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Promoted Listings ebay message

I received a message from ebay, I don't know if it came to me alone or to everyone.

Does that mean that you can't add more promoted lists by paying a few dollars like I do now?

the message says this


Soon you’ll be able to use Promoted Listings Standard for your auction and fixed price items

Starting April 15, 2024, Promoted Listings Express will no longer be available. Instead, you’ll be able to promote auction and fixed price listings using one of our other products, Promoted Listings Standard. This high-performing advertising solution has many great features that will help you create more impactful campaigns.

Only pay for sales. Instead of paying up front, you’ll only pay when you make a sale on an auction or fixed price item.

Simple setup. Get started in just a few clicks.

Reach more buyers. Stand out from the crowd with listings in prominent ad placements.

Powerful results. Use reports to monitor your performance and optimize your listings.

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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

I added you to my saved seller list.  My kid just graduated and is leaving in a few days.  I'm going to turn her room into a fish room I think.  At the very least I'm going to get a tank or two up and running again -I've really missed it lately.  I'm a big believer in ramshorn snails so I'll definitely order some of those from you, and who knows what else.  

Message 106 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message






@the_backyard_bear wrote:

I've had to pay off a few claims that were obviously beyond my guarantee guidelines.  eBay does so little to protect sellers.  But at least there is a claim resolution format of some sort.  Most buyers respect the policy.... some obviously won't.  


In most respects, eBay does offer me the platform requirements I really need.  I just get infinitely frustrated to watch their fee structure continue to climb, and my margin slip lower.


It is particularly frustrating to watch as each new fee adaptation they go through seems to be less effective for higher costs.  


I seem to be working harder just not to lose ground... and grateful for any small step forward at this point.  I continue to grow... but so literally at a snail's pace now, it is painful.   Watching eBay's profits from my efforts grow at a faster pace than my own bottom line each year feels like a slap in the face, particularly as you point out because they offer such limited protections.  


This really captures my experience.


My inventory costs have increased like I never would have imagined in just the last two years,  yet there seems to be a cap on what people are willing to pay for my items.   Consequently I have to find more inventory, pay more for it, and sell more of it,  just to keep from losing ground.   And it seems that just when things start to stabilize,  eBay comes along and introduces some new feature to undercut me, either by making me pay more in fees or incrementally reducing my visibility.


This month I have also been severely impacted by people abusing the returns/cancellations policy.   I sold one item at auction a couple weeks ago for $350.  Within minutes the buyer messages me, "Sorry, mate.  I thought the price was in Aussie dollars, didn't realize it was USD.   Can't pay.  Cheers!"   Another auction buyer requested a cancellation of his order this week within minutes of the auction closing: "purchased by mistake."  How do you purchase by mistake when you place three bids on the item at three separate times over a period of two days?   How do you let your high bid sit there for two more days until the auction closes, and only then realize you have "purchased by mistake?"  Had another buyer last week return a $330 item "not as described" because they imagined "heat got to it" (whatever that means) despite my highly detailed description and ample photos.   And another sent back a $125 item because it "didn't meet their expectations," again despite multiple photos and a fact-filled description.   That's almost $1000 in losses/refunds this month alone.   Never before have I experienced so many problems with buyers.   These jokers can make any excuse no matter how implausible -- sorry, must return, there was an eclipse the night I purchased -- and the refund is automatically granted.    (No returns is not an option for me, as I'm a Top-Rated seller and a 30-day return policy is required to maintain Top-Rated status).

Message 107 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

Don't know if anyone's still following this thread, but here's the new normal.   I had 4 ten-day auctions close, the first group  for which I have used the new Promoted Listings standard.   This morning I got my payout with the breakdown of the ad fees I paid. 


With Promoted Listings Express, I would have paid $9.96 to have those four auctions promoted. 


Using Promoted Listings Standard, the same 4 auctions cost me $41 and change.  

