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♥ Playtime ♥

G'day on eBay ~ ~ ~ Diane
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Re: 30 day Star Wars challenge (the first 15 questions)

butterman_1999...once again thanks for your answers. You mentioned a lot fo details that I'd forgotten. I will say that the Droidekas creeped me out!...and I agree about the Slave-1 ship, weird design. 

Message 2581 of 9,230
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Re: 30 day Star Wars challenge (the first 15 questions)

30 Days Star Wars Challenge


16. Photo of your Star Wars related things (books, action figures, posters, shirts, etc.)

17. Your favorite moment in The Phantom Menace

18. Your favorite moment in Attack of the Clones

19. Your favorite moment in Revenge of the Sith

20. Your favorite moment in A New Hope

21. Your favorite moment in Empire Strikes Back

22. Your favorite moment in Return of the Jedi

23. Your favorite male fashion in any movie

24. A character you didn’t like in the series

25. Your favorite female fashion from any of the movies

26. Your favorite Yoda quote

27. Your favorite Princess Leia quote

28. Your favorite Darth Vader quote

29. Your favorite creature

30. Why you love Star Wars

Message 2582 of 9,230
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Re: 30 day Star Wars challenge (the first 15 questions)

Hello everyone...


Day 24 Star Wars challenge...A character you didn’t like in the series...I never liked the Ewoks. I know, I know...everybody loves them but I just thought they looked out of place and really fake and they looked really awkward when they walked. I might have liked them better if they were GCI but I don't think that technology was available back in the 70's.


Message 2583 of 9,230
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Re: 30 day Star Wars challenge (the first 15 questions)



Hey Queli16:


Actually, for Return Of The Jedi (1983), Lucas originally wanted the battle to happen on the Wookie home world, but the logistics (budgetary and technology) constraints forced him to downsize the idea, hence why he created the Ewoks.


No CGI readily existed back then. Tron (1982) actually was one of the first full-length feature films to create a digital "backdrop" but even then, it was very rudimentary. Even the simple little computer simulation that Blair (actor Wilford Brimley) watches in John Carpenter's "The Thing" (1982) was considered extremely high-tech; the computer designer even mentionning to Carpenter during production that "computers are not capable of such detailed animation"!


But back to the Ewoks: Lucas had to change the idea for small furry almost "teddy bear" creatures, which were played for the most part by "small people" (call I say dwarfs? Is that politically incorrect?) and some children, which explains how their walking stances may appear slightly "distorted". The same was done with Jawas in "A New Hope" (1977), whereas if you pay close attention to the R2-D2 kidnapping scene, you can tell which Jawas were played by "dwarves" and which were played by "children".


Lead Ewok character Wicket (who befriends Leia) was played by Warwick Davis of Harry Potter and Willow fame. Kenny Baker (R.I.P.) who played R2-D2 also played an Ework. Other "Time Bandits" (1982) actors Malcolm Dixon and Mike Edmonds also played Ewoks.


Myself I never was too keen on the Ewoks, first due to that horrible end song sequence (in the original version before the late 90s re-dux re-release), secondly due to the obvious marketability factor (it felt as though that by 1983, merchandising affected/inspired creatures in Star Wars), and lastly due to those horrible made-for-TV Ewok specials. Shudder!


I did however always had a soft spot for those puppet mini baby Ewoks, seen in baskets and the arms of their parent in the scene where C-3P0 tells the tales of our rebel heroes to the tribe.

Message 2584 of 9,230
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Re: 30 day Star Wars challenge (the first 15 questions)

Hello everyone...


Day 25 Star Wars challenge... favorite female fashion from any of the movies...okay, now this is really a challenge because those fashions were spectacular: some in their simplicity (Princess Leia's white fashion when we first meet her) and others because they were so elaborate...Princess Amidala, anyone?!  I'm choosing, for no particular reason, Princess Leia's white fashion (when we first meet her) and Princess Amidala's white fashion 🙂



butterman...1999...yes, I didn't like the ewoks because they looked exactly like what they were...little people in furry suits. Most everything else looked so high tech (for the time) and they just look sooooo fake. The babies, however, were a whole other story 🙂 They were so adorable.


