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Regarding Seresto Flea Collars (Earlier Post)

Seresto Flea Collars do work, you just have to purchase authentic ones and do lots of vacuuming for two/three weeks (for eggs). I have feral(ish) cats in and out of my house all the time and it keeps them flea free for months. Makes it very easy to remove ticks too, they kind of just hang there half-dead (woods galore here). My dog was in her twenties, so I stuck with Dawn dish soap for her-kills them instantly and no pesticides. Keep it off their face tho.


The cat collars start at $50+ retail, so expect to pay somewhat close to that. Anything too cheap is not worth buying as it's probably fake. I've bought them on eBay many times with good outcomes. Always pay about $40-still cheaper then retail. 



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