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New requirement of giving you my bank account information

I want to contact eBay's policy makers to complain about their new requirement of giving out my bank account information in order to sell on their platform.  I DO NOT under ANY circumstances give that to ANYONE with an online presence!  As a direct result of this new policy they are effectively banning me from selling on eBay.


How do I send this message to eBay policy makers?


Mike, long time eBayer.

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Re: New requirement of giving you my bank account information

How do I send this message to eBay policy makers?




Well, it's not by using this forum... we're just passengers on the same cruise. Welcome aboard... or not. Good luck.

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Message 6 of 12
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Re: New requirement of giving you my bank account information

Not applicable

@bluezguitar wrote:

How do I send this message to eBay policy makers?

Message 2 of 12
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Re: New requirement of giving you my bank account information

No, you are banning yourself. Adapt or stop selling. Complaining is simply a waste of time.

Message 3 of 12
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Re: New requirement of giving you my bank account information



Since we've known about it for 3 years, it's not actually a new requirement.

You can complain all you want, but it won't make any difference.

They changed payment processors and the only way to be paid is through your checking account.

Have a great day.
Message 4 of 12
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Re: New requirement of giving you my bank account information

As with any business eBay is driven by public demand, if there is enough of an outcry they will change their policy. - Ask the Colonial Oil Pipeline people how secure they think their "private" online information is these days. 


People vote with their feet, businesses eventually get the message and follow or go bust. (i.e. Backberry)

Message 5 of 12
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Re: New requirement of giving you my bank account information

How do I send this message to eBay policy makers?




Well, it's not by using this forum... we're just passengers on the same cruise. Welcome aboard... or not. Good luck.

Message 6 of 12
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Re: New requirement of giving you my bank account information

@bluezguitar wrote:

if there is enough of an outcry they will change their policy.


That's what they said when Ebay changed BIN to GTC and you see how much good it did then.

Have a great day.
Message 7 of 12
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Re: New requirement of giving you my bank account information

Using this link you should be able to get an eBay to call you.  I requested that forward my message to their policy makers.  I know it's a bit quixotic, but every rare now and then the world is changed by a Don Quixote.

Message 8 of 12
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Re: New requirement of giving you my bank account information

Using this link you should be able to get an eBay customer support person to call you. 


I requested that forward my message to their policy makers.  I know it's a bit quixotic, but every rare now and then the world is changed by a Don Quixote.

Message 9 of 12
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Re: New requirement of giving you my bank account information

I havent sold on ebay for a few year, so when I sold an expensive item a few weeks ago  and I have to pay the shipping up fron cuz they help my money until they could verify delivery, I was not happy. then the money goes into ur bank acct not ur paypal acct, another thing I was upset about !  they took the choice about what I WANTED to do with MY MONEY away from me.  I didnt realize I had no choice when I put my items on ebay a few weeks ago, Iknew aI had to update banking info, but I didnt realize I could no longer use paypal.  needless to say I was very very upset.  Its MY MONEY, not thiers.  at least they could let us choose to have them keep it in an acct with them, and give us a ebay debit card or something like that, rather than just no option other than sticking itinto a bank acct weither we want it there or not !  I took all my items off Ebay and will no longer be using ebay in the future. 

Message 10 of 12
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Re: New requirement of giving you my bank account information

There are no eBay policy makers, just a revolving door of overpaid executives protected by an extremely competent legal counsel, a “community” chock full of criminal shilling, the best lobbyists and the best security team money can buy.  Don’t worry, eBay is a reputable publicly listed company, just ask any state AG, except Massachusetts, they’ll tell you…..



Message 11 of 12
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Re: New requirement of giving you my bank account information

@bluezguitar wrote:

I want to contact eBay's policy makers to complain about their new requirement of giving out my bank account information in order to sell on their platform.  I DO NOT under ANY circumstances give that to ANYONE with an online presence!  As a direct result of this new policy they are effectively banning me from selling on eBay.


How do I send this message to eBay policy makers?


Mike, long time eBayer.

Hmm you give out such info every time you give out a check if you did not know this:

And if don't give it to them you will not be selling on eBay:


Note: best to open a new account for such as it provides an extra layer of protection..


One can send a letter to eBay corporate if you desire to complain about such...

Message 12 of 12
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