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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

I'm still very much interested in this topic.  
The disparity in amounts is very concerning for sure, but it's important to know, what promotion rate (%) did you apply to those listings?  

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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message



Slight correction: there were 5 auctions, so they would have cost me about $12.50 under PLE.   A few of them were listed at 3-3.5%, the other two at 5%.  (eBay's "suggested rates" for these items ranged from 9.5% - 14+%.)


Four of the items closed between $200-$400.   One of them below $100.  The closing prices were okay, but they were no better or worse than I was getting with PLE.   From my viewpoint, I am getting visibility similar to what I had with PLE, but I'm now paying much more for it.     

Message 110 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

And just to be clear, were ALL of them sold via promotion (none were organic)?  I ask because so far in my experiments, even the ones I had promotions on, the winning bidders just didn't happen to have viewed the listings via promotion, so I wasn't charged.  I've also run some with no promotion, and got pretty satisfying views/bids/winning bids purely organically.  

I think it depends a lot on the items, and I realize how vague and not-useful that is.  

Message 111 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

According to My eBay, five out of five were sold via Promoted Listings.  


I dislike that we have no objective way to confirm that.


I wish I could experiment with non-Promoted vs. Promoted listings, but I invest a lot in my inventory and can't afford to take losses on trial and error.

Message 112 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

@intuitive wrote:

According to My eBay, five out of five were sold via Promoted Listings.  


I dislike that we have no objective way to confirm that.


Amen to that.   You know, of all the things I see people coming to the Community to post about how eBay is surely going to face a lawsuit for, I'm really surprised ^THAT^ isn't one of them, or at least not from what I've seen.  All the ways sellers feel they're being shafted, even when I agree, it's stuff that's spelled out in eBay policies.  And even when the spelling out is "because it's our playground" .... the law tends to side with that, so no point grumbling about it, either suck it up or go to a different playground.  But promotions .... I don't know.  I don't know because the opacity is just that thick. 
      It's funny because I'm watching Mad Men for the 3rd or 4th time.  In the 11th episode, the woman Peggy is on a date with a truck driver, and he says advertising doesn't work on him.  She replies, "If advertising is good, people think it doesn't work."  And he says, "How do they know it does?  Did they ever prove that?" 
     That's the thing -even though the effectiveness of any kind of promotion is basically impossible to calculate with real accuracy, the extent to which it is determinable -THAT is determined by the merchant, the entity paying for it, by looking at their own numbers.   And that was basically what we got with PLE, a chance to pay for promotion up-front, see our listing visibility increased, and see that it was worth paying for because we got more views and higher bids that correlated with it. 
      But PLS is a whole other animal.  To my knowledge there is not any other scenario where it's the advertiser who determines whether or not it worked, and tells the merchant after the fact.  Imagine the ad company charging or not charging Ford by the individual car sale, based on whether or not the buyer saw their ad on TV.  Never mind how they know that.  And never mind whether seeing it was what made the buyer buy.  
      But it's even weirder than that here.  Because eBay isn't just making a commercial; they are the TV station that it airs on.  So they not only can show your items "extra" often than normal if you pay them to; they can show them LESS often than normal, for whatever reason they want, including for the goal of making you panic about your sales and  buying promotion out of desperation.  
      I don't know, maybe what they're doing is not as unique as I think it is, but I have yet to see anything remotely like it, and I just keep feeling like someday a pile of horrid stink is going to be revealed about this particular revenue generator.  

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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

"the goal of making you panic about your sales and buying promotion out of desperation. "


That's the crux of the whole program, isn't it?   I just had several auctions close.   The closing prices were only about 2/3 what I expected (based on previous sales of the same item).   This was also the situation with the auctions I mentioned last time.   Thing is, on those auctions, I had one item with 100 watchers, and the others had 50-75 watchers, so I can't legitimately complain about visibility (except that I am now paying more for it -- MUCH MORE).   But the prices aren't matching up with what I enjoyed under PLE.    At the same time, I'm sure each and every one of those auctions that just closed will just happen to have been purchased by someone who saw it via Promoted Listing Standard. 


