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QUARTERLY CHAT 2024 - April, May, June

spring to summer.jpg

This is the place to share the good, the bad, and yes, even the ugly of what is happening in your life with people who care and will support you through them.

Though the beauty may be in the butterfly, the struggle and growth occur in the cocoon.
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Re: QUARTERLY CHAT 2024 - April, May, June

What a cheerful image, Sandy!  


Good morning.  Hanging in  & staying busy..sometimes out of necessity & other times doing things for 'me' lol


I now have part of my tomatoes planted (28 so far)  the rest will wait a bit..along with the peppers.  I really didn`t wanna plant now since the moon time is not till the 19th..but my plants had gotten way too tall..even tho I lay them down when planting..didn`t wanna take any chances.  


So at least I have that much normacyl in my life 😉  


T is doing xtra major problems.  Is hard to say what stage he`s in since he became bedridden early.  But  just taking it 1 day at a time & thankful for all the semi-good days! 😊


Hope things are going well with that you`re on the move again!  LOL  


A friend from my last church..her daughter recently married & they have moved to Killeen. He is in the service. Don`t know how long they are going to be there.







~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
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Re: QUARTERLY CHAT 2024 - April, May, June

Good morning Sarah!


Glad you have been able to get out and dig in the dirt.  I know how you love doing it and you get to reap the rewards.  


Glad to hear that Mr T is doing OK.  I totally understand being thankful for the semi-good days.  HUGS


We haven't moved yet.  John just got back from his conference in Texas.  When we got back into the camper, we really went through it and found we had quite a BUNCH (where does it all come from) of stuff that we needed to put in storage.  So, we packed them in totes and John took them to Killeen on his trip to Texas.  He got a chance to visit with his brother and check in at the university before going up by Dallas for the conference. 


The boys 3-24.jpg


 We will be leaving here in the next couple of weeks and heading East.  John's two boys are in Maryland and there is a great-grandson in Virgina.  I lived in Newport News for a number of years, it will be interesting to see the East Coast again.

I hope your friend's daughter enjoys Killeen.  Tell them to go out to BLORA.  It is on Lake Belton and is a great recreational area.


Give MR T a hug from me and take care of you.


Though the beauty may be in the butterfly, the struggle and growth occur in the cocoon.
Message 3 of 26
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Re: QUARTERLY CHAT 2024 - April, May, June

Hello all!


Between my dad being sick, my cat, Cricket being sick and my dog, Peanut being sick I've been very busy!


The cat and the dog are both on antibiotics for the next week or so! It's a bit crazy in the mornings trying to get a liquid antibiotic down the cats throat and then feeding all three cats soft food (trying to make Cricket feel better about me putting the disgusting stuff in her mouth, lol).


Weather's warming up here, but we're forecast for storms and rain for the next 4 or 5 days so no camping. One of our fellow campers got a new camper but then the roof started leaking (moving the camper did it, we think) so they worked on that last nite and then they tore out our benches so we can go back to using REAL chairs, whoohoo. However, the carpet under the benches isn't looking so hot. I don't know if the Plumber will want to just get a rug to go over the carpet or if we'll end up ripping the carpet out and putting down laminate flooring. 

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 4 of 26
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Re: QUARTERLY CHAT 2024 - April, May, June

Hi Frogi, great to see you.  


Sorry to hear about your babies being sick.  A couple of weeks ago I almost loss Stemmie.  He got some sort of infection of his intestines, stopped eating and got really stopped up.  Thank goodness, it is over now, but it was two weeks of touch and go.  Hope your babies are better now.  


We are still in Sarcoxie, MO but will leave here on May 18th and heading East.  


Hope life is taking it easy on everyone.

Though the beauty may be in the butterfly, the struggle and growth occur in the cocoon.
Message 5 of 26
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Re: QUARTERLY CHAT 2024 - April, May, June

Sarah, Glad to hear that you're doing your spring planting. I hope that the semi good days turn into good days for you and T.

Message 6 of 26
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Re: QUARTERLY CHAT 2024 - April, May, June

Thanks, bat.  Is what`s keeping me sane right now  lol 


Trying to add some pics but is not working right for some reason.  Taking forever to load!! 


Maybe later I can post em. 


Let`s try this one of Fredi! 


He`s sayin:   Mama if you MUST take my pic in the sun..I NEEDS ME SOME SUNGLASSES!!!









~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 7 of 26
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Re: QUARTERLY CHAT 2024 - April, May, June

OOPS!  Accidentally deleted Fredi



~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 8 of 26
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Re: QUARTERLY CHAT 2024 - April, May, June

So handsome! I read that orange cats are the most social.

Message 9 of 26
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Re: QUARTERLY CHAT 2024 - April, May, June


So many gorgeous animals!   Check out # 17

~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 10 of 26
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Re: QUARTERLY CHAT 2024 - April, May, June

Is anyone else having trouble loading pics here?


Is taking FOREVER..(like nearly 5 minutes) to load  just one 🤔



~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 11 of 26
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Re: QUARTERLY CHAT 2024 - April, May, June

I'm not having problems with my pictures. Sometimes I do when the internet is having a fit.  Glad to hear that the pets are all feeling better. Family with fur is still family.


We are doing ok here. I am down to 260 still working on it. Just 25 to go and it is time for a new knee. Hopefully by the end of the year.


Mom is feeling well enough that she is going to start driving again, watch out on the streets. She wants to start going to the senior center down the road and playing bingo with the other "old people" (her words). As long as they give her a license.


I am shooting for 170 by next July. I am saving for when that happens and I plan on having a shopping spree at Macys when I get there an it stays there.



Message 12 of 26
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Re: QUARTERLY CHAT 2024 - April, May, June

That is wonderful news, scifi!    You`ll find yourself in Macy`s before ya know it!!!! 


I know your mom will enjoy having her freedom once again!  I kick myself all the time for not continuing to drive.  But I`ve adapted just fine (so far)  lol  

~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 13 of 26
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Re: QUARTERLY CHAT 2024 - April, May, June

I'm so proud of you Scifi!  Way to go girl.  You'll be doing the polka before you know it.


So glad to hear Mom is trying to bust out.  I know that was the hardest thing on Chuck when I had to take his keys.

Though the beauty may be in the butterfly, the struggle and growth occur in the cocoon.
Message 14 of 26
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Re: QUARTERLY CHAT 2024 - April, May, June

Hopefully these garden pics will post ( sometime this year  lol)  I gave up on individual pics, & grabbed some long shots...still taking forever to load up for some reason


Have lots of tomato plants (40)...  assorted peppers... green beans...lettuce...onions...parsley....dill....Lavender, Russian Sage & Honeybells for my hummers & pollinators.


Growing my cucumbers directly in the soil bags this year.  I have 4 bags..will thin down to probably  just 2 plants per bag once they set their true leaves. 


So far everything looks healthy.  I see some blooms starting on 1 tomato plant  I used plastic fencing around everything to Fredi proof & squirrel proof it all  lol 















~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
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