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A Buyer with two address's. A previous that popped up. I sent the item before it was paid for

by mistake along with the tracking number. A few days later I get a message that the item was delivered. I went back to the Invoice address and discovered a different address in the same state and same town same name. The buyer filed a claim for not receiving the item. I messaged them about this. They claimed they did not live there and continued the claim. eBay went ahead and sent them 200.00 with shipping and taxes. They did not hear me out about this. You talk to a dummy chat that keeps on repeating the same old thing. No human contact what so ever. I am out the money and the item. If you call the eBay support number you get another dummy chat on phone. I have a 100% feedback and using eBay since 1997. So sad!

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A Buyer with two address's. A previous that popped up. I sent the item before it was paid for

Wait, you shipped before it was paid?  Never ever do that.  eBay will not help you if you shipped to a different address than was on the final order.

Message 2 of 32
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A Buyer with two address's. A previous that popped up. I sent the item before it was paid for

Armyvett, my comment will only address the root of your problem: Shipping before payment. I know you realize your error, which will never be again repeated. The lessons I have learned in business have always cost me; the more I have paid, the greater my level of education.


A Navy vet.

Message 3 of 32
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A Buyer with two address's. A previous that popped up. I sent the item before it was paid for

Sorry, but if you ship to a different address then what is on the order, you loose what little seller protection you have.

Even if they heard you, the outcome would be the same.

Have a great day.
Message 4 of 32
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A Buyer with two address's. A previous that popped up. I sent the item before it was paid for

I'm sorry that you weren't aware that the address when the item pending payment may not be the correct address.


You are NEVER supposed to ship before it has been paid. During payment address is verified.


If you shipped the items to the buyer and didn't use the address on the paid order then you owe your buyer a full refund.


You just have to chalk this up to a lesson learned.

Message 5 of 32
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A Buyer with two address's. A previous that popped up. I sent the item before it was paid for

Sorry to hear that @armyvett . Keep in mind buyers can enter any address at checkout that differs from their default address.


If I win an auction and the seller prematurely ships before I pay, then when I pay I enter Uncle Bob's address across the country to have his birthday gift sent directly to him, I'm not going to be pleased if his package shows up in my mailbox instead, then I have to pay shipping again to get it to him.


Or if I move but I don't delete my old address from eBay, I'm not going to be thrilled to find out my package went to somebody else instead of to me at my current address entered at checkout.


As others have said, seller protections are in place when you ship to the address on the order, not when you ship to a different address. Even if eBay were to hear you out, they would tell you it was an error to ship before payment and you're not covered when you ship to a different address.


Check out the new inefficient Seller Hub 'All Filters' panel to see how much eBay disrespects sellers' time (click).
Message 6 of 32
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A Buyer with two address's. A previous that popped up. I sent the item before it was paid for

Sellers also need to be aware of a common scam where, after a sale, a fraudster may pose as the real buyer, gives a sob story and then asks the seller to send a normally expensive item to an alternate address. Some fall for this, particularly hard on new sellers who may not know the rules yet.

Message 7 of 32
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A Buyer with two address's. A previous that popped up. I sent the item before it was paid for

Good point.  I don't think that appears to be the case here, but it's another reason to never ship to anything other than the address on the order (after payment).

Message 8 of 32
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A Buyer with two address's. A previous that popped up. I sent the item before it was paid for

Wait, you shipped before it was paid?



I didn't think the seller got the "ship to address" before payment was made.  In addition,  eBay was providing "old addresses" to sellers a couple of weeks back.  They were the addresses supplied by eBay with the payment, which resulted in a real mess for all concerned.  

Message 9 of 32
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A Buyer with two address's. A previous that popped up. I sent the item before it was paid for

@ittybitnot wrote:

eBay was providing "old addresses" to sellers a couple of weeks back.  They were the addresses supplied by eBay with the payment, which resulted in a real mess for all concerned.  

That was a short lived issue specific to the iOS app and eBay sent emails to sellers on affected transactions. So it's not likely to be a factor here @ittybitnot .


I went back and checked, that issue began April 7 and was fixed about a week or so later. OP's $200 order was from March.


Check out the new inefficient Seller Hub 'All Filters' panel to see how much eBay disrespects sellers' time (click).
Message 10 of 32
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A Buyer with two address's. A previous that popped up. I sent the item before it was paid for

Just want to say I'm sorry this happened to you.


Wishing you better days ahead.

Message 11 of 32
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A Buyer with two address's. A previous that popped up. I sent the item before it was paid for

I sent the item before it was paid for

I went back to the Invoice address and discovered a different address

eBay went ahead and sent them 200.00 with shipping and taxes.

They did not hear me out about this.


There is really nothing to hear you out about.


eBay Seller Protection clearly states that in order to be protected, you must have delivery confirmation to address provided by eBay with the payment.


Since you did not send it to the address provided by eBay with the payment, you are not covered. This is a fairly black and white issue - you messed it up.


This is why I always ship using eBay labels, and I always ship from the "Awaiting Shipment" tab in the Seller hub. That way I can't make the mistake that you did.


Message 12 of 32
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A Buyer with two address's. A previous that popped up. I sent the item before it was paid for

EBay messed it up by posting the wrong address. Since 1997 I have not used labels and on top of that they charge almost as much the shipping is. Some of you are high end sellers and I am  not. Looks like EBay is not for the loyal users any more. It's almost goodbye for me. 

Message 13 of 32
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A Buyer with two address's. A previous that popped up. I sent the item before it was paid for

Did eBay give you the wrong address, or did you ship to an address you got before payment was made?  You're not being clear here.

Message 14 of 32
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A Buyer with two address's. A previous that popped up. I sent the item before it was paid for

I do not do that very often. This one I was going on vacation the day I shipped it and would not have seen the second address. As far as I see EBay failed me by not updating the buyers address. It's okay. 

Message 15 of 32
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