the communication, a very simple step.  The seller can't know what the needs of the buyer is unless they communicate that to them.


Buyers are responsible for knowing the rules just as sellers are responsible for knowing the selling rules.


If a seller has something marked as IPR, the buyer will know it as they will get a notice on their screen that they actually have to pay for the item before their purchase will go through.


Payment in 2 days is not an option that any seller can enforce.  They can say it in their listings, but they can't enforce it.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 56 of 87
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Re: Requiring 4 days for a buyer to pay is way too long

@rosszonebricks wrote:

I realize this is an old thread, so this response is not really to the OP, but to the many many others that seem to regularly complain about "buyers not paying".


.... the choice is already there for you to take.


Check the box "Immediate Payment Required".  Boom, problem solved.



That is NOT an option on Auctions.  It is only an option of Fixed Price listings.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 57 of 87
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Re: Requiring 4 days for a buyer to pay is way too long

@mam98031 wrote:

@rosszonebricks wrote:

I realize this is an old thread, so this response is not really to the OP, but to the many many others that seem to regularly complain about "buyers not paying".


.... the choice is already there for you to take.


Check the box "Immediate Payment Required".  Boom, problem solved.

That is NOT an option on Auctions.  It is only an option of Fixed Price listings.

Correct.  However, the choice is indeed still there for the seller to take advantage (or not) of "Immediate Payment Required".  I.e., you can choose to use auctions, or you can choose not to use auctions.  So you do indeed have the option.

Message 58 of 87
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Re: Requiring 4 days for a buyer to pay is way too long

These "eBay Announcements"  only mention seller protection.  Do they help buyers too?  I've seen the banners pop up during a natural disaster or COVID or USPS delay in delivery, etc. 


I'm not sure if sellers are going to look at the announcement board very often or think too much about the buyer who lives in the area affected and allow more time to pay even if the seller gets an email from a buyer for a little extra time for payment.  I'm sure there are many sellers with good hearts. I would probably give a few more days.

Message 59 of 87
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Re: Requiring 4 days for a buyer to pay is way too long

@rosszonebricks wrote:

@mam98031 wrote:

@rosszonebricks wrote:

I realize this is an old thread, so this response is not really to the OP, but to the many many others that seem to regularly complain about "buyers not paying".


.... the choice is already there for you to take.


Check the box "Immediate Payment Required".  Boom, problem solved.

That is NOT an option on Auctions.  It is only an option of Fixed Price listings.

Correct.  However, the choice is indeed still there for the seller to take advantage (or not) of "Immediate Payment Required".  I.e., you can choose to use auctions, or you can choose not to use auctions.  So you do indeed have the option.

True as in many things on Ebay there is a choice.  However in some categories Auctions do very well.  So for some sellers it is a very important way of posting items for sale.  Now in other categories auctions don't do very well, so each seller needs to do their research and decide what is best for them.


No, no seller has the option if they list an Auction to do IPR.  It simply is not an option for this type of listing.


It appears you want to be a bit more technical than the discussion needs or cloud it up.  Choices are simply a way of life and are part of most everything we do or don't do.  You are absolutely correct, a seller does not have to choose an Auction.  Just as they do not have to choose to do promoted listings, and many other things that really aren't a part of the discussion at hand.  Ebay is full of Choices for everyone.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 60 of 87
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