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eBay does NOTHING to protect sellers

Not going to get into details because frankly I’m tired of going back-and-forth with a eBay so I’m all out of gas.


I will be filing a class action lawsuit against eBay for failing to honor seller protection policies, and also failing to uphold the abusive buyer policies. eBay has practically stolen, countless amounts of money from honest sellers in the form of returns and return shipping labels because of dishonest buyers that they refuse to keep accountable because it’s easier for them. 
It seems that a lot of people on eBay have had numerous problems with eBay, not honoring the seller protection. It’s time that this comes to an end. 

Message 1 of 90
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Re: eBay does NOTHING to protect sellers

Just look at who owns eBay. Not a good bunch of people. I'm looking at you black rock!

Message 61 of 90
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Re: eBay does NOTHING to protect sellers

Anything on the lawsuit yet?

Have a great day.
Message 62 of 90
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Re: eBay does NOTHING to protect sellers

Who's black rock?


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 63 of 90
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Re: eBay does NOTHING to protect sellers

there is no way to report violations of the terms of service, I assume because eBay allows them to happen in the first place. they have terms of service, don't follow it then expect it to be binding in court? doesn't work that way. 


this is a class-action that would easily be won via settlement because they have no case and would take the settlement and go a quick terms of service revision to protect themselves a little bit better for next time.

Message 64 of 90
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Re: eBay does NOTHING to protect sellers

Where do I sign? This needs to stop!

Message 65 of 90
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Re: eBay does NOTHING to protect sellers

Please let us know how that class action lawsuit works out for you.  

Message 66 of 90
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Re: eBay does NOTHING to protect sellers

Must have worked out. OP is still selling on eBay.

Message 67 of 90
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Re: eBay does NOTHING to protect sellers

That would be helpful if you pointed us on how to follow up

Message 68 of 90
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Re: eBay does NOTHING to protect sellers

@bonjourami ,


Blackrock is the largest asset managers in the world. They manage money for many pension funds, sponsor many 401k plans employees, manage money for many insurance companies, ETF's, mutual funds, and etc.. 


They are the largest institutional shareholder for almost all of the S&P 500 companies due to the amount of money they under management in their index mutual funds, and ETF's.


I think the poster is thinking about Blackstone the private equity and hedge fund manager. Private Equity and hedge fund managers seem to get flack for no reason.   

Message 69 of 90
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Re: eBay does NOTHING to protect sellers

If you have done the leg work and have a motivated attorney, I’d love to speak with them.  I have several documented incidents where eBay stole my money, fined me and gave the costumer my money while letting the costumer keep the product.  I would literally low crawl from California to Nc to see eBay pay for there terrible policies and be held accountable. I have all the time in the world so please. Let me know what you know.

Message 70 of 90
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Re: eBay does NOTHING to protect sellers

I will 100% join the class action. eBay has gotten away with this **bleep** for too long. Everyone needs do delete their stores and refuse to sell. They forget who ACTUALLY makes them their money.

Message 71 of 90
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Re: eBay does NOTHING to protect sellers

eBay is doing nothing to protect sellers. Has increasingly gotten worse in past year. I have two unfair negative feedbacks that I have very nicely tried to have removed. Both by the buyer & eBay. Trying to communicate by email, messaging, or talking on phone is like hitting a brick wall. Extremely frustrating. Seller neglect is at all time high. Wish eBay actually had a reasonable way to resolve problem. 

Message 72 of 90
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Re: eBay does NOTHING to protect sellers

I agree. It's Virtually impossible to get hold of anybody Once they close a case. They signed with the buyers without even regarding the sellers or reaching out I have several items that were bought and said they were returned which they were not And now i'm out money in my items. I will be willing to go in on this class action law suit.

Message 73 of 90
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Re: eBay does NOTHING to protect sellers

@l_a_bond @floridasnowangel @technteachdeals @trentdwyckoff 

This is an old thread and the OP is still selling on eBay, so I doubt they filed their lawsuit they threatened.  Lots of complaints here but most never follow thru.  Much of the time it's the sellers fault. 

Message 74 of 90
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Re: eBay does NOTHING to protect sellers

Since you posted your issue on 12/05/23, but you still have some listings, may we assume that you worked things out? 

And how did that class action lawsuit work out for you? 

Message 75 of 90
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