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Throwing all of my inventory away

I wish there was a way to know how many sellers throw away/donate their inventory.  Do you throw yours away ever?  Donate it?


I have donated some of mine but if I can't give away my inventory in front of the worlds largest audience here on eBay,  there is absolutely no point in donating what no one wants.  It's a sinking feeling but I've made my profit and what remains is garbage.



Message 1 of 92
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Re: Throwing all of my inventory away

@pirate_snoopy wrote:

@sbmonroe wrote:
Your political views and name calling (stupid 1% era) have no place here and are offensive. You should have learned from your mother that you may say 1% ers do stupid (in your view - and never really an appropriate word) things, but not that they are, as a group, stupid.
Good luck to you.



pirate snoopy I don't see the original of this post but thanks for bringing it up.


wow is right. sbmonroe ? don't be saying stuff about my mother ok?


and yes the 1% that shipped all the jobs to other countries and don't pay many many people a living wage....I call that stupid. 

Message 76 of 92
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Re: Throwing all of my inventory away

Correction, it was dead people's treasures. But apparently the family didn't feel the same way. Funny how the family sometimes doesn't realize what true "treasures" they may be dumping off at the thrift store or garage sale and sellers like me come in and swoop it up. I like to think of it as recycling. The old addage of "one man's trash is another man's treasure" is so appropriate and should be the slogan for ebay.

Message 77 of 92
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Re: Throwing all of my inventory away

I've always been a big supporter of recycling which is how I got into the thrift store business - first as a volunteer, then as an owner, and now on ebay and back to volunteering.  


Most thrift stores try to sell as much as they can - the first one I volunteered with had a couple of ladies that even took things home to be washed and ironed before putting them out for sale.  The things in bad repair but with fabric value was picked up by a recycler to be used in making rugs and rags.  There was a "free" bin in front of the store .  Only the really disgusting stuff went in the trash.


I had to do a lot of downsizing before I moved.  The HOA did not permit estate or yard sales so the animal rescue thrift store got the really good clothing and household items.   The Purple Heart truck picked up the electronics and some larger household items.    Boxed and canned food that was not outdated went to the donation bin at the grocery store.   And then I hired an estate liquidator who took care of the rest (three truck loads) - he has a string of thrift stores in mostly rural areas.     Very little went out for the trash truck. 

Message 78 of 92
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Re: Throwing all of my inventory away

@bartermaniac wrote:

Correction, it was dead people's treasures. But apparently the family didn't feel the same way. Funny how the family sometimes doesn't realize what true "treasures" they may be dumping off at the thrift store or garage sale and sellers like me come in and swoop it up. I like to think of it as recycling. The old addage of "one man's trash is another man's treasure" is so appropriate and should be the slogan for ebay.

And some folks are just ignorant.  After my great grandmother passed, my mom's cousin GAVE AWAY her entire closet of handmade quilts family heirlooms - dozens of them - because some woman at her church told her "I need quilts for my dogs".  Also (already) missing was grandma's Limoge china.  The dimwit sold them (the whole service for 8 and serving dishes and tea service) at the flea market for $100 because "there were too many of them".

Message 79 of 92
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Re: Throwing all of my inventory away

Nobody speaks to her any more.

Message 80 of 92
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Re: Throwing all of my inventory away

This original post is from March and at that time I was folding up too and gave to the Thrift stores most of my items.  My advise has changed now lol.  I would just say, that anyone considering "ending it all" - still hold back the more valuable smalls if they can swing the space to store them.


You never know when a different opportunity might come up in the future to still sell those items - especially if today's shipping costs are a larger part of your decision to quit.  It did for me, 3 months after I donated 90% of my stuff.  I could had offered them at this new antique/vintage mall opening up 10 feet from my house.  You never know.  I'm not going to dwell over what could have been but had I been a little more patient.....  But I still have enough to sell there, few places I had not gone thru and found some treasures.


I do miss the "hunt".  I actually bought my first 3 items this week to put in my booth,  wrot wrow... here we go again:)

Message 81 of 92
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Re: Throwing all of my inventory away

Goodwill is no scam.


They do provide jobs and training for people who have hit hard times.

Whether one finds their services to be efficient or well targeted, as compared to competitive charities,  is a matter of opinion and research.

