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Promoted Listings ebay message

I received a message from ebay, I don't know if it came to me alone or to everyone.

Does that mean that you can't add more promoted lists by paying a few dollars like I do now?

the message says this


Soon you’ll be able to use Promoted Listings Standard for your auction and fixed price items

Starting April 15, 2024, Promoted Listings Express will no longer be available. Instead, you’ll be able to promote auction and fixed price listings using one of our other products, Promoted Listings Standard. This high-performing advertising solution has many great features that will help you create more impactful campaigns.

Only pay for sales. Instead of paying up front, you’ll only pay when you make a sale on an auction or fixed price item.

Simple setup. Get started in just a few clicks.

Reach more buyers. Stand out from the crowd with listings in prominent ad placements.

Powerful results. Use reports to monitor your performance and optimize your listings.

Message 1 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

@cristian3_6  not anymore. That is what we are telling you. What you have been doing... Paying the $1.99 or whatever is ENDING on April 15. You will not be able to do that anymore. Do you understand that? eBay is ending that program. Period. That's the announcement they sent you. 

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Message 26 of 119
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118 REPLIES 118

Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

You can still promote but instead of paying upfront, you only pay when the item sells.

I don't know if you will have the same visibility as with Express.  I suspect that you won't as you would be

competing with more promoted listings than before.

Message 2 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

I didn't know Promoted Listings Standard wasn't available to everyone, but it looks like they're just making it available to you.  You'll have some visibility, as we sell a decent amount of what we do promote and at least a good portion appears to be from promotions (though it's always impossible to know what would have sold without being promoted), but we don't promote everything.  Mostly older items and it's best for items with lots of competition instead of relatively unique items.

Message 3 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

I don't like this change at all.   With Promoted Listings Express, everyone selling at auction enjoyed the same degree of promotion for a flat fee of $2.49 (10 day auctions) or $1.99 (7 day auctions).    Even if your item sold for $1000, you'd pay just the flat fee.   With this forced migration to Promoted Listings Standard, we'll have to choose how much exposure we  pay for -- in other words, what percentage of our sale price do we want to hand over to eBay?   If you choose, say, 2.5% (which is the minimum allowable on Promoted Listings Standard), then eBay would reap $25 from that $1000 sale, instead of just the flat $2.49.   


Also, Promoted Listings Express kept a level playing field among sellers who promote their auctions.   Now, exposure will be doled out according to who is willing to pay the most.



Message 4 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

I'm surprised it took this long honestly - eBay pulled the plug on Promoted Listings Express in Germany in July 2023.


Here's the announcement for the US from the eBay Ads blog for anyone who didn't get a message.


@gurlcat  tagging you in case you didn't already see it.

Message 5 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

I'm guessing ebay had very low adoption on Express (in part, because, in time honored ebay fashion, ebay released the tool and then did virtually nothing to convince sellers of its value (or to even let them know it exists). Also, my guess is, it will simply require less effort and less manpower to administer PLS and PLA without PLE , too. Not to mention, as noted above, ebay actually stands to make more ad fees from PLS than from PLE. 


Many sellers won't care, since many don't use auctions, but I have a feeling some of those who use auctions might not be so happy about this.

Message 6 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

Won't catch us touching it with a 100ft pole, even off-site pr on another site with all costs is a more stable and 10-20% less cost.

just loosing our focus more and more as we get familiar with auction site's that seem to be up and coming to what it use to be here. Shame.

Message 7 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

@valueaddedresource wrote:

I'm surprised it took this long honestly - eBay pulled the plug on Promoted Listings Express in Germany in July 2023.


Here's the announcement for the US from the eBay Ads blog for anyone who didn't get a message.


@gurlcat  tagging you in case you didn't already see it.

UGHHH!!! NOOOO!!!    
This is really awful news.  I'm not surprised either, and thanks for the heads up, but this just sucks so much a__.  Guess I better run a bunch of auctions right now, get as much as possible out of a great thing before it's gone.  

Here's the thing I don't get.  -Why did they ever have a different scheme for auctions?  When we were talking about this before and you told me they were pulling PLE for Germany, I could be wrong but I believe it appeared there would just be no promotion option for auctions, like it was before PLE.  I thought there was some mechanical reason why PLS couldn't work with auctions.  So, if it can, then why did they offer such a cheaper option for them in the first place?  

Message 8 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

@my-cottage-books-and-antiques wrote:

I'm guessing ebay had very low adoption on Express (in part, because, in time honored ebay fashion, ebay released the tool and then did virtually nothing to convince sellers of its value (or to even let them know it exists). Also, my guess is, it will simply require less effort and less manpower to administer PLS and PLA without PLE , too. Not to mention, as noted above, ebay actually stands to make more ad fees from PLS than from PLE. 