To be fair, it could be the time of the year.   Historically May-June-July is like Death Valley on eBay.  Unfortunately the seasonal change coincided with the cancellation of PLE, so even if it is a seasonal lull, part of me is still blaming the loss of PLE for the diminished returns. 

Message 114 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

Yes that has been messing with my head a lot lately too, ample views/watchers but low winning bids.   Can't blame it on visibility like you said, and I don't even know if the summer slump thing makes sense because ..... well I don't know, I guess it depends on what causes that, and I don't know what it is.  If it somehow causes people to tighten their belts then they might still "window shop" or be willing to spend a little money, but less than the rest of the year .... but .... if it's about being outside and doing stuff other than online shopping, then it doesn't explain why an auction can still get high views/watchers.  

I wonder if eBay is still sending out reminder notifications to watchers of auctions, toward the end.  That would make a huge difference. 

Message 115 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

@gurlcat wrote:

Yes that has been messing with my head a lot lately too, ample views/watchers but low winning bids ... it doesn't explain why an auction can still get high views/watchers. 

One of the great mysteries of eBay.   I don't get the whole watching thing myself.    I mean, a hundred people put an item on their Watch list, and then in the final moments of the auction the bid jumps by a mere $10?    What's up with that?   I have often wondered if Watchers are even real because the Watcher/bidder ratio has never made any sense to me.   In fact, I often get the impression that the more Watchers an item has, the less chance of sniping at the end.    It's almost as if people see "50 watchers" on the item page and think, "why bother?  I won't win."

Message 116 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

I am near certain that a lot more watchers would bid at the end if only eBay would notify/remind them that the auction is about to end.  I suspect that a lot of people think that is what will happen when they put an auction on Watch.  But it doesn't -only if they BID will they receive a reminder, and even that is poorly programmed in my view, because it's many hours (maybe 24?) before the closing time.  What's the point of that?  

I remember a few years ago I made a post about it here, as a buyer, how I wish I could receive a notification closer to the auction's end.  But I recall a generally negative response from other members, saying buyers are already sick of how much eBay bugs them.  Okay, but why can't it be a setting preference?  Easy!  And for that matter, why can't reminders also be an option for watched items, whether you have bid yet or not?  

It just seems like a no-brainer to me, and you would think eBay would feel the same way, since higher bids = higher fee collections for them.  And note how they DO send notifications about BIN items, including ones that you merely LOOKED AT.  But auctions ..... it feels like they wish they didn't even have auctions anymore or something.  Just so neglected, yet here they are trying to milk more money out of them by simply changing the promotion type.  

Message 117 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message

Okay .... so ..... I had a devastating auction closing last night.  $89 for a lot from which I had every reason to expect $200 at the very least.  It had 49 watchers but only 7 bidders .... and none in the final hours, never mind final minutes (no snipers).  

I don't know why I haven't made the connection between this thread ... this conversation I've been having with you in recent days .... and another subject that has come up in other recent threads.  I am pretty sure it explains A LOT, particularly about this question of watchers vs. bidders.  

Have you been seeing any of this?  -eBay is going back to "testing" (maybe fully implementing) making auction bidders pre-authorize payments for their bids?  If it does go system-wide, it will basically be the end of auctions.  I mean you could still do them, but I don't see the point if snipers are taken out of the bidder pool. 

Message 118 of 119
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Re: Promoted Listings ebay message



My auction sales dropped by 18.3% in the past month.


Until now I had no idea there was a preference that blocked bidders who do not provide a payment method.


I just checked my Buyer Management page and found the option, which I have never seen before.


And it was checked ON.


The box for Offers was checked ON as well -- although that one I may have done myself. 


But I know I did not authorize the buyer requirement for auctions.


I owe you one for making me aware of this.


Message 119 of 119
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