Message 82 of 92
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Re: Throwing all of my inventory away

Thanks!:)  I've posted multiple times that Goodwill is invaluable to our city and is under strict regulations by the state as they partner with the state for job training, disability checks etc.


I think that some are outraged at the less than minimim wage offered to some mentally or physically handicapped persons.  I would like to remind them of this;  Goodwill will take the severly disabled that can put a piece of clothing on a hangar at the rate of 5 items per hour.  Name me one other place that will employ thousands across the nation that are this severly disabled.


It's not always about the money - it's about giving a sense of belonging and schedule to some very disrupted lives, their families and friends.   Try to work the numbers any other way and Goodwill would be bankrupt in a year.  Let those that crab try to take their place to provide a a working environment for these unfortunate people.

Message 83 of 92
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Re: Throwing all of my inventory away

The Large retail companies hate to see anything sit for over 90 days. In our ebay game at times you must wait for the right buyer... That can take months.. However I never toss a non seller. every quarter i go thru my NONE MOVING items and pull them. I will group them with other itemsthat wont sell to make a lot. You don't want to lot lets say running shoes with baby rattles I want them to relate to each other or have one inhance another.. But I will place a item that sells well in the lot also.. An item I know will draw the buyers. and ill make sure to have that item in the title,,, 

   I auction this stuff in most cases ...

 I have also just tossed in unwanted items in a shippiment of a new purchase so it will disappear from my area and appear in someone elses lol Be carful what you send not to upset your buyer lol Buyers get sideways over the smallest thing..

Just my 2 cents 

Gotta Know Joe HobbieDSCN8184 (2).JPG

Message 84 of 92
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Re: Throwing all of my inventory away

They aren't sending them to Congress anymore? They must be cracking down!

Message 85 of 92
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Re: Throwing all of my inventory away

A yard /garage sale permit here is $280. The stuff you want to unload had better be worth some dough.

Message 86 of 92
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Re: Throwing all of my inventory away

campesinoplastic2014 wrote:

A yard /garage sale permit here is $280. The stuff you want to unload had better be worth some dough.

Smiley Surprised

Message 87 of 92
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Re: Throwing all of my inventory away

Old/unsold inventory, we sell at the swap meet (fortunate to live in a Lost Angeles) or yard sales. Rarely do we throw stuff away. Donations to charities have be usefull/reselleable items.


May I suggest you look up "Freecycle" in your area, instead of throwing stuff away you can place it on your front yard and put a listing of free stuff. Things find a new home very very quickly


Hope this helps

: )

Just a humble seller.
Message 88 of 92
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Re: Throwing all of my inventory away

I totaly understand especially after the holidays I am left over with tons of makeup that is quite expensive so I hate to throw it away, yet I will be getting more updated items in soon, and these will become obsolete. For me, what I did is I had these holiday themed gift baskets made to sell on my page full of quite expensive name brand products and though I sold out of the most popular ones, I still had some baskets all decorated with holiday goodies inside left. Well, my mom is under going radiation for breast cancer and even though the whole purpose of me selling on here is to help her with medical bills, etc, the people who take care of her, the nurses and doctors are so caring and patient and truly have a gift for brightening up spirits. So, I am taking them this week on her last radiation day of the week, and handing them out to them, they definitely deserve them. A lof of the nurses, radiologists and doctor's are women and love that type of stuff, so now I am trying to figure out what I can get together for the group of patients in my mom's support group since many are older and do not worry about stila, tarte and other brand name makeup.  They are mostly at a point they just want to make it to the next day.  So, it might be good to look into some charities, there are so many this time of year that are in need, and you would be surprised what they would take, pretty much anything. Problem is I still have some larger items I still need to get rid of, so if you are interested let me know. But I thought it might be an idea:) Thanks, HeatherIMG_20170825_191124_007.jpg


Heather K. Abbott
Message 89 of 92
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Re: Throwing all of my inventory away

@mistwomandancing wrote:

@campesinoplastic2014 wrote:

A yard /garage sale permit here is $280. The stuff you want to unload had better be worth some dough.

Smiley Surprised

The cost of a yard sale here is the bruise you get on your shin while dragging the tables out onto the lawn so you can put stuff on them.

Message 90 of 92
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