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t ransaction defect rate

how can i lower my transaction defect rate? I had 7 listings at one time that i had to cancel orders because i was out of stock. this was last october and have not had any since.

Message 1 of 7
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t ransaction defect rate

Wow, that's a lot of cancellations. Hopefully that was a one-off situation. If you need inventory management tips let us know. Sellers here will have a ton if info to share if you ask.


The only way to lower the rate is to increase your sales volume to offset the cancellation numbers. Either that, or wait it out the full year until the defects drop off your account.

Message 2 of 7
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t ransaction defect rate

Best option is to increase your sales volume, which you can potentially do by listing some cheap but popular items if you can get them, and not worry about making money on those sales (or at least not making much, I still wouldn't recommend selling for a loss of course).

Message 3 of 7
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t ransaction defect rate

Unfortunately, canceling sales for out of stock, is the kiss of death on eBay.


I’m unsure how or if one can recover from so many cancellations. If there’s a way, I’m sure someone will come along shortly and say as much.


Best of luck!!




Message 4 of 7
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t ransaction defect rate



7 cancellations with your sales volume may be an impossible "below standard" hole to climb out of.


As others posted.....................  more sales are needed. 


It is a %age thing.   Many, many "good" sales needed to offset each defect to get the %age out of the "below standard" penalty box.  35 sales per quarter will not come anywhere near enough to do it. Hopefully eBay will allow you to remain as a seller until the defects age off.


Waiting it out may, or may not work.  As the "bad" transactions age off, so do the "good" transactions. 6 months down, 6 months to go.  eBay allows continued selling when "improvement" is shown, but how much, and for how long the "below standard" is allowed is an eBay secret formula.

Message 5 of 7
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t ransaction defect rate

If I could post 143 listings in 30 days that would bring it down to 2.? . I hardly do that many in a year. I am not a big seller.

Message 6 of 7
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t ransaction defect rate

It's not about how many listings you post. It's about how many items you sell. Actually, it's about how many unique transactions you have. 1 buyer putting 10 items in their cart and making a single purchase counts as 1 transaction.


This page tells you how seller level and defects are calculated:


You're allowed up to 2% of transactions with defects within an evaluation period. You'll only be evaluated as Below Standard if your transaction defects are associated with more than 4 different buyers.


You'd have to maintain a sales volume of 350 transactions to be at exactly a 2% defect rate, and as mentioned by another poster, transactions age off every day. This is why I said you need to maintain that sales volume, not simply sell 350 items.


The longer your account sits at Below Standard, the more restrictions eBay will place on your account (listing limits, etc) until eventually you either climb out of it or eBay bans you entirely. I'm sorry to tell you this is going to be an uphill battle.

Message 7 of 7
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