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Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

I think this might be a great place to kinda land and connect with a some friends.






Can you please invite some folks to come and post and bring some snacks?  I think I will just keep 2 screens open and coastal picked the name of this place - "dingy falls" when ya need a little respite, please let me know to "dingy" and I will dingy over!




....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

Yesterday morning, I saw Dottie watching out the window and I see the black and white kitty jogging down the road. Quick check the porch and he made a stop for some food. This cat has been traveling between 3 farms, that's a lot of mileage of those paws.


It was in the high 40's to the 50's yesterday.

Manage to get 5 more hours of cleaning at the farm. Almost done.

Lot's of kitchen sink fixture and really don't have sturdy boxes to carry them out. Probably take them down in sections.

I did move 4 out of 5 boxes of floor slate tiles. The last box rotted. Need to find a sturdy box for that.


I really would like to finish this project today. It will be colder, but I am so close to getting everything out of the garage attic.

The next few days will be rain/snow mix.

If I can get this project done, those clothes and shoes can go through the wash and be disinfected.


Message 8566 of 8,874
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate


I did view your photos of the faucets and things, wow they are really cool. Perfect for a flea market, all that industrial hardware. Part of me wishes I could be in that barn digging too!

    Rainy all night and still raining, boo hoo.

Message 8567 of 8,874
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate



* The garage attic is all cleaned up except for a couple of heavy items that the guys can bring down.

* There was a batch of 2x4's that had to be sorted. Part of them went to the burn pile the the ones that were safe from raccoons crap were stacked in the lower part of the garage.

* First thing to do before going inside was to strip down and place everything in a bag for a sanitizing wash.


I don't have to work tomorrow and figure to have some down time. Maybe work on getting some items ready for sale.


Message 8568 of 8,874
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

Yesterday in the morning there were tiny white bugs in the air but warmed in the afternoon so I got to take a walk.


I wasn't sure at the start how much of a walk it would be. The sun was out, but there was a steady breeze when I crossed the road that gave me second thoughts about how far the walk would be. When I got across into the woods it was not as windy as in the open.


I got through the woods to the RR tracks (open area) and breeze again.  I decided to put my hands in my shirt pockets, and press on. I have to work on the "winter weight".  Doing less eBay, so not as much down and up the stairs.  Right turn, and start the walk down the tracks was into the breeze, but the sun helped.


Right turn to exit the tracks onto a woods road, and then on to a snowmobile trail to reach the highway.  Another right turn, and head on up the highway to home.


It was Easter.  I forgot to take my basket, so I was relegated to using sticks to slide through the pull tabs as I executed my version of an Easter egg hunt.


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Warmer day today. Another walk is scheduled. I will have to take along the LaCrosse rubber boots. The trail I want to walk has a wet spot. It is on a snowmobile trail, and the drainage pipe and logs currently are not keeping it dry enough for my Timberland boots. The rubber boots are not good "hikers", so will carry them to put on at that wet spot. Likely wetter after the recent 7" or so of white bugs that we had. There was one mallard in that area last time there. 


After that walk I may wander into my woods to see if I have enough pieces of chimney blocks to put around a flower bed in the front yard. Presently each year I put out white picket fencing, but over the years the UV has taken its toll. Less pieces as I go.  The blocks will be a "one 'n done". Sun, and weather won't bother them in my lifetime. If not enough block I will have to see what I can come up with in the line of rocks.


Message 8569 of 8,874
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate


Now, I feel like I need to view chapter 2! Your a good writer.

Message 8570 of 8,874
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@silverstatetreasureboxes  Well, I just picked up my check from the antique mall.  We get paid twice a month.  I ended my first month of March, netting 3 times my rent.  I am so pleased!  I add items about twice a week, more if something that takes up a lot of space sells.

evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 8571 of 8,874
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate


Nice indeed!!! Now bank it all. I'm serious,  stick all of it in the bank and don't touch it, you will thank me in 6 months.

     What sold? I didn't grab alot today but a good Duluth bag leather and canvas ( they sell for around $110 & up, nice for 3 bucks!

Message 8572 of 8,874
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@silverstatetreasureboxes  It will be saved!  I am big on saving and have a savings account for eBay/antique show/antique mall money. 


I sold quite a few books, which is what I am known for at the shows.  I sold a few nice brass pieces, a Vaseline glass pickle caster (my biggest sale), a large Yelloware bowl, several bud vases (wedding items maybe?), some military items, a groovy lamp, and some shot glasses.   I always like to have a wide assortment of things in my booths at the shows and will continue that at the mall.  I like to go into booths that are full of a little bit of everything! 

evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 8573 of 8,874
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate


Your a girl after my own ❤️! All my booth monies go into my money market, haven't touch any for 4 years steady now. 

     I've been grabbing old jars and filling them with interesting items like cracker jack toys, bubblegum machine toys, old matches, had a bunch of that stuff laying around in baggies.

    If your in line for that bad weather and outbreak please stay safe ok?

Message 8574 of 8,874
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@silverstatetreasureboxes Yeah, keeping an eye to the sky this week, as it looks rough.  BUT, we will get a front row seat for the total eclipse as long as it isn't cloudy.  Don't want to put that out into the universe too loudly!  

evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 8575 of 8,874
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@buyselljack2016 wrote:

Yesterday in the morning there were tiny white bugs in the air but warmed in the afternoon so I got to take a walk.