Tina...congrats on your new job. Stop by and take a break whenever you can.


 Jackie...I really like the way the Stormtoopers looked. They made a lasting impression. Oh yeah, Darth was the ultimate villain...have a safe trip.


Shirls...that's quite a project you've gotten yourself into. Can't wait to see photos!...thanks...I love walking into the Hersey store. It smells heavenly!...I thought about buying that Sabine Wren doll but there are so many Barbies I want that I never followed through on it but you know I love her two toned blue hair.


Message 2585 of 9,230
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Re: 30 day Star Wars challenge (the first 15 questions)

The movie A Wrinkle in Time will be released March 8. I remember reading the book and not liking it. I will, however, see the movie. Mattle has the dolls in the shop: Mrs. Which-Oprah Winfrey, Mrs. Whatsit-Reese Witherspoon, Mrs. Who-Mindy Kaling. The dolls are black label, really beautiful, and designed by Carlyle Nuera.


Mrs. Which...curvy articulated body


Mrs. Whatsit...articulated body


Mrs. Who...curvy articulated body


Message 2586 of 9,230
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Re: 30 day Star Wars challenge (the first 15 questions)

Camila Cade got a new Little Twin Stars blouse from Target. Doesn't she look adorable?!



Message 2587 of 9,230
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Re: 30 day Star Wars challenge (the first 15 questions)

Good Afternoon All!


Queli - Stinky’s vest is from a vintage/mod Barbie outfit called “Important Investment” - it had a green knit dress, too. Cloud City was really cool - that film started showing us what else was in that universe other than Tatooine and the space ships that were in the first film. CS Barbie is way cool! Love the line of Wrinkle in Time dolls! 


Shirls - I got that sofa from Marie ages ago - she said she purchased it on Ebay. I always get a chuckle out of Stinky riding with the motorcycle gang - anything to either get attention or be adventurous! 


Jackie - It has been in the mid-teens here so I’m loving your beach shots. It is supposed to warm up to the mid-40s this weekend so a lot of the snow will melt. I love polkas, too - I have never understood how it is possible to play an accordion - lots of coordination needed! Have fun with your son!


Tina - Hope your new job is going well and that you will be able to peek in on occasion!  🙂


Butterman1999 - Your SW answers are wonderful! I went back and read them several times - I had forgotten many of the names/places you mentioned but it all started coming back to me. I especially agree that Dooku was killed off much too quickly - wish he could have had a bigger role in that last film. I think the Wookie planet idea was great, too bad they couldn’t do it - I wanted to see more of them in Revenge of the Sith as well. I recently watched the extra disc of Tron extras on how the film was created - so amazing and so time consuming! They were doing things that took more than a week to create - things that could now be done quite easily on one’s cell phone - what great pioneers in the CGI world!


SW Challenge - Favorite male fashion - hmm, seems to me they wore mostly robes, military uniforms, or more casual wear - I’m having a hard time coming up with anything that stands out - I’ll go with those fishy/tall people who lived on that watery planet in the Attack of the Clones - they were pretty cool and so were their clothes! 

A character I didn’t like - when I first saw Revenge of the Sith, I didn’t like General Grevious much since I thought it was odd that a “droid” would cough. Then I read somewhere that he wasn’t actually a droid but a humanoid being that had lots of himself replaced with robot limbs (sort of like the tin man in WoOz) and he was actually ill.

Favorite female fashion - any of Queen Amidala’s amazing outfits! 


Xxoo Kate

Here are two Space 1999 outfits I made a while back.  🙂

Message 2588 of 9,230
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Re: 30 day Star Wars challenge (the first 15 questions)

Hi Girls!

