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Ebay is a joke taking another 5% during covid

I just have to add this on here my recent experience I think it’s disgusting that eBay has changed their policy and now if the seller falls below standard they take an extra 5% out of what they’re already robbing some sellers! I had a flood in my basement and had to cancel a couple of sales unaware that I canceled the sales the wrong way and it was going to affect me I try to have the defect removed before I fell below standard they denied it and I’ve been fighting it and they finally told me that it was a mistake and that because of severe weather which I have proof that I had a flood they were removing the defects I’ve gotten multiple messages stating that they were removing the defects and I still have not seen them removed I’ve also been told that the 5% would be refunded to me saying I should’ve never fell below standard and that they would stop taking it but that hasn’t happened either!! I think it’s really sad that people are using this as a form of income after we had one of the biggest threats in the world with Covid people losing their jobs all over the place and they’re doing this this is really sad and I’m about to just completely give up on selling and have no income at all for a single mother I’m disgusted!! I have gotten tons of different information from customer service all ending up telling me the same thing even in the messages that the defects would be removed 48-72hrs! Nothing i’d be refunded the 5% nothing After the defects were removed the 5% would be stopped nothing!! I am truly truly upset with this company how do they expect sellers if they fall below standard To even get back up to even have a chance when they’re putting restrictions on peoples accounts I also am not able to promote my listings and my visibility of my listing says dropped I’m not selling half as much as I normally sell this is really sad that they’re doing this after Covid and I think it’s disgusting they should be ashamed of themselves!! If I could post the messages on here that I’ve received contact customer service stating what they were going to do and haven’t done you’d be really surprised and it’s really sad that they’ve lied to me!! 

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Re: Ebay is a joke taking another 5% during covid

FYI I could see you placing these restrictions after somebody falling below standard for two consecutive months at least giving them a chance to fix whatever issues they had created but not in the first month taking 5% more of what you’re already taking from sellers that’s disgusting and especially during Covid you need to fix your policies immediately!! 

Message 2 of 12
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Re: Ebay is a joke taking another 5% during covid

eBay updates defects on the seller dashboard only once a week. What day/date did you talk with eBay?


The out of stock defects and the extra 5% have both been in place for a long time now. When your inventory is affected by weather issues, the best thing you can do is contact CS before you cancel anything so they can walk you through the process and appeal the defects before they affect your seller rating. I've had to do this before and it all went smoothly.


Sorry you're dealing with this the hard way, but at least you've learned how to handle the situation if it ever happens again. I hope the flooding wasn't too severe. Make sure you remove the listings for any other inventory that was damaged.


Check out the new inefficient Seller Hub 'All Filters' panel to see how much eBay disrespects sellers' time (click).
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Re: Ebay is a joke taking another 5% during covid



First, really sorry about the flooding and all the added stress I am certain that has caused you and your family.


Second, reach out on social media to e-Bay thru Facebook for Business.  Message button on the upper right of landing page - give them the transaction numbers and your Selling ID and let them know you have been dealing with CS for some time and were told this was resolved.


Good luck to you!


....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 4 of 12
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Re: Ebay is a joke taking another 5% during covid

I had a lot of other things going on I’m a single mother and I’m trying to clean up a flood in a home that I just purchased because of this terrible weather so the last thing on my mind was jumping on eBay to check my seller ratings because I canceled the wrong way not even realizing it they didn’t even inform me that they were placing these restrictions on my account!! Now they’re telling me they’re going to remove all the restrictions  and refund me And they still haven’t money is very very tight this month and it’s ridiculous that they are continuing to do this bottom line! I take responsibility for any things I’ve canceled or any mistakes I have made but this was completely out of my control

Message 5 of 12
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Re: Ebay is a joke taking another 5% during covid

Thank you for the advice I really appreciate your kindness I take responsibility for anything I’ve done wrong on eBay but this was completely out of my control and I don’t feel as I should’ve been penalized for it it was out of my control I’m a single mom trying to take care of my kids this is my first home in money is really really tight this month and I do this to pay my bills and the extra money that they’re taking Could go towards food or an electric bill that I am pass due on it’s just not right! I just think with everything that’s going on right now they shouldn’t be doing this after one month they should allow sellers that month to fix the problem if after two they don’t then I can see them placing all of these restrictions on! 

Message 6 of 12
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Re: Ebay is a joke taking another 5% during covid

I get it and I empathize with your situation. My post was an attempt to help put you in a better starting place if something like this ever happens again in the future.


My question still stands: What day/date did you talk with eBay?


Since they update the dashboard only once a week, knowing when you spoke with them will help so we can offer the most accurate advice to take care of this as quickly as possible.


Check out the new inefficient Seller Hub 'All Filters' panel to see how much eBay disrespects sellers' time (click).
Message 7 of 12
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Re: Ebay is a joke taking another 5% during covid

Didn’t exactly have time to jump on and find everything that was destroyed at that moment to remove the listings immediately there was quite a bit of water I had to clean up wasn’t my first priority and yes that was my mistake but in their policy they are supposed to remove the listings due to severe weather so had this been removed the first time and not denied and me having to appeal it and then it be excepted this wouldn’t of happened in the first place and I wouldn’t have had my seller rating fall below standard they told me it was a glitch in their system which is why they’re supposed to be refunding me the 5% that they are now taking! Maybe try being alil kinder to people lady We’re all just trying to make a living here

Message 8 of 12
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Re: Ebay is a joke taking another 5% during covid

Also they told me 48 to 72 hours it would be updated as well it’s been there and it hasn’t been done I have multiple multiple emails from multiple departments in customer service!! All stating that they would be removed with the timeframe etc.

Message 9 of 12
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Re: Ebay is a joke taking another 5% during covid

They sent me an email stating it would be removed in 48 to 72 hours on Wednesday and then again on Thursday! I’ve gotten so much different information from customer service even after receiving multiple emails like five stating the exact defects with the item numbers that were being removed it’s insane I know they can see these messages and all eBay customer service can see the messages so I don’t know why there’s so much different information either way per their policy these defects should not of been denied in the first place and I wouldn’t be in this situation’ I had to fight it and appeal they escalated it for and finally they stated they were going to correct it! I would also like to add I called again today and was treated absolutely terribly and the lady told me that that was not going to happen even though I’ve received five emails the information is just ridiculous the customer service is absolutely terrible and they treat their sellers like **bleep**! I am now also trying to find out if their calls are recorded because I had a manager stated to me that I would be fully refunded for all the 5% that’s being taken out of my sales and they will refund me whatever that is from now until they fix the issue which seems like it will never happen! 

Message 10 of 12
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Re: Ebay is a joke taking another 5% during covid

what do you expect from the company based on rip-offs?

This is a part of eBay's business. Their goal is not to help a seller but to rip one's off as much as possible. An insane greed and the confidence that there are no competitors around. Why would they respect you or care about  you. 13% for the sale fees is way too much, plus local taxes and Paypal's levies. No point to use eBay anymore. This is a reason why we stopped our eBay sales. 

Message 11 of 12
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Re: Ebay is a joke taking another 5% during covid

I absolutely think your amazing and agree with you I’m about to remove my listings I’m so over it!! So I appealed 4 defects I had the same issue due to a flood and they only removed 3! I honestly feel as though it was on purpose to keep me below standard so they can continue to rob me!! I’m so done with it all the customer service agents has given me different information now their telling me I sell to sell 45 items in 10days or I will continue to have 5% taken from me for another one I’m so done with it there actually taking 11.7% plus another 5% it’s sick I’m so done!! It’s not worth it to me anymore 

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