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Question: I need advice

I am having a special one day sale soon. My question is: Should I pause all my other sales before my special one day sale starts, since a lot of the items in the other sales are included in the special sale? This is the first time for this kind of sale.

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Question: I need advice

Good Luck on your one day sale.  Let us know how it went.  Pause or not to pause?   I vote not.

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Question: I need advice

@penny_pinching_jewelry wrote:

I am having a special one day sale soon. My question is: Should I pause all my other sales before my special one day sale starts, since a lot of the items in the other sales are included in the special sale? This is the first time for this kind of sale.

if your running sales all the time then your "special" sale won't be so special" to buyers unless it considerable amount more discount.... in such, that the case, I would end ALL sales immediately (you can't offer the same item in more then one sale anyways...that I'm aware of) and let them sit at normal prices for few days then run your special sale. 

The great truth is there isn't one
And it only gets worse since that conclusion...
...There is something about the rigid posture of a proper, authentic blind
As if extended arms reached to pass his blindness onto others.
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Question: I need advice

Good luck on the sale.  I hope you will come back and tell us how it turned out for you.  IDK how well a One Day sale will work on Ebay as the buyers for your items aren't likely on the site every day.  But it isn't anything I've ever tried, so I find this very interesting.


As for your question, my vote would be not to pause your listings.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
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Question: I need advice



Yes, you should pause all your other sales at least 12 to 24 hours before the one-day sale.  

As far as I know you can only have one storewide sale at a time.  

Sales do not overlap.  


I have a 4th of July sales running currently.  There is a weekly spotlight sale planned also. The weekly spotlight will not start until after the 4th of July, one has ended.  I will probably have to go in and nudge it to get it to go.  


You can have multiple sales in different store categories.  If your one-day sale is in just one category, that does not already have a sale running, than you should be good.  

Just my Two Cents...
Thank you for being here!
Message 5 of 9
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Question: I need advice

@penny_pinching_jewelry wrote:

I am having a special one day sale soon. My question is: Should I pause all my other sales before my special one day sale starts, since a lot of the items in the other sales are included in the special sale? This is the first time for this kind of sale.

@penny_pinching_jewelry   as long as u r not running 'duplicate' listings, u r good. i would keep the other items not included in the sale (duplicates) live.

Message 6 of 9
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Question: I need advice

Up date on sale. Was a flop! So, I extended it a few days.  Maybe better results around Christmas may try again. Thanks for the responses. Have a great week all.

Message 7 of 9
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Question: I need advice

One day sale ? If you are lucky you will get 10 buyers to even see it. How about a 30 days sale instead ?

Message 8 of 9
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Question: I need advice

@penny_pinching_jewelry wrote:

Up date on sale. Was a flop! So, I extended it a few days.  Maybe better results around Christmas may try again. Thanks for the responses. Have a great week all.

Well I was hoping it would go well for you.  But something to remember, buyers looking for what you are selling may not be here on a daily basis.  Buyers aren't on the site as often as sellers are.  That is why when I run a sale it is for at least a couple of weeks.  It seems to work out better.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
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