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BBE and bad INR% rate ebay

Ebay has restricted my seller account, I am unable to list items on and .ca and sell to US. 



After evaluating your transactions, your account's shipping performance does not satisfy the requirements of the Shipping Performance Policy - Item Not Received Rate.
The restriction that will be applied to your account:US CORRIDOR BLOCK + END LISTINGS


My INR rate: 3 out of 82 transactions global, 3/50 in US . 

My questions:
1. how long will this restriction on my account last ?

2. How can my INR rate improve if I am unable to list and sell items to USA and on ? So there will be no transactions to review ?




Message 1 of 6
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BBE and bad INR% rate ebay

"US CORRIDOR BLOCK" means eBay is limiting your account's ability to sell items to buyers in the United States. This restriction is often temporary and put in place for various reasons, including INR rate.

"END LISTINGS" means eBay is removing your active listings from the platform, likely due to the restriction above. This is done to prevent further sales to US buyers while the restriction is in place.

If you want to resolve the issue and lift the restriction, contact eBay support and address the underlying reason for the restriction. They'll guide you through the process!

Message 2 of 6
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BBE and bad INR% rate ebay

I have contacted customer support multiple times already. They just keep telling me that I can continue selling on other sites (.es, .it,. .fr., They don't answer my questions. How to get rid of this restriction and how long does it take?


You can now list on other sites and if you perform well on these sites then your account may be reviewed, and restrictions can be removed. We cannot promise whether your account will be evaluated or not. You can focus on performance and improving selling performance.


I don't understand how can my INR rate improve in US region if I am unable to list there = there will be no transactions to review regarding to INR%.

Message 3 of 6
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BBE and bad INR% rate ebay

The message you posted answers your question.


eBay is telling you to prove yourself with the other sites before they are willing to let you back to the US.

Message 4 of 6
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BBE and bad INR% rate ebay

The sad reality here is that ebay is punishing you for something that is clearly outside of your control, as usual.


ebay determines what the estimated delivery dates are, and sellers have zero say about it.


Had ebay not lied to your buyers with garbage delivery estimates, the issues you're facing now could've been avoided.


Don't count on ebay to accept accountability for their own actions, its always the sellers fault.


You wouldn't have had that higher rate of INR's had ebay given your buyers accurate estimates to begin with.


They are just estimates too, not guaranteed delivery dates, contrary to ebay's ignorance. The US Postal service does NOT guarantee delivery dates for anything other than priority express.

Message 5 of 6
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BBE and bad INR% rate ebay

The reality is you are not being punished. Ebay buyers in the US and Canada are being protected from your poor choice of shipping carrier and/or your handling time which exceeds your commitment.


It looks like punishment, it feels like punishment but it motivated by buyer satisfaction concerns.


There are too many sellers on Ebay, too many offers on Ebay, and too many of those do not arrive on time or at all.


There are certainly well intentioned sellers among those who are restricted but the intentions of the seller is irrelevant to the customer service failure.

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