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Big price increase with the Post office 2019

If favorably reviewed by the PRC, the new prices will include a 5-cent increase in the price of a First-Class Mail Forever stamp, from 50 cents to 55 cents. The single-piece additional ounce price will be reduced to 15 cents, so a 2-ounce stamped letter, such as a typical wedding invitation, will cost less to mail, decreasing from 71 cents to 70 cents.

First-Class Package Service, a lightweight expedited offering used primarily by businesses for fulfillment purposes, will move to zone-based pricing to better align with the cost of service and improve value based on distance.

he proposed Mailing Services price changes include:

Letters (1 oz.)
Letters additional ounces
Letters (metered 1 oz.)
Outbound International Letters (1 oz.)
Domestic Postcards  

50 cents
21 cents
47 cents
35 cents

55 cents
15 cents
50 cents
35 cents

The proposed domestic Priority Mail Retail Flat Rate price changes are:

Small Flat Rate Box
Medium Flat Rate Box
Large Flat Rate Box
APO/FPO Large Flat Rate Box
Regular Flat Rate Envelope
Legal Flat Rate Envelope
Padded Flat Rate Envelope



First-Class Package Service, a lightweight expedited offering used primarily by businesses for fulfillment purposes, will move to zone-based pricing to better align with the cost of service and improve value based on distance.

Message 1 of 69
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Re: Big price increase with the Post office 2019

@drusalina wrote:


Don't be fooled by eBay's discounts.  You get the same discounts if you use PayPal.   It is printing your label at home that gets you the discount instead of counter service, which is more. 

Ebay does discount slightly more but it's not much, like 0.4% literally but I do agree don't be fooled by their hypeful gimmicks that make it sound like we're getting so much a better deal, we're not, hardly a deal at all.


Oh I forgot to mention, if you join managed payments all your listings that presently use the GSP will fail to relist.



Message 31 of 69
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Re: Big price increase with the Post office 2019

If First Class postage goes to zone-based, it will affect how much I list with "free" shipping.  I typically do all light-weight items that way, since I can know how much shipping will be regardless of buyer location.  If that changes, I likely will cut back on "free shipping" listings.

Message 32 of 69
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Re: Big price increase with the Post office 2019

Every time time I look at priority rates in the shipping calculator the range runs from ~$6 to ~$13 depending on location.  I guess I win if I charge a flat fee for shipping and that figure is less because the buyer is closer, but loose if the seller is further away.  I guess I have the option to use Regional As & **bleep** if that is cheaper, but can't find those rates on ebays labels.


So if something fits in a medium FR box doesn't it have less risk offering that as the shipping if item has to go more than a few regions away?


Is the size an issue if the package is under one-cubic foot?

Message 33 of 69
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Re: Big price increase with the Post office 2019

>>use Regional As & **bleep** if that is cheaper, but can't find those rates on ebays labels.

You use a 2lb zoned rate if using Regional As in eBay listings, but that is a problem if trying to offer other zoned services along with the regional A if they don't weigh 2 lb (and they wouldn't - otherwise why would you offer the Reg A and not just zoned priority?)

(if the proposed price changes go through, the 2lb priority zoned rate will no longer align with the Reg A rate, and things get more complicated - as in you just use 2 lb rate and lose a bit of money on the Reg A shipments)

When the item sells, Reg A becomes an option in the eBay label flow.

>>Is the size an issue if the package is under one-cubic foot?

Not for USPS - they have a 1 cu-ft threshold before you need to think about doing dim weight calcs.

For FedEx and UPS any package is subject to dim weight. A 6x6x5 box ships at an eBay FedEx dim weight of 2lb even if it actually weighs 1 lb (which is one reason, besides base cost, why FedEx and UPS are not the best choice for small light shipments unless there is another overriding reason to use them)
Message 34 of 69
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Re: Big price increase with the Post office 2019

Gotta love it!  ebay software bleeped Bees with no "ee"?


Thank you for the reply and help!


So if I'm reading right, Regional As for 2# and under, else regular priority zoned.  Then if someone too many zones away buys, I can still use a FR box when it is cheaper.   Size under 1 cu ft not an issue with USPS but fedEx & UPS both do everything by DIM.


Did I get it right?

