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'invalid credit card dispute' filed on Tracfone Refill Purchase

I bought a one-year Tracfone refill card from an ebay seller, the minutes/data were added to my account, the payment was fine with my credit card..but a month later All My Balances were Zero and my Tracfone account of 25 years was Suspended!

They say that 'I' filed the dispute, which I Did Not Do!

I am now reading feedback of this seller that this has happened to Other Buyers!

Now What?!

JUDY-ism...the Only religion I need!

WWJD...What Would JUDY Do?!

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'invalid credit card dispute' filed on Tracfone Refill Purchase

eBay is a good place to purchase items that can be evaluated fully within thirty days of receipt.


Not so much for items that take longer to evaluate (such as seeds, or automotive parts that need complicated installation and extensive use for that determination), or that require ongoing cooperation with a third party (such as accounts or subscription services). Those items may be difficult to get a refund for if problems only surface after thirty days has passed from receiving the item.


If you purchased using PayPal or a credit card, you may have some options for up to six months from the purchase date. Check with your payment source for details.


If you doubt your ability to fully evaluate an item within thirty days, consider purchasing from an authorized dealer on eBay to ensure you can make use of the manufacturer's warranty; consider purchasing a third-party warranty on eBay if available; or consider purchasing elsewhere.

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