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Sales tax . . . the problem has begun

SCOTUS  has ruled 


the problems will be enormous 

Message 1 of 284
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283 REPLIES 283

Sales tax . . . the problem has begun

Well that;s not exactly a shock,. I disagree with THEM frequently lol

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 256 of 284
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Sales tax . . . the problem has begun

@the*dog*ate*my*tablecloth wrote:

The Supreme Court apparently disagrees with you.

Only four of the Judges  agreed that  SD had no right  to ask  for the sales tax  from out of state  business's.    Would  have been five  judges     that said  SD  Had no rights . Had Obama  gotten his  supreme court judge  pick  in place. Had not been  for  the racism  action of the Republican party  going out  of their way to block his pick.   Sad  thing is Pres. Trumptard  thougth Amazon  was involed  in the case  when sent his poeple to help SD because of his dislike  of Jeff Benzoes 

Message 257 of 284
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Sales tax . . . the problem has begun

1 - sales are so off - why get your knickers in a knot? relax - what makes you think the "governement" can accomplish anything anymore? I'm not spending one little minute worring about things that I can't control

2 - I've always declared my ebay sales so they already know where to find me.

Message 258 of 284
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Sales tax . . . the problem has begun

I fall into this category with my online store with most of the states that require it now


A Washington law that took effect Jan. 1 exempts out-of-state businesses with annual sales of $10,000 a year or less. Businesses with more sales now must either collect taxes from customers directly or notify customers that they are liable for the tax and report sales to the state, which would pursue individual purchasers for the taxes they owe.

Message 259 of 284
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Sales tax . . . the problem has begun

That $10k could be a liitle low for an exemption if they're including shipping paid..doesn't say whether those sales amounts are gross or net

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 260 of 284
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Sales tax . . . the problem has begun

@tealt wrote:

@goodluckselling wrote:

I have never heard of any state that allows collecting sales tax and paying once a year?  It is usually every quarter in most states.


Good Luck Selling!


I'm in California, and I pay once a year--on January 31st.


In California, how often you pay depends on taxable sales volume.

Yes, it's the same in my state. I file once a year because I never sell enough here to meet the quarterly filing requirement.

Message 261 of 284
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Sales tax . . . the problem has begun

@carlmarxx wrote:

@the*dog*ate*my*tablecloth wrote:

The Supreme Court apparently disagrees with you.

Only four of the Judges  agreed that  SD had no right  to ask  for the sales tax  from out of state  business's.    Would  have been five  judges     that said  SD  Had no rights . Had Obama  gotten his  supreme court judge  pick  in place. Had not been  for  the racism  action of the Republican party  going out  of their way to block his pick.   Sad  thing is Pres. Trumptard  thougth Amazon  was involed  in the case  when sent his poeple to help SD because of his dislike  of Jeff Benzoes 

I'm very upset that the SC went this way, but your assumption that another Obama judge would have voted with the other two is jumping the shark. Kennedy and Ginsburg voted for it, both Democrats. Roberts voted against, and he's a Republican.  Or are you saying that Obama SC appointees take their orders from Obama? I guarantee you, Supreme Court justices don't operate that way.

Message 262 of 284
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Sales tax . . . the problem has begun

@carlmarxx wrote:

@the*dog*ate*my*tablecloth wrote:

The Supreme Court apparently disagrees with you.

Only four of the Judges  agreed that  SD had no right  to ask  for the sales tax  from out of state  business's.    Would  have been five  judges     that said  SD  Had no rights . Had Obama  gotten his  supreme court judge  pick  in place. Had not been  for  the racism  action of the Republican party  going out  of their way to block his pick.  

I did some research and you're dead wrong. Obama was all for this, not against. Obama pushed for this for years.

Message 263 of 284
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Sales tax . . . the problem has begun

Republicans, democrats, doesn't matter. This was coming, there's far too much money involved. 

Message 264 of 284
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Sales tax . . . the problem has begun

@lookng2015 wrote:
Is anyone forcing you to read every thread you deem redundant?

Its these kind of remarks that prove my point. No one cares about the board policies. (Hostile comments is another one). But considering those who find it necessary to repeat a thread have likely not bothered to see if the topic has already been addressed, though hard to miss this time. Therefore, they would surely not care about reading the community guidelines! When one comes to these boards and sees the same topic all over, they leave. Which is why I didn't see your snarky remark until now.


  • Avoid duplicate, repetitive or disruptive threads and posts.  Members should only post one thread per topic on the most relevant board for the issue or question.  Topics or posts that are duplicative or disruptive may be removed without notice.


Message 265 of 284
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Sales tax . . . the problem has begun

Notice how quickly Justice Kennedy put in his retirement once they made the Internet Sales Tax decision. He was hanging on to ram that through. Pretty funny how Kennedy tricked Ruth Bader-Ginsburg into voting for the Internet Sales Tax and now Trump gets to another court pick. I bet she's kicking herself now for getting played.
Message 266 of 284
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Sales tax . . . the problem has begun

Why was Bader played? She said she agreed the original decision was obsolete. Not sure what this has to do with Kennedy retiring. 


Of all the rulings they have made this year, this is one of the easiest IMHO.


Message 267 of 284
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Sales tax . . . the problem has begun

The guy is old....he wasn't gonna work forever.
And the ruling was gonna pass sooner or later...writing has been on the wall for years. Guess you missed that part.
Most people saw it coming and were just waiting for the when.
So now it is done..big deal.

Message 268 of 284
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Sales tax . . . the problem has begun

not everything is some great conspiracy.
Message 269 of 284
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Sales tax . . . the problem has begun

Any update or new findings revealed on the State Tax for ebay sales?

Message 270 of 284
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