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Buyers not reading the whole listing

Like everyone else - I too have the problem of buyers not reading the whole listing. Just had an auction item end and immediately got a note from the buyer. The item is heavy and odd shaped - so I looked at similar completed listings to see what others charged for shipping and even messaged another seller to see what type of box and padding  they used for the item.


The message I received was something like: 

I just realized you are charging x amt for shipping. That is double what it costs and against Ebay rules. If I have to pay this to avoid a strike than you will get approriate feedback.


I responded that due to the items weight it has to go priority and due to it's size a larger box was needed to accomodate it. I want my buyers to be happy and if she'd like to initiate a cancel I would gladly accept it. 


After looking at her feedback left - I'm really glad she doesn't want to be my customer but I do wish buyer's would pay attention to shipping costs and descriptions.


Hoping everyone else is having a great day with sales.

Message 1 of 53
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Re: Buyers not reading the whole listing

Many buy using their phone.


I have been here for 19 years.  First time my son showed me what a listing looked like on the phone, and it was as if I had never seen an ebay listing before.


You are smart to cancel.  This buyer is a disaster waiting to happen.


Make sure you block her.

Message 2 of 53
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Re: Buyers not reading the whole listing

Nothing aggravates me more than members who think the know the rules but have obviously never read them! 

One life is all we have to live
Love is all we have to give

**Formerly known as MissJen316**
Message 3 of 53
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Re: Buyers not reading the whole listing

But the shipping cost isn't hidden on the phone, its actually right next to the item price.  And its shown in the search results right below the item price. So this is one thing I can't give the buyer a pass on myself. The only thing ebay should change is that the shipping cost needs to be prominantly displayed on the place bid screen, for those who still don't seem to see it in the search results and on the listing.

One life is all we have to live
Love is all we have to give

**Formerly known as MissJen316**
Message 4 of 53
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Re: Buyers not reading the whole listing

Thanks you two!

She remessaged me that she doesn't want to do a cancellation as she'll get a strike! I told her she'll only get a strike if I open a UPI if she doesn't pay.


Messaged me again that she doesn't know how to do a cancel - I told her just respond to this message - I'd like to cancel and I'll initiate one. ( I want everything in writing! ) Maybe she's been reported many times before and is nearing her limit of UPI's, cancellations and sellers calling in about all the negs she leave.

Message 5 of 53
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Re: Buyers not reading the whole listing

@tunicaslot wrote:

Thanks you two!

She remessaged me that she doesn't want to do a cancellation as she'll get a strike! I told her she'll only get a strike if I open a UPI if she doesn't pay.


Messaged me again that she doesn't know how to do a cancel - I told her just respond to this message - I'd like to cancel and I'll initiate one. ( I want everything in writing! ) Maybe she's been reported many times before and is nearing her limit of UPI's, cancellations and sellers calling in about all the negs she leave.

We can only hope! From the sounds of it, she must have at least 1 UPI and I really think this isn't her first rodeo here. But I'm glad she's willing to cancel:)

Hopefully she's unaware of the backdoor & doesn't know how to leave feedback on a cancelled transaction but IF she does, i think her threat of leaving appropriate feedback will probably assist you in getting a negative removed! 

One life is all we have to live
Love is all we have to give

**Formerly known as MissJen316**
Message 6 of 53
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Re: Buyers not reading the whole listing

I honestly think that is the most frustrating part of selling online half the buyers don't read the description the other half don't read the shipping cost and then they blame the seller for it.

Out of curiosity I would probably ask her to post the shipping price policy that she's quoting
Message 7 of 53
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Re: Buyers not reading the whole listing

@fallingleavesjewelry wrote:
I honestly think that is the most frustrating part of selling online half the buyers don't read the description the other half don't read the shipping cost and then they blame the seller for it.

Out of curiosity I would probably ask her to post the shipping price policy that she's quoting

Ah, but she can't, you see, it is only in her head, BUT she KNOWS it is RIGHT!!!



Message 8 of 53
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Re: Buyers not reading the whole listing

I'm curious as to whether you used calculated or listed a flat rate for everyone as your shipping cost.

Message 9 of 53
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Re: Buyers not reading the whole listing

@tunicaslot wrote:

Like everyone else - I too have the problem of buyers not reading the whole listing. Just had an auction item end and immediately got a note from the buyer. The item is heavy and odd shaped - so I looked at similar completed listings to see what others charged for shipping and even messaged another seller to see what type of box and padding  they used for the item.


The message I received was something like: 

I just realized you are charging x amt for shipping. That is double what it costs and against Ebay rules. If I have to pay this to avoid a strike than you will get approriate feedback.


I responded that due to the items weight it has to go priority and due to it's size a larger box was needed to accomodate it. I want my buyers to be happy and if she'd like to initiate a cancel I would gladly accept it. 


After looking at her feedback left - I'm really glad she doesn't want to be my customer but I do wish buyer's would pay attention to shipping costs and descriptions.


