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Ebay Starndard Envelope for Trading Cards, Stamps, Postcards, & Coins

Recently eBay has offered a new shipping service.  eBay Standard Envelope. 
eBay Standard Envelope for Trading Cards, Stamps, Postcards & Coins up to $20
3 - 6 business days
Tracking included: Yes
Insurance included: Yes

I have tried this service, and I shipped out a couple of postcards using this service.  Of the two postcards I shipped out... Both of them had tracking that showed that both items had not actually been received.  One shows still in transit, and the other one shows absolutely nothing but the initial tracking number being issued.  I contacted both buyers to inquire if they had actually received their items.  While I was waiting for their responses, I contacted customer service to find out if the items had been received or not, they did not know.  Their only option was to put me in touch with the insurance service provider, where I found out, that I had to wait 30 days past the date of the printing of the label to even FILE a lost item claim.  One buyer got back to me today (the one that the tracking still showed in transit), and said, even though the tracking does NOT show it delivered, that he did indeed receive it.  The other buyer still has not responded.  Since I haven't gotten an Item not received claim on the other one, I am going to assume that he received his as well.  This is frankly unacceptable IMO.  Out of the two post cards I sent, both do not have tracking data that show them as delivered.  If the buyer wanted to claim "Item not received", they would win those claims!   I have one more post card that went out today with the "eBay Standard Envelope" service.  I have changed all the rest of my postcards back to First Class shipping, and unfortunately it is more expensive, but I trust the tracking much more than what I have seen from this new "eBay Standard Envelope" service.  I just wanted to warn fellow sellers and buyers of the issues, and hopefully eBay as well.  Here are the 3 item numbers and the tracking data, for those that want to investigate further:  

item: 234527338641 & Tracking: ESUS118815599
item: 234435432921 & Tracking: ESUS119405002
item: 234527329133 & Tracking: ESUS121604179

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Ebay Starndard Envelope for Trading Cards, Stamps, Postcards, & Coins

Probably not a good idea to ask buyers if they have received their items yet -- hard to believe, but there are actually buyers out there who will LIE.


Due to the holidays,  ALL mail deliveries have slowed down drastically.  USPS has sent out memos to this effect, and so has eBay.  No surprise -- this happens every year.  And this year, due to the shortage in employees, the situation has grown worse.


And some postal employees have been instructed by their local postmasters to "streamline" the delivery process, by skipping the final "tracking" scan for metered mail (which includes the eBay Standard Envelope), as well as for regular USPS First Class and Media packages, simply because USPS is so backlogged with undelivered holiday mail.


We all need to be patient during the next few weeks -- buyers and sellers alike.


Happy holidays -- really.

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Ebay Starndard Envelope for Trading Cards, Stamps, Postcards, & Coins

If you can just trust that most postcards will arrive OK if given enough time, you will be just fine. It might take 100 more sales though to gain that kind of comfort. And of course don't assume a card has not arrived until the buyer tells you so. It's worked for me on about 400-500 cards so far.

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Ebay Starndard Envelope for Trading Cards, Stamps, Postcards, & Coins

Well if you look at just this one case:  item: 234435432921 & Tracking: ESUS119405002

Buyer paid for the item on Nov. 30th, and it was shipped Dec. 1st.  Here it is the 15th, and I still have no acceptance scans, and definitely no in-transit scans.... It effectively doesn't exist.   As a seller, what do I tell someone when they message me about the status?  I realize patience is needed, and I've been selling for a few years now.  I just see more reliable handling with first class.  This service is a third rate service IMO, and I'm glad the postcards I'm sending out are not expensive ones, although this service is being recommended for up to $50.00 in value.  I don't think I'd trust more expensive items being shipped this way.  I value my ratings far too much to trust this service.  I'm glad to hear some have, but I just don't see the benefit of not even being able to tell someone that it was received by the post office on a certain date.  There is no tracking and no responsibility that I can put on any party.  It looks like I printed the label, and never even sent it!   That is not good news for sellers no matter which way you slice it.

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Ebay Starndard Envelope for Trading Cards, Stamps, Postcards, & Coins

If tracking doesn't show up and the buyer contacts- you simply still should just refund and be done. Small flat items can get stuck in a truck, in a bin, in a sorter etc. and it does happen. 


Just use the law of averages for this type of loss (how much is it?

is it worth raising the price of all items to cover that percentage?

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Ebay Starndard Envelope for Trading Cards, Stamps, Postcards, & Coins



On the example which you have provided, has the buyer contacted you to advise that the order has not yet been delivered?


If not, don't be so upset -- your buyer may have received this item already, and (like 75% of other eBay buyers) hasn't bothered to acknowledge receipt or leave feedback.  So stop worrying, until your buyer has given you reason to worry!


Certainly shipping the item as USPS First Class Package rates are more secure, since tracking is included.  And, if you wish to charge your buyers more for shipping, no one is stopping you.


But the eBay Standard Envelope is treated as "metered mail," and as such doesn't receive any more special treatment than other metered mail.  I drop mine off in the slot at my post office which reads "metered mail" (I never hand it to the postal clerk, as that slows down the sorting process); and, when the envelope arrives at the next USPS Distribution Center, it generally receives the next scan, with more along the way, until it finally arrives at the Zip Code for the destination.  (Note:  NOT the destination itself -- just the USPS Post Office for that Zip Code).  And, in a day or so afterwards, it is delivered to the buyer.


And, unlike other USPS First Class envelopes, the eBay Standard Envelope at least has a SEMBLANCE of tracking, when the system works.  Keep in mind that many of us still send our monthly payments to utility companies, credit card companies, and so on via USPS First Class envelope -- and there's absolutely NO tracking on those envelopes at all.  But I haven't heard about too many people laying awake at night, wondering whether their electric bill has reached its destination, or is on its way to Tierra Del Fuego, or stuck to the wall inside a USPS truck, or sitting inside a bag of undelivered mail abandoned by a frustrated postal employee "gone postal."


Keep in mind, as well:  these are NOT normal times at the post office.  Today I just received two items which have been sitting inside a HUGE semi-trailer in the parking lot at my local post office, filled with skids of unsorted mail, where they have been sitting since December 6.  Why?  Because of the holidays (again), and due to the understaffing of the post office for the last two years.  Our regular mail delivery used to be about 4:30 PM; but now it might be 9:00 PM, or 7:45 AM -- or not at all.  I get it -- and this seems to be normal for this time of the year.  In a few weeks, mail deliveries should become a little more regular again; but, for the time being, we all need to be just a little more patient.


And, unless your buyers are complaining about late deliveries, or opening up "item not received" cases, I wouldn't kick the beehive just yet.


Relax.  Drink some cocoa.  Listen to some soothing classic holiday music.  Watch "The Christmas Story" again, or "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation."


But don't sweat the small stuff.

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Ebay Starndard Envelope for Trading Cards, Stamps, Postcards, & Coins

I would not sweat it.  Just let the customer know the item is on the way and will be delivered soon.  Tell them due to the holiday season mail is slower and it may take a few more days than normal to receive the envelope. 


I've done business with many sellers that used eBay Standard envelope maybe over 40 different sellers and ALL eBay standard envelopes were delivered to me.  Yes, I received ALL envelopes.  Some take a week, some take a month, but I got them ALL. 


Some of the envelopes I received were scanned, some never scanned, and some scanned several times and with the delivery scan. 

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