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Now that eBay has played with International Shipping, no International sales

I swear everything they make better, makes it worse. I used to get a few international sales a week, now there's nothing. Is there anything left for them to break? I still get a sale from Puerto Rico every now and again. Maybe they can upgrade and streamline that. UNREAL!

Message 1 of 78
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Re: Now that eBay has played with International Shipping, no International sales

@mam98031 wrote:

@marnotom! wrote:

I’m not sure about the point you’re making.  Neither @finalfantasy3 nor I mentioned anything related to sellers.

Your whole post was about import fees.  One thing you stated was "...eBay charging the import charges due now at checkout,..."


My statement was a simple one.  Sellers don't pay those fees, the buyers do.  Which is true.

Yes, it's true, but I was referring to eBay charging the import charges to the buyer.  I'm not sure how that could have been interpreted otherwise given the context of the post(s) that preceded it.  If sellers were paying them, they'd be "export fees." 🤪

Message 61 of 78
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Re: Now that eBay has played with International Shipping, no International sales



"Now, it is mandatory to promote,"  Please show us where in the Ebay policy it states that you have to use the promoted listing tool.  I don't use it, most sellers don't use it.  So how is it mandatory if all sellers don't use it.  I'm not being sanctioned by Ebay for not using it.


Now I get it that is some categories promoted listings works very well because the categories are saturated with listings.  But the same isn't true for all categories.  I sell in the same category you do and I don't have any problem not using promoted listings.  It is simply a choice.


As I've said many times Promoted Listings is a choice.  There is no right or wrong answer, you just need to do what is best for you.


I don't defend everything that Ebay does and I'm not defending Promoted listings other than to say it is a choice for each of us to make.  It is a tool that we can choose to use or not use.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 62 of 78
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Re: Now that eBay has played with International Shipping, no International sales

@marnotom! wrote:

@mam98031 wrote:

@marnotom! wrote:

I’m not sure about the point you’re making.  Neither @finalfantasy3 nor I mentioned anything related to sellers.

Your whole post was about import fees.  One thing you stated was "...eBay charging the import charges due now at checkout,..."


My statement was a simple one.  Sellers don't pay those fees, the buyers do.  Which is true.

Yes, it's true, but I was referring to eBay charging the import charges to the buyer.  I'm not sure how that could have been interpreted otherwise given the context of the post(s) that preceded it.  If sellers were paying them, they'd be "export fees." 🤪

Sellers do not pay such fees.  Nor are they charged the fees.  Buyers, depending on their country may have to pay some additional fees.  But that is not on the seller to pay them for the buyer.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 63 of 78
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Re: Now that eBay has played with International Shipping, no International sales

If you have made them mad by saying unflattering things about them, they will punish you by holding your listings back and only showing them a few times a week.  When you do a search, it will say, they are only showing you the Relevant listings and to Hit "All Listings" to see all the listings under that search.  That is one way to hold your listings back.   

I don't feel a company will survive if it is so far out of reach of its customers.  Remember, Sears is gone.  Disney is going,  along with Budweiser.  Poor business decisions catch up with them.  

Message 64 of 78
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Re: Now that eBay has played with International Shipping, no International sales

I don't know. But I can tell you that I'm not a fan of international shipping for all the obvious reasons (customs, banned items, transit times, damages, lost items, more scam sales, etc). And I hate that it takes weeks for them to take the shipping charges out of my account, so I need to keep money in my account for weeks, and can't cash it to my bank account. Plus international people aren't very friendly on here. It's to the point now, that I'm considering removing international shipping entirely from my listings, because who needs it? If there's a way to just ship to canada, then I would do that, as that the only international country I'm interested in shipping to at this point.


I also don't like shipping something overseas, because I feel it belongs here on American soil. 

Message 65 of 78
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Re: Now that eBay has played with International Shipping, no International sales

@yuzuha ,


I would sign up for a free Pirate ship account and use them for your international shipments. First column rates is for Canada and second column is to anywhere else in the world. I have shipped over 500 hundred international packages with no problems thru them. You can sync with eBay and have tracking number automatically updated to ebay. 


Weight Not Over (Pounds) Canada Rest of World
0.5 lbs $9.49 $11.99
1 lbs $12.49 $15.99
2 lbs $15.49 $19.99
3 lbs $19.49 $26.99
4 lbs $26.49 $35.99

Message 66 of 78
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Re: Now that eBay has played with International Shipping, no International sales

Oh, I don't mind the price-- the problem was with how bad international shipments were during COVID. I used to sell internationally all the time until COVID made things take weeks or months to get delivered instead of days. I stopped shipping internationally for that reason and still haven't opened it back up again just yet.

Message 67 of 78
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Re: Now that eBay has played with International Shipping, no International sales

Im thinking ebay is being run intio the groiund on purpose so that amazon will gain more business.  In other words. I do belive ebay has been sabotaged and intentionally ruined.

No way a company can do so many stuopid moves by acciddent over many years and no see it.

