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Your experience with EBAY STANDARD ENVELOPE

Rough start on my end, not even the supervisor was aware of this. The frontline employee was trying to argue about how I am wrong. Wouldn't even let me explain how this is a brand new service.


It's going to be a rough start. Neither knew how tracking works, is anybody able to provide insight into this? Best guess was sorting machine will auto kick it into gear. But then how is it confirmed delivered. Supervisor said nowhere to scan in that regard.

Fun times, curious of others experiences.

Message 1 of 77
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Re: Your experience with EBAY STANDARD ENVELOPE

I shipped two Pokemon cards last week and one went to Columbus OH instead of Lima OH and the other went to Fayetteville NC instead of Jacksonville NC. One buyer has already contacted me saying they did not get it.


I checked and they both have the correct To Address but ended up in different cities.


Should I start a claim with eBay assuming I'm protected?

Message 61 of 77
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Re: Your experience with EBAY STANDARD ENVELOPE

I had more trading cards I wanted to list, but I'm waiting to see how this new program is going to work out before using it.  Seems to me that we need a delivery scan to prevent claims.

Message 62 of 77
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Re: Your experience with EBAY STANDARD ENVELOPE

An update regarding my last post: I called eBay and they are opening a case for both orders. They said I should be covered by their Protection program if they are not able to correct the issue.


I think I'm going to hold off on selling my other cheap cards for a while. Hopefully these delivery/scan issues get fixed in the near future.

Message 63 of 77
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Re: Your experience with EBAY STANDARD ENVELOPE

The program was for trading cards only $20 and under. Nonetheless it seems to be a mess.  Without delivery confirmation it's almost worthless.

Message 64 of 77
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Re: Your experience with EBAY STANDARD ENVELOPE

Same here, everyone at the PO said its not a tracking number. Their tracking number is 22 digits. I sent an item the standard envelope number says it delivered 2 days ago. The buyer said they did not receive it and his PO told him the same thing, it's not a tracking number. So we hope for the best.

Message 65 of 77
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Re: Your experience with EBAY STANDARD ENVELOPE

I have shipped cards under $7 via plain white envelope for the past couple of years with few problems. I thought this new service would be great to add tracking at this price level so I tested it with 5 orders. 2 were delivered and had tracking but 3 have not been scanned since I dropped them off over 2 weeks ago. I have already refunded one and will refund the other 2 shortly. So I have lost the cards and the $. The local branch person I spoke to said unlike packages send in bubble mailers, these items aren't scanned at the local branch but at the next processing center so they would not be able to tell me anything else about them. That's been my experience so far and I have no reason to doubt the person I spoke to since he has been very helpful in all my other shipping issues.

Message 67 of 77
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Re: Your experience with EBAY STANDARD ENVELOPE

same here. I have used this for over 100 single trading cards. about a 30% scanned and tracked record. 70% never show as delivered so the scammer says "not received" and ebay forces a refund. not a happy camper. ebay chat reps don't have a clue on this program. one told me it is only for international shipping and is insured for $100 per item?????? No help coming soon I fear

Message 68 of 77
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Re: Your experience with EBAY STANDARD ENVELOPE

My post office had ZERO clue how to handle them. About half of them have made it, half not. Half never once got scanned. All envelopes were exactly the same, and we used ebay branded USPS click n ship labels. This is NOT a US problem with US doing something wrong that we are all getting these defects. This IS a USPS & eBay didn't work this out well enough problem. When is eBay going to take care of all these defects that they have caused?


Message 69 of 77
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Re: Your experience with EBAY STANDARD ENVELOPE

I did and had no intention of doing anything illegally. I was lead astray by you tube videos full of excited people claiming success with this feature. I can use any method in the drop down as long as I pay for it depending on the packaging. There is nothing illegal about selecting a shipping method offered to you. Currently customers are forced to overpay shipping on a post card. I am uncomfortable charging extra $$s for something I could put a stamp on.  It's about the customer.  It's about good business practices. 


thanks for the spanking, we never get enough of those. LOL

Message 70 of 77
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Re: Your experience with EBAY STANDARD ENVELOPE

Okay, another reason why this is confusing.  I dropped off ESE at Post Office, where a scan of the barcode was attempted.  The employee there said, "This doesn't scan", most  likely because it didn't show up on their screen.  I said, "NO Problem", and went on my way.  Later, I check my ORDERS list, and sure enough, it shows that the package was accepted.  Then later, it shows a delivery scan.  Great.  Seems to work just fine.  EXCEPT... The post office apparently is under no obligation to scan these items unless you insist.  So now I have an item that I properly used ESE with, but it shows "still waiting for post office acceptance" (sic).  And no delivery or sorting center scan.  It was a local (in my state) delivery item, and it's been weeks, and the buyer apparently isn't diligent in leaving feedback.  So what do I do now?  Can I make a claim (since these items are insured for up to $20) even though there's been no scan?  I mean, you could actually NOT MAIL anything, but use this service, and claim it all got lost in the mail because none of it was scanned.


I dread asking the buyer if they received it because they could always say "NO", even if they did.  Which will require I make a claim.  BUT, can I even make a claim if the envelope was never scanned by any machines?


This, I think, is the failure of the ESE. I will wait the 30 days before asking the buyer (you'd think he'd be asking ME by now) if it was received.  And then try to make a claim.  If I even can, since it was NEVER scanned.


Any one else have this issue?

Message 71 of 77
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Re: Your experience with EBAY STANDARD ENVELOPE

You can only select a whole number of one or greater......

Message 72 of 77
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Re: Your experience with EBAY STANDARD ENVELOPE

No, you can't. It only allows whole numbers......

Message 73 of 77
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Re: Your experience with EBAY STANDARD ENVELOPE wrote:

No, you can't. It only allows whole numbers......

It depends on what you are talking about, so let's get anally retentive and clarify this.😎


 The listing form does not allow fractional inches as OP noted.  (Post#24)


However,  the Shipping calculator DOES allow fractional inches.  {see link and attached pic} 


My reference was to the shipping calculator (Post #25) and to USPS rules/regulations.  (post #23)




Screen Shot 2021-01-28 at 2.30.25 PM.png


apparently the thread wasn't followed all the way through?🤔😱😵

Message 74 of 77
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Re: Your experience with EBAY STANDARD ENVELOPE

Well, now I'm nervous.

Just used my first envelope rate postage for a 99¢ postcard and was simply hoping someone knew how to hide the price on label as we can do on package labels.

But this sounds like my little PO won't get past the weird label. And tracking useless. Yay, eBay!

Wonder if my PO delivery guy will even pick it up as he scans them in his car. 

Hmmm, may be returned before it's sent. 

FYI, to those finding it greyed out after purchase, check weight. Glitchy 'bulk lister' changed my postage choice on all postcards but not the weight. The joy of get to do everything twice.

Message 75 of 77
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