Hoping everyone else is having a great day with sales.

I always  get a feeling of dread when I get a message like that from a customer. I had one last week who asked me if I would wait four days for payment, and I told her I would.  A few days later I received four emails (all over night...I guess she was on the West Coast), frantic about the size of the diamonds. It was a cluster for $169. I responded that when a person has concerns like she did that it usually was a good idea to end the transaction and let her know I would have no problem with that. Thankfully she asked me to cancel the transaction as a "buyer asked to". 



Message 10 of 53
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Re: Buyers not reading the whole listing

@castlemagicmemories wrote:

@fallingleavesjewelry wrote:
I honestly think that is the most frustrating part of selling online half the buyers don't read the description the other half don't read the shipping cost and then they blame the seller for it.

Out of curiosity I would probably ask her to post the shipping price policy that she's quoting

Ah, but she can't, you see, it is only in her head, BUT she KNOWS it is RIGHT!!!



This is what eBay policy page says:


If an item's shipping cost seems excessive, try to find a better deal. You can also use our Shipping Calculator to research shipping rates. It's against our policy to have unreasonable shipping charges in a listing, or to provide unclear or misleading shipping information.

Sellers are allowed to:

  • Charge actual shipping costs
  • Include the cost of packaging materials, insurance, and delivery
  • Include delivery confirmation or extra services in the handling cost

Sellers aren't allowed to:

  • Charge more than the maximum shipping costs in categories with shipping caps
  • Charge a separate fee for insurance
  • Charge for business-related fees such as employee wages or gas mileage
  • Include contradictory or confusing shipping terms in your listing

When dealing with the Global Shipping Program, remember that:

  • A seller only has control over the domestic shipping cost; the cost of international shipping and import fees is determined by the Global Shipping Center
  • All costs are paid for at the time of purchase; no payment is needed upon delivery


BUT BUT BUT They never actually DEFINE excessive or unresonable. Eye of the beholder I guess.

The pendulum always corrects itself.
Message 11 of 53
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Re: Buyers not reading the whole listing

I actually just used a flat rate as I always do. Should the cost exceed the actual shipping cost I always refund the buyers and they are always grateful - then again all have read the listing and have bid or bought knowing the actual ship cost listed.


I'm mad at the buyer for not reading but in the end I'm the winner as she's left so many negs that it's best to cancel and save myself the grief. It's just another situation that unfortunately can occur on any venue  and is a part of doing business.


Message 12 of 53
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Re: Buyers not reading the whole listing

@tunicaslot wrote:

Thanks you two!

She remessaged me that she doesn't want to do a cancellation as she'll get a strike! I told her she'll only get a strike if I open a UPI if she doesn't pay.


Messaged me again that she doesn't know how to do a cancel - I told her just respond to this message - I'd like to cancel and I'll initiate one. ( I want everything in writing! ) Maybe she's been reported many times before and is nearing her limit of UPI's, cancellations and sellers calling in about all the negs she leave.

Well, I guess she doesn't know ALL the rules!


She thinks she knows the shipping one, but that may be as  far as it goes...

include shipping  in Best Offer, check!  Bid not binding,check!

And on and on...


Don't forget indignation because a seller dared to block her, this has GOT to be against the rules!!

Message 13 of 53
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Re: Buyers not reading the whole listing

The problem is excessive is in the eye of the beholder. More often than not - on items I don't usually sell - I never ask enough shipping and end up picking up the extra - not complaining as it's my choice to use flat ship rate. If I had an abundance of a certain type item - I'd probably use calculated shipping.


I have had buyers email me questioning the ship cost before they bid or buy and I then pull the item, pack and box it and get an actual cost to present to them. Many times the cost of shipping I'm asking is lower than the actual ship cost - if the ship cost I listed is too high - I will adjust the price for a BIN or refund them if they win an auction. I don't think that buyers actually realize how costly shipping is. If it weren't for selling here - I know I wouldn't as I always find a free shipping code or tend to make sure I total the $49 for free shipping from stores.

Message 14 of 53
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Re: Buyers not reading the whole listing

@tunicaslot wrote:

I actually just used a flat rate as I always do. Should the cost exceed the actual shipping cost I always refund the buyers and they are always grateful - then again all have read the listing and have bid or bought knowing the actual ship cost listed.


I'm mad at the buyer for not reading but in the end I'm the winner as she's left so many negs that it's best to cancel and save myself the grief. It's just another situation that unfortunately can occur on any venue  and is a part of doing business.


I totally get the frustration, but I'll play devil's advocate for a moment.  You mention it was an auction, so possibly they didn't see it in time, but that is a rather lame excuse too.


In wondering why they stated you are charging way more than others, I suspect using the flat rate on a large/oversize item may be the culprit.  If they saw a similar listing nearby that offered calculated shipping, that might make yours look "off".   I try to shop total price to avoid the worry of how some sellers do shipping, but human nature makes me look.



Message 15 of 53
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