Many sellers won't care, since many don't use auctions, but I have a feeling some of those who use auctions might not be so happy about this.

It might have had slow adoption but it was definitely picking up steam; I know because I watched it become less effective over time, as more sellers in my main category caught on and started using it, therefore I was getting fewer of the promoted spaces.  But it was still totally worth it, and yes I am pretty upset right now.

  I think them making more money off of it is THE most compelling reason, if not the only one.  As @intuitive said, if you used it to gain visibility and that resulted in the item being bid up to crazy good money, eBay didn't benefit from it any more than if you just got your starting bid.  Granted, they probably got some amount of fees for auctions that didn't even get bids, but I'm sure sellers figured out pretty fast which items to use it for and which ones not to, and it's doubtful they relisted the same items with the ads after being burned once.  

Message 9 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

I wish I hadn't clicked on the link to read about this in corporate pig lipstick speak.  Just .... so, so gross.  Yeah, it's all about "simplifying" and "standing out from the crowd" (uh no, PLE is what made my listings stand out from the crowd, now they'll just be crowded into an already too-crowded crowd, including duplicate listers).  

Look at this. Why make a spectacle of asking yourself a question that you'll non-answer the heck out of, in fact LIE?  
Screen Shot 2024-04-10 at 8.05.32 PM.png

When you pay the cost has nothing to do with whether it's more.  And LOL no what you pay is NOT up to you; it's literally up to the bidders!  If I apply a 10% ad rate and the winning bid is $50, I'll pay $5; if the winning bid is $100, I'll pay $10.  And um YEAH, it's definitely going to be more than the $1.50 - 3.00 that PLE costs, in just about any scenario. 

And I didn't even think about THIS.  This was another major reason I liked PLE so much; people who looked at my auctions would also look at my BIN's, and if they bought them I didn't get Halo'd for it.  Just sickening. 
Screen Shot 2024-04-10 at 8.05.47 PM.png 

Message 10 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

@intuitive wrote:

I don't like this change at all.   With Promoted Listings Express, everyone selling at auction enjoyed the same degree of promotion for a flat fee of $2.49 (10 day auctions) or $1.99 (7 day auctions).    Even if your item sold for $1000, you'd pay just the flat fee.   With this forced migration to Promoted Listings Standard, we'll have to choose how much exposure we  pay for -- in other words, what percentage of our sale price do we want to hand over to eBay?   If you choose, say, 2.5% (which is the minimum allowable on Promoted Listings Standard), then eBay would reap $25 from that $1000 sale, instead of just the flat $2.49.   


Also, Promoted Listings Express kept a level playing field among sellers who promote their auctions.   Now, exposure will be doled out according to who is willing to pay the most.

My opinion on this matter is the only fair and justifiable way to offer any type of paid promotion is by using a CONTROLLED, TIERED, FLAT-RATE program that will keep competition healthy and prices moderated - I feel what they have going on with PLS is an uncontrolled, malicious program that is designed to feed off the desperation and paranoia of sellers with little business acumen - Which ends up creating unhealthy competition that will continue to drive prices up and users insane... In the long run, buyers will be run off by crazy prices... prices where near-end-life used items are higher priced than comparable new items on other sites - I see it already - As far as I am concerned, the site likely knows this, but the people who run this place are CHAINED to the next quarterly report and have been playing catch-up for years... and that leaves them little option to create a healthy long term growth plan when all they are concerned about is the next 3 months - Again, in my opinion, I cannot see how it won't gonna continue to get worse on a quickening pace...

Message 11 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

@gurlcat wrote:

Here's the thing I don't get.  -Why did they ever have a different scheme for auctions?  When we were talking about this before and you told me they were pulling PLE for Germany, I could be wrong but I believe it appeared there would just be no promotion option for auctions, like it was before PLE.  I thought there was some mechanical reason why PLS couldn't work with auctions.  So, if it can, then why did they offer such a cheaper option for them in the first place?  

@gurlcat  When they discontinued it in Germany, they did the same thing they are doing now in the US, introduced the ability to add auctions to PL Standard campaigns instead.


Here was that announcement (translated by Google):


2023-07-12_08-26-07 (1).jpg


As far as why have separate a separate product for auctions to begin with, while I do seem to remember there may have been some hinting at technical limitations, I don't remember eBay really ever directly saying that was the reason.


