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Rant -- You don't have to read - Day from HELLo..

This had been the worst day of my eBay life, ever..  


So I got up this more to a wonderful Natural feedback.  What a way to wake up,  Nothing special.. Likewise dude.  


Then I packed stuff to go to the post office and SOMEHOW, a sold item got sold again.   Has anyone figured  that out. How does that happen.  I am pretty sure I didn't do it.   I am usually able to catch the oddman out listings before something happens.  Guess i missed this one.  So not only did I get the natural feedback, now going to get dinged for having to cancel the sale, and most likely going to get  a neg for having to cancel the sale.  

Seem like everything I have attempted to do this day, week, and month has broken. 

I just want to be on my way..   

Just my Two Cents...
Thank you for being here!
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Re: Rant -- You don't have to read - Day from HELLo..

@gamersbaystore You should not cancel with the reason buyer's address.  That causes more problems.  Just today I read a thread where someone was asking why eBay would cancel their order due to a problem with their address.  They were quite mad.  Kindly messaging the buyer and explaining it to the buyer before cancelling  goes a long way.  


I've had a rough week myself.  I decided to ship an order before I went to bed the other day and when I pulled the old sci-fi magazine off the shelf, I bumped the corner.  With the old brittle paper, the corner ripped.  I messaged the buyer right away.  He still wanted it and didn't really care.  I still refunded and sent it anyway.  There were a few other small eBay issues.  It makes you doubt yourself...I get it.  Hang in there! 

evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
Volunteer Community Mentor

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Re: Rant -- You don't have to read - Day from HELLo..



Don't feel bad, I've done this one myself.  While getting my books ready to ship, issues come up.  I was wrapping a brand new book once & got a few drops of hand lotion on a page, causing greasy spots.  Not sure where the lotion came from, but there it was. 


Another one was when I dropped a book on the floor while packing it and my new chihuahua puppy got to it - before I did - and used it as her chew toy.  Needless to say I couldn't even try to send that one.  And the list goes on, several more times.  Same thing here, refunded & still sent out when it was possible.  Everyone was nice enough, although the greasy spot one wasn't thrilled! 


Ugh, you get so mad at yourself, but you see it happens to everyone!  😊

Message 17 of 27
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Re: Rant -- You don't have to read - Day from HELLo..

@legalbeagle52  Agreed, but there are no mistakes allowed on eBay.  They stick with you for a full year. 

evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
Volunteer Community Mentor

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Re: Rant -- You don't have to read - Day from HELLo..

It could be a lot worse. We could get invaded by UFOs, or our social security might run out in 2030.  

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Re: Rant -- You don't have to read - Day from HELLo..

@evry1nositswindy ,


Are you talking about negatives or neutrals, or cancellations?  I didn't get any, you might not either. You took care of it the best way you could.  Many buyers are understanding. As for cancellations, I  didn't have to cancel. I sent out what was salvageable & the others, I replaced with another book.


One bad one was when I ended up in the hospital when I suddenly had a bad fall. I forgot that I had a book lot scheduled & someone bought it.  BUT I had already sold it, books were gone!  It accidentally went up. That buyer was disappointed, but I was lucky that she was a nurse & understood my situation, I ended up having surgery. That one was a cancellation.  But I never received a negative from any of it, fortunately.  You probably won't either.

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Re: Rant -- You don't have to read - Day from HELLo..

In situations like that, I do message the buyer and let them know what happened. But I'm not taking the fall for ebay's mistake. I'm not going to cancel citing out of stock because ebay messed up and left already sold listings up for sale. 


A while back I had an issue where every sold listing was still up for sale in my store. Who's fault is that? Its ebay's fault.



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Re: Rant -- You don't have to read - Day from HELLo..

@gamersbaystore  We need another option--ghost listing!!

evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
Volunteer Community Mentor

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Re: Rant -- You don't have to read - Day from HELLo..

I have had days like this and would be upset.  Now I just chalk it up to "stuff happens" and I move on without looking back.  

You are doing great and are great!!!  Keep moving....😊 

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Re: Rant -- You don't have to read - Day from HELLo..

Yep, notice there's no option to select issues with the platform as the reason for the cancellation.

Message 24 of 27
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Re: Rant -- You don't have to read - Day from HELLo..

I got a neutral once from a fairly new buyer.  I queried him and found he didn't understand the system.  He thought Neutral meant it was a regular transaction,  and Positive meant above and beyond.  I got him to change it.  You should try.


I have over 3500 items in my store.  I find items in my inventory boxes that the listing has disappeared, items that sell that I cannot find, and those duplicated sold listings.   The last time I got one of those duplicated sold listings, I jumped on eBay and bought another one to ship to the buyer.  Anything to make them happy.


Sending America's collectibles where they belong, one auction at a time!

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Re: Rant -- You don't have to read - Day from HELLo..

I'm so sorry you are having a bad week Penny. This too shall pass! Keep smiling. 

Message 26 of 27
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Re: Rant -- You don't have to read - Day from HELLo..



I've done the same as you on more than one occasion!  I will buy from another seller & have it sent to my buyer.  I've had other sellers buy from me to send to their buyer when they messed up. We all do what we can to keep the buyers happy, that's for sure.


In my case of the duplicated sold listing, it was for a lot of 16 different books. No way I could duplicate that. I'm pretty resourceful, but there was just nothing I could do, except profusely apologize.  Just got out of the hospital  & weeks of rehab, and came home to that.  Buyer was so understanding, it was such a pleasure to have such a nice buyer  at that time.  

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