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Notice something with Promoted listing impressions dropped significantly after raising but.....

I wonder if anyone else is seeing this as i am, so i have been promoting my listings for a couple years now. I have about 700 items listed now(700 is what i normally have listed), and i raised the ad rate later last week on some of the oldest listings up a couple percent. I noticed a significant amount of impression increase. so i typically average around the same everyday, its always around 350,000 per day rarely hit a day lower than 300k Sundays typically over 400k. so this past Sunday i raised everything.  since that my impressions have been around 100k, its so odd. sales seemed the same, the thing that shows up odd and makes me think this might be a glitch. As far as page views, its been on a constant average. the pages views have been higher the past 3 days than any other day this month. sales seem about the same as well.  i am just curious if anyone notices last two days significantly low impression. as long as page views and sales stay the same that's fine.

its all seems a bit odd, i have been posting a bit more than normal as well!!!! then to see the graph plummet like that, just gives you a bad feeling, if you know what i mean!!! 

I also wonder if i did not play around with the numbers if it would have done that!!!! 

Message 1 of 82
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Notice something with Promoted listing impressions dropped significantly after raising but.....

It could be a glitch in the reporting, it could be a real drop. Some of us have noticed that ebay might be testing a reduction in the number of slots given to Promoted Listings, which , if the test is widespread, could impact the number of impressions, while at the same time views and sales might be OK (presumably because ebay is being choosier about which items to put in the slots.)


But that's all speculation on my part.

Message 2 of 82
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Notice something with Promoted listing impressions dropped significantly after raising but.....

I'm also having issues with the Promoted Listing impressions.  I had been averaging about 210,000 daily impressions and yesterday had a massive drop down to 98,000.  I had not changed anything until today, so you changing your promoted rate may have nothing to do with it.  Not too sure what is going on, but sales have suffered drastically as well due to this.

Message 3 of 82
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Notice something with Promoted listing impressions dropped significantly after raising but.....

you seem to be having the same issue, might be a glitch then, Yesterday is when it dipped for me as well, only on the chart though, I just happened to increase them right before this happened, i dont think its from that but its a bit discouraging cause i was doing a bit of a experiment by raising them slightly then a little more. it was going up and up had like 500k Sunday but was constantly between 300 and 400k for at least a year. then to see 100k  yesterday and today right now I'm only at like 60k.  like i mentioned above page views and sales have jumped as i increased and even the chart today and yesterday for that page views is right on par, sales as well. i got a feeling its a glitch!!!! glad you responded. thanks!! 

Message 4 of 82
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Notice something with Promoted listing impressions dropped significantly after raising but.....

I posted this in another thread here. 


I'm surprised that more are not reporting this. We are noticing the same thing on our account. From yesterday to the day before we had a 200,000 impressions drop. Right now, from yesterday to today, we have a good 120,000 impressions drop. Overall today, we are down 350,000 impressions from what we normally average if today's impressions hold. I called support earlier and let them know. The girl there did agree that something is messed up and when this will be fixed is another story. Who knows what is going on now as its one glitch after another.

Message 5 of 82
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Notice something with Promoted listing impressions dropped significantly after raising but.....

May I ask how your sales have been?  Since this drop in promoted listings impressions, sales have bottomed out for us.  We typically average $300+ daily sales and today we are currently about $80.  From what I have gathered from other sellers is that sales have been right about the same, so we must be part of the unfortunate few to have been affected in the sales department as well.

Message 6 of 82
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Notice something with Promoted listing impressions dropped significantly after raising but.....

I looked at my impressions , not nearly what you have, but I guess the real issue is conversions rate. 

Message 7 of 82
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Notice something with Promoted listing impressions dropped significantly after raising but.....

Yes I got the same issue , From yesterday ( 18 Jul )
I got 50% impression dropped .

today is the same 50% also .

this reflecting less where as you were reached to  equal number of 4,6,8,etc million impressions  .
this happened to me twice in last 3 months 

Message 8 of 82
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Notice something with Promoted listing impressions dropped significantly after raising but.....

Sales have been somewhat inline to what we have been getting each day, but we did have this weird spike on Tuesday (not complaining, LOL!). We get these weird spikes at least 1-3 times a month. It's like someone opened up the floodgates. Then yesterday's sales were quite the drop from the day before, but were still good enough for us.