If you go back and look at the eBay Ads blog from around the time it was introduced and other marketing they did around it, they seemed to be positioning it as they did it because they believed auctions were used more by casual sellers and that those casual sellers would prefer an upfront fee because it would be more simple than Promoted Listings Standard.


For an example, go back and listen to VP Alex Kazim's section at Investor Day 2022 (around the 1 hr 32 min mark) 

This was in 2021/2022 before Halo attribution and everything else and to be perfectly honest I've always thought the decisions they made back then were basically driven by the fact that they were under pressure from Wall Street to bring new ad models to the table because investors were skeptical that the cost per sale model alone could drive long term sustainable revenue growth. So they threw a bunch of spaghetti against the wall in the form of PL Standard External, PL Advanced Cost Per click, PL Express flat rate for auctions and then eventually the Display Ads for Stores and Offsite Ads they are pushing now to see what would stick.


No real data to back it up, but I think PL Express being designed the way it was may have had more to do with wanting to test out how sellers would react to that model than to any specific technical hurdles. I could be wrong and it could just be that it took them that long to figure out how to actually integrate auctions into PL Standard too - but if that was the case, I would think now they have it figured out they could just keep the Express model if they wanted to and offer PL Standard for auctions as an option too, just like you can use both Standard and Advanced for the same Fixed Price BIN.


As you and @my-cottage-books-and-antiques pointed out, eBay didn't do a great job of promoting it or of helping sellers to understand what types of auctions it would work best for to avoid paying a set fee on something that might not sell, which likely contributed greatly to lower adoption rates than they wanted to see. And in typical eBay fashion that was probably reported to the powers that be as a sign that the model was not popular/wouldn't work rather than reflecting on what role their handling of it may have played in sellers either not even knowing about it or being reluctant to try it out.


So they switched gears to go full on with pushing the Cost Per Click Advanced and finding ways to milk PL Standard for every penny they could with Halo attribution etc., which makes them more money and they probably have internal reports telling them Express wasn't really that popular any way so...why not pull the plug on it?

Message 12 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

I use both Promoted Listings Express (for auctions) and Promoted Listings Standard for Buy It Now listings.   My opinion of the latter soured several months ago.  When you add PLS to a listing, you'll notice that the rate of promotion -- or what percentage of your sale price you agree to pay eBay -- is pre-filled.   Six or eight months ago, the suggested rates were in the 4-7% range (for the categories I use, anyway), but then almost overnight the "suggested" rates jumped.   Today I get suggested rates of 12% or more.   And remember, that rate is added on to eBay's final value fee.   In my category the FVF is about 15%.  Tack on a 12% advertising fee and I'd be kissing 27% of my sale price goodbye even before the item got a single view.    Fortunately I know what I'm doing so I always make sure to edit the suggested rate before submitting my listing.  


Since I use some form of Promoted Listings in every listing, I feel this switchover from a flat fee to a percentage of the sale price is tantamount to an increase in the Final Value Fee.   I've done the math, and there's no question that I will be facing an increase of $100 or more in my monthly eBay fees if I continued to use Promoted Listings

Message 13 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

Well you want to know what's really messed up about that Suggested Ad Rate?  -It is ALLEGEDLY a suggestion based on the item and how much competition it has with other sellers offering the same or similar items, as well as how high they are promoting theirs.  Like "if you really want an edge, here's how much you should promote."   The presupposition is that it is purely market forces that cause it to rise, just the facts, nothing personal, DEFINITELY not aimed at messing with your head.   And there are a few sellers here who staunchly defend that as "true," that the only reason it changes is because of "seasonal" reasons, fluctuations in buyer interest, blah blah blah.  Kinda funny how it only "fluctuates" upwardly though, isn't it?   Anyway, the assertion is that the SAR is sitewide factual data, the same for all sellers selling that item (or similar) at the same time.  They also call it the "trending ad rate".   But ..... watch this. 


After a few minutes and a waive of my magic wand.....


So then, what is the REAL trending ad rate for an Arnold Scaasi pair of clip earrings?  Why did it SUGGEST such widely different rates for me only minutes apart?  If you want to know how I made it do that, I would say PM me but I learned my lesson from that before.  What I did is really not complicated; if you look at all the columns you can probably get an idea although there's a little additional tweak I had to figure out from trial and error.  

Anyway, no it's not just your imagination, it's a manipulated feature that IS meant to mess with your head.  

Message 14 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

Well said.  PL seems to be designed to create "desperation" and "paranoia", much like a drug dealer who first gives it out for free. I often wonder if eBay uses AI to control visibility, especially for sellers using PL?  Meh... I doubt it, but AI certainly makes it possible.

Message 15 of 119
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