While all of this sabotage is going on I also think they are trtying to get as much money out of it before the ship sinks.

Im packing things up now and ready to leave for good.

I have one last billing problem i have sent the top managers to fix. Then I am out..


Message 68 of 78
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Re: Now that eBay has played with International Shipping, no International sales

@bettsbj wrote:

If you have made them mad by saying unflattering things about them, they will punish you by holding your listings back and only showing them a few times a week.  When you do a search, it will say, they are only showing you the Relevant listings and to Hit "All Listings" to see all the listings under that search.  That is one way to hold your listings back.   

I don't feel a company will survive if it is so far out of reach of its customers.  Remember, Sears is gone.  Disney is going,  along with Budweiser.  Poor business decisions catch up with them.  



Prove that please.  

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 69 of 78
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Re: Now that eBay has played with International Shipping, no International sales

The problem I see with both the old GSP and EIS is a buyer's reluctance to purchase expensive items at the same frequency, in comparison to when shipping straight to the buyers country.


It does not seem coincidental the only sales being received are lower value items and higher value items to countries like Australia that do not charge import taxes. I would be curious if others are noticing this trend as well.


I think the main reason for this is because a buyer knows from prior shopping experience when they buy directly shipped internationally from the seller, that seller will declare a minimal value to completely avoid customs taxes roughly 1/3rd of the time, declare a lower value to minimize customs taxes 1/3rd of the time, and only declare a full value 1/3rd of the time.  Maybe seeing the taxes paid at checkout just scares them away, maybe they are still confused and think further taxes may be due on delivery.


Those are rough estimates from my own purchasing experience, but when a buyer uses EIS the taxes are 100% probable. I'll probably move over to Pirate Ship and insure direct international shipments going forward if the sales don't pick up, which is too bad because the program sounded really exciting and hassle free.

Message 70 of 78
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Re: Now that eBay has played with International Shipping, no International sales

I am still getting international sales . I don’t think eBay did anything but change the ship to global location from Kentucky to Illinois and import and duty costs have always been part of the global shipping. 

Message 71 of 78
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Re: Now that eBay has played with International Shipping, no International sales

@finalfantasy3 wrote:

The problem I see with both the old GSP and EIS is a buyer's reluctance to purchase expensive items at the same frequency, in comparison to when shipping straight to the buyers country.


It does not seem coincidental the only sales being received are lower value items and higher value items to countries like Australia that do not charge import taxes. I would be curious if others are noticing this trend as well.


I think the main reason for this is because a buyer knows from prior shopping experience when they buy directly shipped internationally from the seller, that seller will declare a minimal value to completely avoid customs taxes roughly 1/3rd of the time, declare a lower value to minimize customs taxes 1/3rd of the time, and only declare a full value 1/3rd of the time.  Maybe seeing the taxes paid at checkout just scares them away, maybe they are still confused and think further taxes may be due on delivery.


Those are rough estimates from my own purchasing experience, but when a buyer uses EIS the taxes are 100% probable. I'll probably move over to Pirate Ship and insure direct international shipments going forward if the sales don't pick up, which is too bad because the program sounded really exciting and hassle free.

Actually, taxes (GST/VAT) are already being collected and remitted by eBay for buyers in a number of countries/regions (e.g. Australia, the UK, the EU, Norway) in a manner similar to how "internet tax" is collected and remitted for buyers in most US states.   However, a problem with some direct shipments to the UK and EU seems to be that evidence of this payment has to be submitted electronically by the post office to the receiving country, and this doesn't always work properly, meaning that the buyer might get another tax bill upon receipt of their item.


I'm not clear on how taxes for buyers in these regions are charged on eIS sales, though.  Do they pay them on receipt along with duties, or are they charged at checkout as they are for a direct shipment?

Message 72 of 78
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Re: Now that eBay has played with International Shipping, no International sales

On the contrary, I have  had several international Sales in the past 2 weeks. Thank God because otherwise I had very few sales. 


However I am not sure how the new international shipping program works. I received a note today from an Italian buyer who claims ebay charged her twice for duty. She wasn't complaining about me but to me about ebay's unethical practice. Not sure what is going on and how this works. All I know is I bought a priority box for about 8.00 and it was shipped to Illinois. Any help is appreciated.

Message 73 of 78
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Re: Now that eBay has played with International Shipping, no International sales

So that sounds like a real problem for the Canadian Post Office or the US Post Office as in "claims".

Message 74 of 78
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Re: Now that eBay has played with International Shipping, no International sales

I worked for a large insurance company in the IT department......did system changes all the time as a Business/programmer Analyst, coordinated work with different departments.. takes communication

& TESTING ,  with programmers and the users.


Apparently, some of this is not done at Ebay Universal! No one communicates with the Users. We do not get our message across. Ebay forgot the KISS principle...Keep It Simple Stupid!  Ebay is complex and has a complicated system. Some of their changes are good and some are really bad. 


Whoever decided to combine Fine and Costume jewelry together with "100 Item Specifics" forgot to ask me, the user!   

Message 75 of 78
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