Something is definitely going on because this past week I am noticing not a single sale overnight at all. Then sales usually now do not come trickling in anywhere from 8-10 am CT. I have nothing to hide here like some do and you can see the size of our account, and we do everything eBay expects of a seller + for as long as we've been on this platform know all of the tricks in keeping listings fresh. We even list on a daily basis.


Not sure if you guys ever watch My Boring Reseller Life on YT, but most of the issues he encounters I've seen them and I know many others do too on these forums. If you keep a close eye to the trends on your account, you know when something is jacked up.


You also have a pretty nice store with the collectibles you are selling and a nice size store. It should not make any sense on the drop.

Message 9 of 82
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Notice something with Promoted listing impressions dropped significantly after raising but.....

I don't think it's a glitch at this point.  This is going on to the third day again and my sales as well as traffic have gone down the same path as the promoted listings impressions.  All my metrics have gone down roughly about the same percentage.

Message 10 of 82
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Notice something with Promoted listing impressions dropped significantly after raising but.....

yeah exact same time its started for me, i messaged eBay on Facebook as that seems to be the best way to communicate sometimes. They finally messaged me late at night but i am talking with them now on Facebook.  At least its brought to there attention. What's odd as i mentioned, page views are up and it breaks it down to show internal and external promotions and non promoted with the graph for page views.  That graph for page views shows a increase almost 35-40% increase in promoted listing the last 4 days. 4 days ago is when i upped my promotional percentage to do a test and to see if it would increase sale and to see if its worth it and to se how it plays out on the charts. bad timing for me!!!  I went to school for technical analysis (study of stock market charts in a nut shell, so chart info is extra important to me, as i am trained to read charts of all kinds) sales have been decent though. it seems to be working but the graph is just not right though. really hard for us to get info. 

I feel that having the page views and sales be the same for this time of year, and only the one chart wrong, seems to be working properly but be nice if they could let us know what the issues is and the chart be working properly, i am sure if anyone like me that raised it right before this glitch, there not going to be inclined to keep the rates increased. They should get this straight ASAP as it is probably affecting them as far as $$ and reps being tied up over it!!!

Sales have been decent for me for this time of year, i sell mainly vintage tools and vintage stuff and sales tend to drop in the summer about 35 percent maybe even a little more but there consistent, last year as well, tool prices do as well as far as common desired stuff. 

I hope eBay help see this forum because i seen in another forum that was dated about a month ago while searching for issues about this. That person has a similar issue and the eBay community person left a message on there saying to that person that they would expedite helping the person get the glitch fixed. 

fingers crossed!!! 🤞🤞🤞

Message 11 of 82
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Notice something with Promoted listing impressions dropped significantly after raising but.....

seems like we all had the drop around the same time!!!! 

Message 12 of 82
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Notice something with Promoted listing impressions dropped significantly after raising but.....

Same today again, completely dead on sales.  I'm inclining more that eBay changed the "formula" for promoted listings.  I'm currently losing more than half in sales.

Message 13 of 82
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Notice something with Promoted listing impressions dropped significantly after raising but.....

So this is good info for everyone that is having this issue, i exchanged info with eBay and they just reached out on Facebook and they submitted this comment thread to the tech team, along with the info, they agreed it seems like a technical error or glitch. hopefully they fix it, seems like most people got this issue starting this past Tuesday. 

As far as my end goes, i upped my rates over the weekend, my page views have been highest the last 5 days than the past two months. also on the page view breakdown it shows promoted, on site and off site, and organic and both off and on site promotions on that chart are higher than ever. Its just that one chart for impressions that seems to be glitchy. 

If it gets fixed on my end i will update with any info i get!!

Message 14 of 82
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Notice something with Promoted listing impressions dropped significantly after raising but.....

Just looked & yes, between Jul 16 & 18th, my Organic Impressions dropped by 1/2.  My PL impressions were static & I had not changed rates (though I have used dynamic rates for a couple of years).  Lately there have been several of these & they have been 'reporting issues' or delays per Ebay.  


There was a similar, though not exactly the same, report here:

This one goes to Eleven - Nigel Tufnel

Simply-the-best-for-you Volunteer Community Mentor
eBay Seller since 1996

Message 15 of 82
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