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eBay .NET API, Adding Listings, Unexpected number of Return Polices Have Been Created.

I am using .Net SDK for eBay, I am creating products and assigning return policy as per code before.


private static ReturnPolicyType GetReturnPolicyForAU()
ReturnPolicyType policy =
new ReturnPolicyType
Refund = "MoneyBack",
ReturnsWithinOption = "Days_30",
ReturnsAcceptedOption = "ReturnsAccepted",
ShippingCostPaidByOption = "Buyer"
return policy;



and I use it this way


item.Location = product.Location;
item.PostalCode = product.PostCode;
item.DispatchTimeMax = 5;
item.ShippingDetails = defaultItem.ShippingDetails;
item.ReturnPolicy = GetReturnPolicyForAU();



but in my business policies, It has created many polices, 


Screenshot 2023-03-17 181853.png


C# wrapper for eBay REST API
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eBay .NET API, Adding Listings, Unexpected number of Return Polices Have Been Created.

Business policies are newer than the older ReturnPolicy field.


And when a listing is created in some way that doesn't specify one of the existing policies by a given name or ID, one instead gets generated.


To use them in the Trading API (when predefined) you use Item.SellerProfiles followed by .(SellerPaymentProfile/SellerShippingProfile/SellerReturnProfile) and then either Name or ID of the policy (yes, policy/profile wording is a bit mixed) (ID takes precedence when both are present)



    <SellerProfiles> SellerProfilesType
      <SellerPaymentProfile> SellerPaymentProfileType
        <PaymentProfileID> long </PaymentProfileID>
        <PaymentProfileName> string </PaymentProfileName>
      <SellerReturnProfile> SellerReturnProfileType
        <ReturnProfileID> long </ReturnProfileID>
        <ReturnProfileName> string </ReturnProfileName>
      <SellerShippingProfile> SellerShippingProfileType
        <ShippingProfileID> long </ShippingProfileID>
        <ShippingProfileName> string </ShippingProfileName>


To manage / create them using API instead of the website, you have to use the REST Sell API Account v1. (Payment/Fulfillment/Return)



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