I wasn't sure at the start how much of a walk it would be. The sun was out, but there was a steady breeze when I crossed the road that gave me second thoughts about how far the walk would be. When I got across into the woods it was not as windy as in the open.


I got through the woods to the RR tracks (open area) and breeze again.  I decided to put my hands in my shirt pockets, and press on. I have to work on the "winter weight".  Doing less eBay, so not as much down and up the stairs.  Right turn, and start the walk down the tracks was into the breeze, but the sun helped.


Right turn to exit the tracks onto a woods road, and then on to a snowmobile trail to reach the highway.  Another right turn, and head on up the highway to home.


It was Easter.  I forgot to take my basket, so I was relegated to using sticks to slide through the pull tabs as I executed my version of an Easter egg hunt.


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Warmer day today. Another walk is scheduled. I will have to take along the LaCrosse rubber boots. The trail I want to walk has a wet spot. It is on a snowmobile trail, and the drainage pipe and logs currently are not keeping it dry enough for my Timberland boots. The rubber boots are not good "hikers", so will carry them to put on at that wet spot. Likely wetter after the recent 7" or so of white bugs that we had. There was one mallard in that area last time there. 


After that walk I may wander into my woods to see if I have enough pieces of chimney blocks to put around a flower bed in the front yard. Presently each year I put out white picket fencing, but over the years the UV has taken its toll. Less pieces as I go.  The blocks will be a "one 'n done". Sun, and weather won't bother them in my lifetime. If not enough block I will have to see what I can come up with in the line of rocks.


Love the stick through the tabs idea.  We often go on can walks and always seem to fill a bag.  This is a great way to carry more.  I get so tired of all the garbage thrown out car windows in our area.  We have always picked up cans and taken them in for recycle $.  @buyselljack2016 

evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 8576 of 8,874
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

Well, I got my walk. I hope I worked off all the meatloaf sandwich that I had for brunch.


After crossing the RR tracks and starting onto the trail a bridge crosses about 5 feet above the stream.


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and then it is on uphill from there. The trail goes a bit to the East veering away from the RR tracks hiding there in the distance.

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A little more up and down and looking back at it the first trickle of a stream was not that bad to cross.

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The second one was "boot time" with a puddle there in the foreground.

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Got the boots on and crossed on over. Some of the logs there were floating.

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On up the next hill.  Looking back, I decided next time I take this walk it will be in the other direction. Seen there on the left is a nice flat rock to sit on for a little rest, and to change boots. If I take the opposite line of travel, I could do  over 3/4 of my walk before swapping over to rubber boots. As it turned out they were wet, and muddy so I just kept the on rather than dangling them with the bungee around my neck.


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 Moving along, the next stop is after crossing the tracks again.  There is a little mudhole of a pond. Turtles, and chubs in there. Wish there were trout. Today was the opening of the season.

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Little flowers in bloom on the opposite side of the road from the pond. I did not see them yesterday. They may have been there, but they did not catch my eye.

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Back to the tracks to head north northwest toward home.  A pair of mallards had the pond all to themselves.

The fancy-colored male is seen there just right of center, with the camouflaged female there just a duck's length or so in front of him. Should have taken my phone. It is 8X zoom instead of the Fuji 5X zoom.

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I did pick up 4 rocks, but they won't be for the garden. Small ones that will go where the water splashes down from the roof. Top one strikes me a being a piece of coal. Coal was commonly found along those tracks in the previous century, but now seldom seen.

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I had enough steam left to take that wander into my woods to check on the potential garden blocks. Looks like there will be enough if I space them right. Did not carry any out. I will wait for the ATV and yard cart. policequilts would have carried them out now, but I'm just too old for that.


Not sure if it was the boots, the distance, or the just haven't been out walking, but I'm about done in for the day.  I should wash the wife's car, or work on aligning my garage door track on my side so it will open easier, but they will wait. It's April 1st. I would be a fool to try to get all my work done in one day.


Almost forgot. On the final stretch up the RR tracks I was serenaded by the frogs on the right, and the rooster on the left. Neighbor is just far enough away that I don't hear that incessant crowing from our house. Before the roosters, they had dogs that would bark incessantly when let out. The dogs I could hear from my house.


Will be getting some white Wed-Fri.  Won't amount to much and won't be around long.

Message 8577 of 8,874
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@buyselljack2016 Do you hunt for mushrooms in this area?  That's what I would be doing!

evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 8578 of 8,874
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@buyselljack2016 wrote:

I did pick up 4 rocks, but they won't be for the garden. Small ones that will go where the water splashes down from the roof. Top one strikes me a being a piece of coal. Coal was commonly found along those tracks in the previous century, but now seldom seen.

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Always found charcoal on the tracks. There would be times that you could find some sulphur, too.


We just had rumbling and a down pour of rain. They are talking about some snow. Ughh !



Message 8579 of 8,874
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Re: Need a Place to Post, Laugh........Vent, Unwind...........Share Chocolate

@evry1nositswindy wrote:

@buyselljack2016 Do you hunt for mushrooms in this area?  That's what I would be doing!



What kind of gun do you use to hunt mushrooms ?  😄 😄

Message 8580 of 8,874
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