Message 35 of 69
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Re: Big price increase with the Post office 2019

@goldguy22k wrote:
 ... So if I'm reading right, Regional As for 2# and under, else regular priority zoned.  Then if someone too many zones away buys, I can still use a FR box when it is cheaper....

No, that's backwards.  Currently the price for a Regional A box is the same as the zoned online price (Commercial Base) for 2 pounds.  So if your package is OVER 2 pounds, you'lll save by using a Regional A box.  


Postage cost for a Medium FRB is HIGHER than the Zone 8 price for 2 pounds/Regional A.  So a Medium (or Large) FRB will never be cheaper than a Regional A.


If the new rates go through, in January the price for a Regional A box will no longer be a match for the Commercial Base 2-pound rate.



Message 36 of 69
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Re: Big price increase with the Post office 2019

>>Did I get it right?

Regional A is for up to 15 pounds if you can fit it in the box. That is why they are so awesome - the same price as 2 lb zoned Priority Mail, but you can ship up to 15lb for the same 2 lb price. A Reg A ships at the same 2lb zoned price whether it weighs 6oz or 15 lb (sort of like PM flat rate but with 8 different zone prices)

What I was saying is that if you want to set up a listing to use a Regional A, you have to set a 2lb weight for the listing and call it regular PM in the listing because eBay has no Reg A packaging choice in the listing form. Normally that isn't a problem, but if offering FedEx or Parcel Select or any other weight beased optin in the listing it becomes a problem.

Example: 7lb item that would fit in a regional A. You have to set the shipping in the listing to 2lb in order for the shipping calc to get the rate correct for a buyer in a given zip (because Reg A ships at 2lb Priority rates), but that totally messes up using
FedEx or Parcel Select because to get those rates right the weight the calc sees has to be 7lb.

Normally not an issue because anything 2lb-15lb that can ship in a Reg A should - all the other services will be about the same or way more and there is mostly no point in offering them.

Regional B boxes get trickier. They ship at the 5lb rate *same idea as the Reg A), and can go up to 20lb. Where they are trickier is that sometimes a Large Flat Rate box or FedEx Ground or Smartpost is a better option depending on the destination zone, and you run into the problem I described for the A boxes.

Example: Item Fits in a Reg B or a Large Flat rate box (LFRB) and weighs 8lb. To use the Reg B, you have to set the weight in the listing to 5lb (but that messes up using FedEx because that needs to calc rates based on actual 8lb weight).

For a buyer nearby in your own zone, a Reg B ships for $7.41 - nothing is going to beat shipping 8lb for that price. But to zone 7, the Reg B costs $18.47, to zone 8 costs $21.03. A PM LFRB would be a better choice for both destinations at $17.10.

That is not a problem because you can specify the flat rate option in the listing and it doesn't care about weight.

FedEx Smartpost to zone 8 would be $14.85 and FedEx Home Delivery $17.24. Not much point in using Home Delivery since it is about the same as the LFRB and 5 business days instead of 2-4 for PM, but the Smartpost price is attractive. The problem is, you can't use it in the listing because you set the weight at 5lb for the Reg B and Smartpost needs to calc and charge based on the actual 8lb weight.

One thing you have to realize: I am coming at this from the viewpoint of charging buyers the actual discounted calculated prices. If setting flat rate shipping charges on listings and hoping it averages out then the calculus is different.

You got the FedEx and UPS right - always consider dim weight for them

(except for the FedEx One Rate offerings which are like USPS Regional boxes and sort of flat rate-ish in the same way)
Message 37 of 69
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Re: Big price increase with the Post office 2019

@berserkerplanet wrote:
>>Did I get it right?

Regional A is for up to 15 pounds if you can fit it in the box. That is why they are so awesome - the same price as 2 lb zoned Priority Mail, but you can ship up to 15lb for the same 2 lb price. A Reg A ships at the same 2lb zoned price whether it weighs 6oz or 15 lb (sort of like PM flat rate but with 8 different zone prices)

What I was saying is that if you want to set up a listing to use a Regional A, you have to set a 2lb weight for the listing and call it regular PM in the listing because eBay has no Reg A packaging choice in the listing form. Normally that isn't a problem, but if offering FedEx or Parcel Select or any other weight beased optin in the listing it becomes a problem.

