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Is There Something in the Water Cooler?

An awful lot of people seem to be leaving eBay today.  Has anyone else noticed this?

Message 1 of 69
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Re: Is There Something in the Water Cooler?

They all say they are leaving but never do. 

Message 2 of 69
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Re: Is There Something in the Water Cooler?

"Today" as in Dec. 19th, starting at 12 AM?  I just woke up at the crack of noon (god I love this job!) and just read my notifications, haven't read any new posts yet.  What kind of "people" are you talking about?  Buyers or sellers?  And are you sure they're new posts?  New replies bump older posts to the top, and sometimes an angry rabble-rouser will seek out multiple like-minded posts to bandwagon on, so they can make a bigger splash about leaving, LOL. 

Message 3 of 69
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Re: Is There Something in the Water Cooler?

There are always peeps claiming to be leaving the platform.😎 Online business is a grind & not for everyone! Hang tight everyone!!! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Message 4 of 69
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Re: Is There Something in the Water Cooler?

I'll give you one hour to get caught up.

Message 5 of 69
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Re: Is There Something in the Water Cooler?

Yes, I have noticed this today.

I am choosing to blame it on excess stress in the lives of some posters, so close to a major holiday.  

Message 6 of 69
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Re: Is There Something in the Water Cooler?

Ya, every day people say they are leaving, but most never do not even some of the more adamant ones! 

Message 7 of 69
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Re: Is There Something in the Water Cooler?

@hartungcards wrote:

An awful lot of people seem to be leaving eBay today.  Has anyone else noticed this?

There is an very interesting posting by marketsplash with 130 assorted statistics about eBay. About 2/3 of the way down the page there is a bar chart that shows the number of buyers increased from 2010 to 2018 but has been declining steadily since. Unfortunately, there is not a similar chart for the number of sellers.


The interesting thing about long and detailed articles is that there is enough information and statistics that 2 people with diametrically opposed views can find enough information to defend their point of view so that both can claim loudly SEE I WAS RIGHT !


Message 8 of 69
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Re: Is There Something in the Water Cooler?

Even our beloved sakic is back in the saddle. That guy has been cracking me up for years. Some of us are lifers. He resembles that comment.

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Message 9 of 69
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Re: Is There Something in the Water Cooler?

I don't think sakic even has a saddle.

Message 10 of 69
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Re: Is There Something in the Water Cooler?

One thing that has changed, I think, is how people handle anger. 


I was taught, as were many in my generation, that when I feel angry I should stop, take hold of myself, calm down -- because speaking or acting in anger nearly always yields regrettable results.


Now, it seems to me, people feel that if they are angry the whole world should know about it, and know about it while the anger is still hot.  And it doesn't seem to matter, really, what caused the anger, or whose fault it is.  It is the ANGER itself that is burnished and put on public display.


But, then, I am old and perhaps my view is skewed.  I did learn, long ago, and have said before, that many people find more emotional gratification in having problems than in solving them.




Message 11 of 69
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Re: Is There Something in the Water Cooler?


Yeah, lots of people coming here to vent and complain, only to start arguments with other helpfuls because they don't like the responses their getting.  It gets old.  Bring on the puppy and kitty posts!  They're a nice detour from the usual, Ebay sucks, I'm getting a lawyer, eBay is ripping me off, eBay is a bunch of thieves, blah, blah, blah.  


Happy Holidays @hartungcards  Your posts always crack me up! Clever is as clever does.  


Meowy Christmas!

Message 12 of 69
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Re: Is There Something in the Water Cooler?

@hartungcards wrote:

I don't think sakic even has a saddle.

If he does, it is probably for sale, here or elsewhere. 

Posting ID
Message 13 of 69
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Re: Is There Something in the Water Cooler?

And it's probably not selling.

Message 14 of 69
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Re: Is There Something in the Water Cooler?

Here's a kitty post to illustrate your point:2259-1-1.jpg

Message 15 of 69
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