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eBay's Latest Glitch...

This is my listing view for seller's description.20240503_164347.jpg

Message 1 of 31
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Re: eBay's Latest Glitch...

There are multiple discussions on the tech issues board. eBay reps were tagged on this one :


Check out the new inefficient Seller Hub 'All Filters' panel to see how much eBay disrespects sellers' time (click).
Message 2 of 31
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Re: eBay's Latest Glitch...

It would be kinda funny if this were intentionally placed in the description sections of all listings that either entirely lack a description or lack any meaningful description ... I would be amused.

Message 3 of 31
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Re: eBay's Latest Glitch...

@ajs_coins_and_alchemy Nope. I give a real description of my items and don't use that AI **bleep**.  

Message 4 of 31
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Re: eBay's Latest Glitch...

Those AI descriptions make me laugh every single time... just a horrible digestion and regurgitation of the "Item Specifics" section.


I suppose some sellers feel it's better to show "fluff" than nothing. I'm more offended by the fluff because if I take even half a second to read it, that's a half a second of my life I can't get back. Just leave the section blank!

Message 5 of 31
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Re: eBay's Latest Glitch...

The ONLY green ones have a Description.


Many times that is there for a brief moment as it didn't load correctly on YOUR computer- usually go back and back in again and it's is this one less than 1 hour after your post. 

Message 6 of 31
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Re: eBay's Latest Glitch...

@wastingtime101 wrote:

There are multiple discussions on the tech issues board. eBay reps were tagged on this one :

There are two issues.  The one this thread is about which is sold items.  And the other is on current listings.  For me I experienced for a short while late this morning in some of my active listings.  As far as I know it isn't doing that now.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 7 of 31
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Re: eBay's Latest Glitch...

Still happening:  Seller description box has the "Oops, we looked everywhere" image.  Is this being addressed by ebay any time soon??

Message 8 of 31
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Re: eBay's Latest Glitch...

At least oops has stopped appearing when I watch an item.


That appears to be fixed, for now.

Message 9 of 31
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Re: eBay's Latest Glitch...

Still happening on my listings.  Including viewing incognito.

Message 10 of 31
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Re: eBay's Latest Glitch...

Over 2 weeks and I cannot list anything using my laptop with multiple browsers. I have tried everything. I can however list on my account using my phone. It is hanging up on the "item title". Whenever I edit that I get the error messages. The ONLY thing I can think of is that during an ebay update they no longer support windows 10.... Is everyone else having issues using Windows 10 or is anyone using Windows 11 having issues also?

Message 11 of 31
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Re: eBay's Latest Glitch...

@libbywebst wrote:

Still happening on my listings.  Including viewing incognito.

@libbywebst that is YOUR computer doing that. 


It's NOT happening to the 'rest of us in this world'......

Message 12 of 31
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Re: eBay's Latest Glitch...

Mine are back, also - I was missing quite a few descriptions in my unsolds over a period of two days.


@libbywebst wrote:

Still happening on my listings.  Including viewing incognito.


Check them again - mine began repopulating but since it sounds like a widespread incident there may be a lag.

“The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” - Henry Kissinger

Check your voting registration!

Message 13 of 31
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Re: eBay's Latest Glitch...

If it's still happening...............what browser are you using and have you tried a different one?

Message 14 of 31
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Re: eBay's Latest Glitch...

Obviously, it is.  Hence the fact that ANOTHER USER started this thread. 

Message 15 of 31
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