QUELI~ Mrs Which is fantastic!  Mrs Who isn't half bad either!  Oh the wonderful world of dolls!


KATE ~ I like the Space 1999 suits you made!  And what are they doing with Stinky?  Getting him ready for space travel?  He sure does like adventure!  Right now at my house, he is relaxing and enjoying his JD collection.  He put up a little shelf in his house and now realizes he may have put it in the wrong spot........that is where the grandfather clock is supposed to go. 


JACKIE ~ Hope you are having a blast!


Mr BUTTERMAN ~  Very informative.  I guess I am one of the few here who liked the Ewoks.  Maybe it's because I like animals? 

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 2589 of 9,230
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Re: 30 day Star Wars challenge (the first 15 questions)

QUELI ~  I like looking at your doll shelves!


Tonight you get your wish as I am going to post ALL the pictures I took of this project.


Starting out with the shield project first.  My Froggy has the right idea about using cereal box cardboard!  I liked working with it a lot.  My idea for shape of shield came from looking at many shield images.  Since Cleo is so short-waisted and had lots of stuff around her waist, thought a long shield would work best for her. 


Here are the shield parts ready to assemble.  The 'rivets' on the edging were made using an awl; careful not to punch all the way through.  This was my own idea.


In order to get a rounded shape for the shield, I glued the design on front and the faux leather backing to the shield.  While still damp, secured the shield to this glass and let set overnight.  This worked pretty well!

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 2590 of 9,230
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Re: 30 day Star Wars challenge (the first 15 questions)


Next day after shield has dried and been shaped, I glued the edges.  Was finally able to put the little closepins I bought at Target to use!! 


The back of the completed shield.  The faux leather looks great.  Had leftovers from something else and JUST enough for Cleo's dragon book and this shield.  Painting with a toothpick is far neater, so I may need to redo the printing on the book.

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 2591 of 9,230
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Re: 30 day Star Wars challenge (the first 15 questions)

The last phase of Cleo the Dragon trainer and if need be; dragon slayer, is her horse!  This took the longest.  Too many ideas, too many accessories, a few redos, a few things that didn't work at all.  Supplies for this horse included fabric left over from an outfit I made for Tonner's Sydney, the Marie Callendar pie tin remnants from the sword, an ankle bracelet, a necklace, an arm bracelet, faux leather( a piece from a jumper I wore in high school), silver and gold paint, needle & thread, 2 head pins, 1 thumb tack, jewelry kit leather(which smells horrific!), acrylic paints, Barbie Rapunzel's hair extension, glue, lots of patience and many searches on internet for saddle images, scabbard images again, medieval horses, etc. and lots of imagination.  And Coco Chanel's advice, ha!


Face armor from the pie tin.  Scrubbed with abaisive cleanser to get rid of the shine, a coating of watered down black acrylic paint, more punching with the awl, paint, thumb tack!!  My ankle braclet across the forehead and down the sides of neck. ha!  Needed to paint some whites in the eyes and a little pink in the inner canthus of the eyes. 

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 2592 of 9,230
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Re: 30 day Star Wars challenge (the first 15 questions)

HorsShield.JPGAnyone remember Bilbo Baggins' Mithril shirt?  Cleo's horse wears Mithril too.  If you look closely at the shield, you will see  I gave it a few 'battle scars'.  Hmmm, is the red crystal on the end of the staff lit?  Maybe there is a dragon nearby. 

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 2593 of 9,230
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Re: 30 day Star Wars challenge (the first 15 questions)


Forgot to mention the curtain had edging just perfect for this breast piece.

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 2594 of 9,230
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Re: 30 day Star Wars challenge (the first 15 questions)


The arm bracelet was perfect for the making of a saddle.  The individual wires makes it flexible, enabled me to sew the leather seat on to the bracelet, and it grips the horse pretty snugly so the 'Mithril' stays in place.

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 2595 of 9,230
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