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Shipping Label Issues

I just tried to purchase a label for a sale and if I type in the actual weight and package size, both very standard values, none of the shipping options are highlighted and so can't be selected. If I leave the weight selected by ebay and the default dimensions 1 X 1 X 1 I can choose whatever shipping option I want as per usual. Software glitch?

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Shipping Label Issues

The system has some problems right now. Hopefully they are working on it. There are a lot of posts on this. Sit tight, you are not alone, many have the same problem, including me.

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Shipping Label Issues

Same issue for me. Cannot print shipping labels this morning because all options are ghosted when weight and dimensions are entered.

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Shipping Label Issues

I had the same issue, but it has been resolved (for me at least). Just printed the label, no problems.

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Shipping Label Issues

@lb23cavaliersmvp wrote:

I just tried to purchase a label for a sale and if I type in the actual weight and package size, both very standard values, none of the shipping options are highlighted and so can't be selected. If I leave the weight selected by ebay and the default dimensions 1 X 1 X 1 I can choose whatever shipping option I want as per usual. Software glitch?

Hey @lb23cavaliersmvp!  thanks for alerting us to the issue with not being able to purchase a shipping label. There is an open ticket with a high priority for it to be resolved. If any seller is running into this, I recommend reaching out to customer support and let them know that you are experiencing ALERT14741. This will have your account added to the ticket.

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Shipping Label Issues

   This is just one of the reasons why I stopped using eBay's labeling/shipping services about 20 years ago. It is unreliable, subject to a lot of downtime like you and others are experiencing right now, clumsy, and subject to a lot of eBay's obsession with tinkering that doesn't end well.

   About 20 years ago I switched to, and have been VERY happy since. All the automatic download of orders, automatic post-back to eBay of all the necessary information needed in my Seller Hub, and a CS that answers the phone quickly by understandable reps who have the authority to get problems reliably solved quickly and efficiently. I also have the option to choose my own shipping methods with the same lowest discount rates.

    For a tax-deductible expense of only $20 a month, it's a bargain and gives me peace of mind that it is always up and reliable. is not the only one, as there are also other similar services out there much, much better than using eBay's. They're worth getting your feet wet by checking them out. I will never return to eBay's labeling/shipping service while there are so many other better alternatives that I don't have to worry about.

Cheers, Duffy 

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Shipping Label Issues

I switched over to Pirate Ship years ago due to years of all these tech glitches involving labels and SCAN sheets.  Same discounts as eBay and there is integration ( import from eBay and  others and tracking info. is exported).  Customer service is available and is great.  They also have a few other special services: Heavily discounted international rate ( you have to ask for this) , box in bag, and  parcel select ground cubic that eBay doesn't offer.  They offer USPS  & UPS , no Fed - Ex yet.  

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Shipping Label Issues

For simplicity, I use Paypal/ShipStation to back up any shipping labels I can't print on eBay, including my personal packages...

KrazzyKats  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1998

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