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"From - To" auctions have destroyed ebay search.

Auctions posted with prices from XXX to XXX have utterly destroyed ebay. Now sellers just post a worthless item for .99 along with their other item that's much much more expensive and make the auction from .99 to whatever amount allowing them to always show up first in "lowest price first" searches. Now in any "lowest price first" search you get pages and pages of bad search results thanks to this stupid FROM - TO listing option.


Because of this I have moved to Amazon for all my purchases because on Amazon, "lowest price first" really means what it says.


Remove the FROM - TO option from ebay or create the ability to filter our from-to auctions or you will continue to loose buyers.

Message 1 of 7
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"From - To" auctions have destroyed ebay search.

This is a discussion group composed of ebay buyers and sellers.


May I suggest that you voice your opinion and position directly to ebay for their review and consideration.

Message 2 of 7
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"From - To" auctions have destroyed ebay search.

many complain about this. it is one of the biggest problems that prevent me from buying here. add in all the items that CLEARLY dont belong in that catagory and i cant find a thing!

Message 3 of 7
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"From - To" auctions have destroyed ebay search.

Just a point of clarification.  Variable price listings are not auctions.  The price of an item being offered at auction cannot be determined before the bidding has ended.

"It is an intelligent man that is aware of his own ignorance."
Message 4 of 7
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"From - To" auctions have destroyed ebay search.



 "Now in any "lowest price first" search you get pages and pages of bad search results thanks to this stupid FROM - TO listing option... or create the ability to filter our from-to auctions or you will continue to loose buyers".


First if you use Best Match not as many multi - variation  .99cent price listings will show up on the first pages. If you still want a low price,  on the first results page fill in the price to - from option in the left column and start your price point at 1.99 or 2.99 and then add the most you would be willing to pay for the item.

Message 5 of 7
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"From - To" auctions have destroyed ebay search.

@jason51873 wrote:

Auctions posted with prices from XXX to XXX have utterly destroyed ebay. Now sellers just post a worthless item for .99 along with their other item that's much much more expensive and make the auction from .99 to whatever amount allowing them to always show up first in "lowest price first" searches. Now in any "lowest price first" search you get pages and pages of bad search results thanks to this stupid FROM - TO listing option.


Because of this I have moved to Amazon for all my purchases because on Amazon, "lowest price first" really means what it says.


Remove the FROM - TO option from ebay or create the ability to filter our from-to auctions or you will continue to loose buyers.

THEN CLICK US ONLY. A decent amount of those will go away.

Message 6 of 7
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"From - To" auctions have destroyed ebay search.

And if you are looking for auctions only, then you can select Auctions as another way to narrow it down.  As stated upthread, those listings are not auctions, since they do not involve bidding.


Filter out fixed price and those listings don't show in your searches.

If it works, sell it. If it works well, sell it for more. If it doesn't work, quadruple the price and sell it as an antique.

-- Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #80
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