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eBay reports Q3 Financials

Of greatest interest to eBay sellers.....


GMV (Gross Merchandise Volume) UP 9% y/y


Active buyers up 2 Million y/y


The GMV number in particular is quite good relative to the numbers they have reported over the past few years and would tend to indicate that eBay is on the right track.



Message 1 of 64
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eBay reports Q3 Financials

@nawlinsron2 wrote:
Statistically speaking, you can't convince somebody against their will.

True, however, statistically speaking, given the right person and the right set of numbers, one can prove anything to anybody!

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 31 of 64
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eBay reports Q3 Financials

Not applicable

Was thinking the same thing......  how many returns, cancellations and non-paying buyers?

Message 32 of 64
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eBay reports Q3 Financials

Even if eBay numbers show that it attracts more customers and have more sales, one need to ask - what are they buying and selling??? Is it good for a company to attract more scammers and type of people who buy fake watches in the alley (the same kind of people who buy 0.99 chinese fakes)?? Or is it good for a company to attract solid, repeat buyers who buy better and more expensive stuff??


I laughed when eBay sent me an ad recently,  like save on fees when you list HIGHER VALUE items. What is "higher value items" for eBay? Items sold for $25 or more. :-))) Higher value for Chinese??? maybe... LOL


Message 33 of 64
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eBay reports Q3 Financials

CEO Wenig...
"Our rapid product innovation cycle continues and OUR customers are responding to the changes we're making.
As one of the world's top e-commerce destinations, WE delivered nearly $22 billion of volume this quarter and our growth was the fastest it's been in over three years."

You clown...I'm your %$^^ CUSTOMER!!!...and ebay delivered SQUAT.
Maybe some brokers have read these boards, and know the bubble that Wenig operates in...and maybe that's why the stock dropped $2.25 after hours today despite his rosy upbeat.
Message 34 of 64
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eBay reports Q3 Financials

@mrv71 wrote:

Even if eBay numbers show that it attracts more customers and have more sales, one need to ask - what are they buying and selling??? Is it good for a company to attract more scammers and type of people who buy fake watches in the alley (the same kind of people who buy 0.99 chinese fakes)?? Or is it good for a company to attract solid, repeat buyers who buy better and more expensive stuff??


I laughed when eBay sent me an ad recently,  like save on fees when you list HIGHER VALUE items. What is "higher value items" for eBay? Items sold for $25 or more. :-))) Higher value for Chinese??? maybe... LOL


Yes, it would be interesting to know - however, considering how much investment of money and time they have put into the foreign sector, perhaps some wouldn't be surprised by the answer.


Higher value items, huh?  Well, I suppose there are some 'product' items that sell for more.  Sporting goods and electronics, as well, but they do have their down-side.  I keep hoping that someday I might sell here again, but not now and not with my inventory.  'Sides, I may just decide to take it with me - I mean, finding the good thing is getting harder and harder!  Smiley Very Happy 


I REALLY want to go to my estate sale!

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 35 of 64
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eBay reports Q3 Financials

slippinjimmy wrote:

GMV (Gross Merchandise Volume) UP 9% y/y

Active buyers up 2 Million y/y

The GMV number in particular is quite good relative to the numbers they have reported over the past few years and would tend to indicate that eBay is on the right track.



Thanks for posting the third quarter report, slippinjimmy!  Looks good, and actually better than I had even been hoping, so it was nice to read. 


And basically, for all who sell here profitably it will likely be business as usual, with perhaps some expansion moving into the winter season, positioning for Holiday buying and that deep winter boredom shopping that so many engage in.  Love that!  $$$$  Smiley Very Happy


And for those who don't quite have the balance that does as well here, those who aren't getting the sales they had in the old days, or that they'd hoped their inventory choices would bring them today, I can understand that it doesn't matter HOW well anyone else is doing, or how eBay is positioning their own business, it stinks when your own efforts aren't bringing in the results you are wanting.  So hope they can get it figured out and things offered here that are good sellers, so they increase their bottom line profits too.  


My newest account is growing.  Working to get as much inventory listed as possible now.  Increasingly pleased.  Thanks again for posting, slippinjimmy. 



Message 36 of 64
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eBay reports Q3 Financials

@slippinjimmy  Nice post ... however, regardless of what numbers they post or what they say each Seller either knows thier own little busines is growing or not.  At present I can not report any significant steady growth pattern on 3 accounts here.  Despite being hobby Selling accounts there should still be growth as new inventory is introduced on a regular basis ... and in total, the accounts have between 400 - 600 items available for sale when everything is listed ...

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 37 of 64
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eBay reports Q3 Financials

@gracieallen01 wrote:
Percentages are wonderful, if they have numbers behind them to back them up.  What are the numbers?

The numbers are there. 


For example, GMV is up 8%.  The numbers behind it are: 


In Q3 2016, buyers bought $20,047,000,000 worth of stuff. 

In Q3 2017, buyers bought $21,680,000,000 worth of stuff. 