Example: 7lb item that would fit in a regional A. You have to set the shipping in the listing to 2lb in order for the shipping calc to get the rate correct for a buyer in a given zip (because Reg A ships at 2lb Priority rates), but that totally messes up using
FedEx or Parcel Select because to get those rates right the weight the calc sees has to be 7lb.

Normally not an issue because anything 2lb-15lb that can ship in a Reg A should - all the other services will be about the same or way more and there is mostly no point in offering them.

Regional B boxes get trickier. They ship at the 5lb rate *same idea as the Reg A), and can go up to 20lb. Where they are trickier is that sometimes a Large Flat Rate box or FedEx Ground or Smartpost is a better option depending on the destination zone, and you run into the problem I described for the A boxes.

Example: Item Fits in a Reg B or a Large Flat rate box (LFRB) and weighs 8lb. To use the Reg B, you have to set the weight in the listing to 5lb (but that messes up using FedEx because that needs to calc rates based on actual 8lb weight).

For a buyer nearby in your own zone, a Reg B ships for $7.41 - nothing is going to beat shipping 8lb for that price. But to zone 7, the Reg B costs $18.47, to zone 8 costs $21.03. A PM LFRB would be a better choice for both destinations at $17.10.

That is not a problem because you can specify the flat rate option in the listing and it doesn't care about weight.

FedEx Smartpost to zone 8 would be $14.85 and FedEx Home Delivery $17.24. Not much point in using Home Delivery since it is about the same as the LFRB and 5 business days instead of 2-4 for PM, but the Smartpost price is attractive. The problem is, you can't use it in the listing because you set the weight at 5lb for the Reg B and Smartpost needs to calc and charge based on the actual 8lb weight.

One thing you have to realize: I am coming at this from the viewpoint of charging buyers the actual discounted calculated prices. If setting flat rate shipping charges on listings and hoping it averages out then the calculus is different.

You got the FedEx and UPS right - always consider dim weight for them

(except for the FedEx One Rate offerings which are like USPS Regional boxes and sort of flat rate-ish in the same way)

Great job with the explanations,  appreciate your taking the time to do the write up.

I use Regional A as my go-to for a lot of shipments over 2lbs. 

I normally end up using UPS Ground for the heavy items that won't fit in a Regional A or B. 

We don't have a convenient drop for FedX out this way. 

Message 38 of 69
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Re: Big price increase with the Post office 2019

I use the RRA box as my go to for anything much over 1 pound. If I ship one of my items it can go in a flat rate envelope. More than that and it goes into an RRA as long as it fits.

Message 39 of 69
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Re: Big price increase with the Post office 2019

....Not defending them in any way... Pointing out why they are increasing their prices...........
elvis animated GIF
Message 40 of 69
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Re: Big price increase with the Post office 2019

I also encourage people to find recycled packing materials.... People just throw it away by the truckload.... Check out behind stores and businesses as they get boxes and packing all the time.... The only thing I wish I could "find" is tape...
elvis animated GIF
Message 41 of 69
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Re: Big price increase with the Post office 2019

Get ready for UPS and Fedex to raise their rates substantially(%) more than the USPS.  They always do. It should be over $20 now to mail a regular letter via UPS now - not overnight. I went to mail a couple pound item the other day across the US and found the USPS at $42 2-day Priority.  I checked the UPS rate and it was over $175 for 4-5 days! eBay would be done without the USPS.

Message 42 of 69
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Re: Big price increase with the Post office 2019

When I started doing ebay 21 years ago a Large Flat Rate Box was $3.95. Wow! now it'sgoing up to $19.95.

Message 43 of 69
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Re: Big price increase with the Post office 2019

@victorianmelody wrote:

When I started doing ebay 21 years ago a Large Flat Rate Box was $3.95. Wow! now it'sgoing up to $19.95.

The Large flat rate box was introduced by USPS in 2008 and postage at that time was $12.95 (retail).  When the original flat rate boxes (now called Medium) were introduced in 2004, the cost was $7.70.

Message 44 of 69
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Re: Big price increase with the Post office 2019

Thanks nobody's. I've been selling for over 20 years and did not remember a large flat rate box back then, let alone one that cost that little. Maybe the small FRB?


Message 45 of 69
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