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Come on , ebay. Send emails with links. Buyer opens case, I have to jump through hoops just to see

I've complained about this many times before.  I guess I'm hoping one day ebay might actually read my comments, although I know that's a pipe dream.

But when a buyer opens any kind of case, why can't ebay send an email with usable links?

They send an email saying someone wants to return something, or didn't receive something, and the only link is to a static page that tells you nothing.

How about a link to the sales record/order details page?  That page has the buyer's user name, real name and address, and the tracking number and tracking info.

I shouldn't have to copy the item number, paste it into the search bar, click on sales history, find that buyer's user name from the email, and then click to get to the page you should have sent a link to in the first place.

If the item tracking shows delivered, ebay should have a way of not even letting the case be opened for DNR.  Make the buyer actually take the time to write a message to the seller, saying, "Hey, it says delivered, but I didn't get it" or whatever.

Why is that so hard, ebay? 

Message 1 of 15
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Come on , ebay. Send emails with links. Buyer opens case, I have to jump through hoops just to see

Usually you Don't want a link in an email that might be phishing for your information. If it is a Ebay email - just go to the ebay page (NOT through an Email) , log in and deal with the problem. Scammers are now using Ebay and Paypal look-a-like pages to get lazy sellers to "click-a-link" in hopes that they can steal off log in and password info. Yes, it is more work - but if you go directly to your own page instead of a link - you have less risk.
Message 2 of 15
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Come on , ebay. Send emails with links. Buyer opens case, I have to jump through hoops just to see

I understand that it takes a bit more work, but many won't click on a link in an email.


Better safe than sorry.  

Message 3 of 15
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Come on , ebay. Send emails with links. Buyer opens case, I have to jump through hoops just to see

But they don't make it easy to get to the page. Why does ebay provide a link, if that link is worthless. I'm smart enough to know a real email from a phishing email.
Maybe ebay should have an option: No link for ignorant/lazy sellers, and a good link for informed sellers who don't have time to waste on cases that never even should have been opened.
Message 4 of 15
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Come on , ebay. Send emails with links. Buyer opens case, I have to jump through hoops just to see

That's their problem. I've been using the internet for over 20 years. I know a fake email from a real one. Ebay provides a link. Just not one that gives any information to help with the case. Why should I have to waste time because other people might not want a good link? Which makes no sense, since there IS a link in the email. It just goes to a stupid page.
Message 5 of 15
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Come on , ebay. Send emails with links. Buyer opens case, I have to jump through hoops just to see

I pretty much ignore Ebay emails. I find everything I need on my seller dash. It just seems a lot easier that way. I know a lot of people depend on these emails though, I just can't figure out why.

The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
Message 6 of 15
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Come on , ebay. Send emails with links. Buyer opens case, I have to jump through hoops just to see

You shouldn't be doing anything on ebay from emails.


Anything you need to do outside of paypal is on-site.

Message 7 of 15
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Come on , ebay. Send emails with links. Buyer opens case, I have to jump through hoops just to see

Meh.  eBay's censor bots would probably see their own links in the email and slam you for links with potential contact information, then require you to jump through flaming hoops to get a real person to look at the email and possibly remove the policy violation that resulted.

If it works, sell it. If it works well, sell it for more. If it doesn't work, quadruple the price and sell it as an antique.

-- Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #80
Message 8 of 15
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Come on , ebay. Send emails with links. Buyer opens case, I have to jump through hoops just to see

Because I don't go to my seller dashboard, like, ever? I guess some people do, I just can't figure why.
Message 9 of 15
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Come on , ebay. Send emails with links. Buyer opens case, I have to jump through hoops just to see

Well, no. If they didn't send the email, I wouldn't know about it. Ignoring those emails could cost me money.
Message 10 of 15
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Come on , ebay. Send emails with links. Buyer opens case, I have to jump through hoops just to see

I thought I made it clear that there ARE links, just that they are worthless links. And these are emails ebay sends to me, so I don't think ebay is stupid enough to tell themselves that they have violated their own policy. Maybe read more than the subject line before responding?
All they need to do is put a link to the sales record/order details page, instead of the stupid, worthless link that they do send in the email. Or at least a link to the item page. Or maybe to the Resolution Center. But the link they send doesn't provide nearly enough info.
And as for not clicking a link in an email, all you have to do is hover the cursor over the link, and see what the URL is, w/o clicking on it, to be sure it's legit.
Seller Dashboard? I'd have to go through a few links to find that, and I don't see the current open case listed there or on my account overview.
If I ignored ebay emails, I'd never know about messages from buyers, open cases, etc.
Message 11 of 15
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Come on , ebay. Send emails with links. Buyer opens case, I have to jump through hoops just to see

Nothing I need to do on ebay is on paypal.  They don't even communicate anymore, as far as tracking numbers go.

Message 12 of 15
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Come on , ebay. Send emails with links. Buyer opens case, I have to jump through hoops just to see

As a seller it is imperative that you go to your dashboard once a day. No need for emails and no need to jump through hoops.

Message 13 of 15
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Come on , ebay. Send emails with links. Buyer opens case, I have to jump through hoops just to see

"just go to the ebay page" - missed my point. It's not that easy to just go to the ebay page in question. That is why there should be a link to it. I'd prefer the "risk."
Message 14 of 15
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Come on , ebay. Send emails with links. Buyer opens case, I have to jump through hoops just to see

Well, no. Not imperative that I go to my dashboard. Ever. I would still have to jump through hoops to find an open case, and would still not even know about it, if I ignored emails from ebay. Also, not like ebay provides a quick link to the dashboard (or any useful links, anywhere). You have to bookmark everything, because the links they provide in emails and on their page are worthless.
Message 15 of 15
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