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How about increasing promotion rate to maximum percentage allowed?

If the promotion rate of the ad increases, the chances of it appearing to potential buyers increase, and thus the chances of selling it increase, so why don’t sellers make the promotion rate the maximum rate that can be chosen and raise the price of the product by the same value as the fees that eBay will deduct as promotion fees? In this case, according to this strategy, the chances of appearing will increase. The advertisement thus increases the probability that one of these potential buyers who have a lot of money and do not care about the price will encounter the advertisement

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Re: How about increasing promotion rate to maximum percentage allowed?

@dakbat-61 wrote:

If the promotion rate of the ad increases, the chances of it appearing to potential buyers increase,

Only theoretically

and thus the chances of selling it increase,

Only theoretically

so why don’t sellers make the promotion rate the maximum rate that can be chosen and raise the price of the product by the same value as the fees that eBay will deduct as promotion fees?

Because then it will be overpriced compared to sellers who do not use promoted listings (I have never used promoted listings)

In this case, according to this strategy, the chances of appearing will increase.

Only theoretically

The advertisement thus increases the probability that one of these potential buyers who have a lot of money and do not care about the price will encounter the advertisement

Which presumes enough of those buyers exist to buy all of the over promoted items being offered. And how do you think those potential buyers GOT a lot of money (hint hint - by being careful where, how and when they spend it.

Your logic makes as much sense as: 1 plus 1 equals 2, therefore the square root of 36 is 9.

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Message 3 of 10
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Re: How about increasing promotion rate to maximum percentage allowed?

It's all a gamble, hence the term chance. There are no guarantees that increasing the promotion percentage rate to maximum will do anything. 

Message 2 of 10
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Re: How about increasing promotion rate to maximum percentage allowed?

@dakbat-61 wrote:

If the promotion rate of the ad increases, the chances of it appearing to potential buyers increase,

Only theoretically

and thus the chances of selling it increase,

Only theoretically

so why don’t sellers make the promotion rate the maximum rate that can be chosen and raise the price of the product by the same value as the fees that eBay will deduct as promotion fees?

Because then it will be overpriced compared to sellers who do not use promoted listings (I have never used promoted listings)

In this case, according to this strategy, the chances of appearing will increase.

Only theoretically

The advertisement thus increases the probability that one of these potential buyers who have a lot of money and do not care about the price will encounter the advertisement

Which presumes enough of those buyers exist to buy all of the over promoted items being offered. And how do you think those potential buyers GOT a lot of money (hint hint - by being careful where, how and when they spend it.

Your logic makes as much sense as: 1 plus 1 equals 2, therefore the square root of 36 is 9.

Message 3 of 10
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Re: How about increasing promotion rate to maximum percentage allowed?



How about increasing promotion rate to maximum percentage allowed?


Using Maximum ad Rate = 100%

and Final Value Fee = 13.25% (actually varies based on category)

with a current item price of $20 with free shipping (your item cost is $2 and shipping is $4)

---using above info and plan in your post

I have a question for you:


After adjusting the price of your item to cover eBay fees, what will be the price you choose for your item so you can make a 1 cent profit (or more) after eBay Ad and Final Value fees?

Message 4 of 10
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Re: How about increasing promotion rate to maximum percentage allowed?

     There is no way to factually prove that promoted listings (PL) does anything to increase sales over organic listings. However, why don't you take the lead in testing your theory and promote a couple of your items at a 100% rate and see how that works out for you. Please return and let us know. 

Message 5 of 10
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Re: How about increasing promotion rate to maximum percentage allowed?

You appear to believe that using PL increases the chances of an item getting sold.  It does not.

There are  no buyers who look at  a listing and say, "Oh, look, he's using PL, so that's the seller I want to buy from." 

Message 6 of 10
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Re: How about increasing promotion rate to maximum percentage allowed?

Promoting your listings might get your listing seen, but that doesn't mean you're going to sell the item.

Myself and I'm sure there are others that hate promoted listings and scroll right by them.

When I'm looking for an item, I want to see what I want, not what someone is paying to show me.

Have a great day.
Message 7 of 10
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Re: How about increasing promotion rate to maximum percentage allowed?

Some promotions make little sense for the seller.


A while back eBay was popping up one off promotions on BIN's. One that made me laugh was "promote this item for £6.99". I thought that's just not going to happen as the items selling price was £5.95.

Message 8 of 10
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Re: How about increasing promotion rate to maximum percentage allowed?

Whatever the %, the promoted listing doesn't stand alone........  It appears in a group of the same listings....which presumably are a lesser I doubt even a rich buyer would snap it up......not to say it's impossible.....but doubtful.........


I suggest you do some trial listings with your idea and let us know what happens.......

Message 9 of 10
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Re: How about increasing promotion rate to maximum percentage allowed?

@dakbat-61 wrote:

If the promotion rate of the ad increases, the chances of it appearing to potential buyers increase, and thus the chances of selling it increase, so why don’t sellers make the promotion rate the maximum rate that can be chosen and raise the price of the product by the same value as the fees that eBay will deduct as promotion fees? In this case, according to this strategy, the chances of appearing will increase. The advertisement thus increases the probability that one of these potential buyers who have a lot of money and do not care about the price will encounter the advertisement

Because nobody really knows exactly what promotions get you.
However, I've taken 1000 of my Two+ year old, Stagnant, $9.99 Listings.  Raised the price on them to $24.99, and Promoted Them 25%.
Prior to this, I was selling about two of these per week.
After I did this, I'm now selling about two of these per week.
   SO, don't know if it helped or not. But I do make more $ per sale.  So I keep them promoted. 
It's also worth noting that eBay is loaded up with this same stuff, from other sellers, most priced in the $10 range

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