($21,680,000,000 - $20,047,000,000) / $20,047,000,000 = 8.1459%

Message 38 of 64
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eBay reports Q3 Financials

@thatsallfolks wrote:

@nawlinsron2 wrote:
"LOL. So why is it up 40% in the past 12 months?"

Oct. 16, 2016...closed at $32.52
Oct. 19, 2017...closed at $37.97
$5.45/$32.52=16.75%...not 40%

If you repeat 40% enough times, someone will believe you.

Excuse me for using the price when it dropped below $29 later in October. It’s still up significantly.

There are 365 days in a year, so from "sometime in 2016" to "sometime in 2017" you could eventually calculate 130,000 different percentages that could claim to measure the change in the stock price. 


But here's an example: 


Dec 1, 2016: $27.39

Oct. 19, 2017 $37.97


... which shows a 38% increase over the past 10.5 months. 


I would say that is a significant rise, and pretty close to 40%. 


Message 39 of 64
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eBay reports Q3 Financials

@gracieallen01 wrote:

And, how many returns, cancellations and non-paying buyers?


That has nothing to do with the numbers they provide to stockholders or how much the stock goes up. The numbers are in total dollar figures only.

Message 40 of 64
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eBay reports Q3 Financials

luckythewinner wrote:

gracieallen01 wrote:
Percentages are wonderful, if they have numbers behind them to back them up.  What are the numbers?

The numbers are there. 


For example, GMV is up 8%.  The numbers behind it are: 


In Q3 2016, buyers bought $20,047,000,000 worth of stuff. 

In Q3 2017, buyers bought $21,680,000,000 worth of stuff. 


($21,680,000,000 - $20,047,000,000) / $20,047,000,000 = 8.1459%


Another thing that is so positive about the figures is that this growth is in the face of staggering growth in competition in e-commerce retail sales overall.  The fact that a company can even exist in this competitive climate is becoming almost impressive.  To be able to pocket growth figures like this is exciting and impressive.  


Message 41 of 64
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eBay reports Q3 Financials

@gracieallen01 wrote:

Yeah, but aren't there a few 'numbers' missing from the equation to tell just how 'GREAT' the increase is 'supposed' to be??  Like how many sales!  And, how many sellers?  And, how may buyers?  And, how many transactions.

Percentages are wonderful, if they have numbers behind them to back them up.  What are the numbers?

"There's lies, darn lies and statistics". - stolen and paraphrased.

The numbers have nothing to do with the end result of the market value. You are asking the wrong questions. Stockholders could care less about your returns or how many sellers there are.

Message 42 of 64
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eBay reports Q3 Financials

@luckythewinner wrote:

@gracieallen01 wrote:
Percentages are wonderful, if they have numbers behind them to back them up.  What are the numbers?

The numbers are there. 


For example, GMV is up 8%.  The numbers behind it are: 


In Q3 2016, buyers bought $20,047,000,000 worth of stuff. 

In Q3 2017, buyers bought $21,680,000,000 worth of stuff. 


($21,680,000,000 - $20,047,000,000) / $20,047,000,000 = 8.1459%


I wonder how many of these sales were returns, scams, and non-paying bidders???

Message 43 of 64
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eBay reports Q3 Financials

@mrv71 wrote:

@luckythewinner wrote:

@gracieallen01 wrote:
Percentages are wonderful, if they have numbers behind them to back them up.  What are the numbers?

The numbers are there. 


For example, GMV is up 8%.  The numbers behind it are: 


In Q3 2016, buyers bought $20,047,000,000 worth of stuff. 

In Q3 2017, buyers bought $21,680,000,000 worth of stuff. 


($21,680,000,000 - $20,047,000,000) / $20,047,000,000 = 8.1459%


I wonder how many of these sales were returns, scams, and non-paying bidders???

Or seller cancellations for out of stock. 

Or seller cancellations because they don't like zero feedback bidders. 

Or seller cancellations because they did not like the auction price. 

Or sellers shipping counterfeit merchandise. 


Message 44 of 64
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eBay reports Q3 Financials

@luckythewinner wrote:

@mrv71 wrote:

@luckythewinner wrote:

@gracieallen01 wrote:
Percentages are wonderful, if they have numbers behind them to back them up.  What are the numbers?

The numbers are there. 


For example, GMV is up 8%.  The numbers behind it are: 


In Q3 2016, buyers bought $20,047,000,000 worth of stuff. 

In Q3 2017, buyers bought $21,680,000,000 worth of stuff. 


($21,680,000,000 - $20,047,000,000) / $20,047,000,000 = 8.1459%


I wonder how many of these sales were returns, scams, and non-paying bidders???

Or seller cancellations for out of stock. 

Or seller cancellations because they don't like zero feedback bidders. 

Or seller cancellations because they did not like the auction price. 

Or sellers shipping counterfeit merchandise. 



For the sake of argument lets say the numbers include all of those.


How much have those things changed in the past 12 months (or 24 or 36 or 48) as a percentage of the total?


FYI - Cancellations DON'T count as completed transactions.

Message 45 of 64
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