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USPS Media mail has gone up $.30 as of today??

USPS Media mail has gone up $.30 as of today per package up to 1 lb. Has anyone else experienced this? I looked for an eBay announcement in regards to this but found nothing!! 

Is it an eBay increase or USPS increase?? Usually eBay will post an announcement before a shipping increase happens. 

Thanks for any replies. 

Message 1 of 32
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Re: USPS Media mail has gone up $.30 as of today??

Top Rated Sellers get a 3% discount of the online rate for Priority Mail.  They do not get any extra discount for other services including Media Mail and First Class packages.  eBay shipping label prices for Media Mail are the regular published retail rates.

Message 16 of 32
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Re: USPS Media mail has gone up $.30 as of today??

Are you really shipping all those magazines by Media Mail? If you are then you are part of the problem that caused the shipping rate of Media Mail to go up.

Message 17 of 32
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Re: USPS Media mail has gone up $.30 as of today??

Magazines do not qualify for Media Mail. 

Message 18 of 32
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Re: USPS Media mail has gone up $.30 as of today??

We ship hard back books and historical mags and other magazines  that do not have advertisements. Those classify for media mail. 

Message 19 of 32
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Re: USPS Media mail has gone up $.30 as of today??

Magazines do not qualify for MM regardless of their age or advertising status. Periodicals are excluded. And magazines are not on the list of eligible items.

Message 20 of 32
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Re: USPS Media mail has gone up $.30 as of today??

@modeldetailer wrote:

We ship ... historical mags and other magazines  that do not have advertisements. Those classify for media mail. 

No, they don't. (source)


Check out the new inefficient Seller Hub 'All Filters' panel to see how much eBay disrespects sellers' time (click).
Message 21 of 32
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Re: USPS Media mail has gone up $.30 as of today??

   I use for all my shipping, and they notified me early of the latest impending postal rate increases, which are happening more and more frequently these days.

   Anyway, congratulations on receiving the honor of paying more for USPS increasing incompetence on the job (note last winter's disastrous Keystone Cops delivery problems that have yet to completely go away), and postal workers' overly-generous benefits and retirement system costs that we also get to pay for.

   The current USPS system is a snowballing monster that seemingly cannot be stopped from rolling faster and faster downhill. As with most Federal Government agencies, the costs are always more than originally intended or admitted. The best thing that could happen would be to privatize the USPS and get real competition involved, along with revamping the benefits packages including the word "NO" in them. 

   It's not going to get any better, so buckle up!

Cheers, Duffy

Message 22 of 32
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Re: USPS Media mail has gone up $.30 as of today??

DeJoy needs to be arrested!

Message 23 of 32
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Re: USPS Media mail has gone up $.30 as of today??

@james8728 wrote:

DeJoy needs to be arrested!

   On what criminal charge?

   Your reply is what I would expect to hear from a child, highly inappropriate, and serves no useful purpose to the OP's questions or to the purpose of this forum.

 - Duffy

Message 24 of 32
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Re: USPS Media mail has gone up $.30 as of today??

@duffy4444 wrote:

@james8728 wrote:

DeJoy needs to be arrested!

   On what criminal charge?

   Your reply is what I would expect to hear from a child, highly inappropriate, and serves no useful purpose to the OP's questions or to the purpose of this forum.

 - Duffy

Not childish or inappropriate. 

FBI investigating Postmaster General Louis DeJoy in connection with past political fundraising

Message 25 of 32
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Re: USPS Media mail has gone up $.30 as of today??

Nor do video games.

List more, sell more. Goodwill that other, uh, stuff.

Feeling sleepy? There's an app for that.
Message 26 of 32
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Re: USPS Media mail has gone up $.30 as of today??

@james8728 wrote:

@duffy4444 wrote:

@james8728 wrote:

DeJoy needs to be arrested!

   On what criminal charge?

   Your reply is what I would expect to hear from a child, highly inappropriate, and serves no useful purpose to the OP's questions or to the purpose of this forum.

 - Duffy

Not childish or inappropriate. 

FBI investigating Postmaster General Louis DeJoy in connection with past political fundraising.

   Your posts about DeJoy still have nothing to do with the questions the OP posted or the 30 cent increase in Media Mail.

   If you want to post political statements, this is eBay's Selling forum, and an inappropriate place to grind a political ax or call for someone's arrest.

 Cheers, Duffy

Message 27 of 32
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Re: USPS Media mail has gone up $.30 as of today??

Absolutely agree!! Ebay should have alertedI  had no idea until I noticed printing out my shipping labels for paperback books under 1lb!  Had to go on internat usps to find out there was just another increase from USPS 😕 DRATS!

Message 28 of 32
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Re: USPS Media mail has gone up $.30 as of today??

Yes, I've noticed this too and cannot find any notification regard this either. I used to pay $3.49 to mail 1-2 DVDs, but in the last 2 days I'm being charged $3.65. I know it's only $0.16, but that eats into my profit and means I have to increase my shipping charges.

Message 29 of 32
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Re: USPS Media mail has gone up $.30 as of today??

Use calculated shipping.

Message 30 of 32
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