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New Fall Seller Update: Managed Payments Now a Recommendation, Not a Requirement

Here is what EBAY is now saying in the Fall Seller Update about switching you to managed payments:


"When you receive a notification​ from us, we recommend you register before the deadline to avoid any interruption to your business."


Notice the change in terminology from "Required" to "Recommended" ?  They have apparently changed their approach to how they plan to ramrod Managed Payments.  They appear to at least be realizing at this point in time that they are asking people to do something that they really do not want to do.  Well, every step in the right direction is a step in the right direction.

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Re: New Fall Seller Update: Managed Payments Now a Recommendation, Not a Requirement

Fees are removed from the sale immediately. Shipping costs can be purchased on ebay, using 'pending' funds, so your 'net deposit' would then be minus final value fees and shipping costs. Only items to be on monthly invoice is 'store fees' &  'listing fees' and any other misc fees. 

Message 16 of 108
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Re: New Fall Seller Update: Managed Payments Now a Recommendation, Not a Requirement

Read the notice.


eBay will take the fees directly from each payment.  Good luck getting them back months later when an item has been returned and refunded without your permission because some buyer overseas is scamming the system.


We are grandfathered in, meaning we have a 30 day grace period to pay our fees after we are billed (it's actually more like 60 days if we are current).  That allows us to manage our payouts.  This will end that.  


eBay will now be doing what PayPal started in the past year.  If there is a dispute they will simply pull the money DIRECTLY FROM YOUR BANK ACCOUNT, WITHOUT NOTICE, whether or not you're in the right or wrong.  We've pulled our bank account from our PayPal account as a result.  Imagine sending a $5k item overseas and have them file a 'not received' claim or similar three weeks later and you suddenly hear from your bank that your $3k mortgage payment check has just BOUNCED due to lack of funds because eBay just pulled your money out.


Yep.  That's what it's come to. 


No more eBay, no more PayPal.  Can't afford either...

Message 17 of 108
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Re: New Fall Seller Update: Managed Payments Now a Recommendation, Not a Requirement

I signed up, I noticed the fees are higher(the amount they take out), do not see your money -for about 6 days.

Message 18 of 108
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Re: New Fall Seller Update: Managed Payments Now a Recommendation, Not a Requirement

Once you’re in MP, eBay fees are subtracted from the payment immediately (no different than how PayPal processed fees).


Shipping costs can be taken from payout if you wish (don’t do this). Go into your settings and make sure the option is deselected.


My postage costs still go through PayPal. Since I no longer need a PayPal balance, I removed my bank as backup funding so my cash rewards credit card is the funding source. Consequently every shipment earns cash back. You could always do this, however, postage was paid using PayPal balance first, then backup funding (default by PayPal).

FedEx/UPS are still invoiced monthly along with eBay invoice. These are also paid using the same cash back card.


Just remember to make weekly card payments in order to avoid any interest, or your rewards are toast!






Message 19 of 108
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Re: New Fall Seller Update: Managed Payments Now a Recommendation, Not a Requirement

Separate checking account for ebay MP only solves that problem



Message 20 of 108
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Re: New Fall Seller Update: Managed Payments Now a Recommendation, Not a Requirement

New MP fees include the processing fee you were paying PP (2.9% + .30c), so it's not higher. 

Message 21 of 108
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Re: New Fall Seller Update: Managed Payments Now a Recommendation, Not a Requirement

do not buy everything you hear about mangled payments ! It is a joke. you may have the peanut gallery on here telling you how good it is but I know enough friends that have been duped into it and they explain it to be a night mare and good luck getting your payments ! One thing my friends have told me that really sounds bad is when you get your money to finally show up in the bank you have to figure who paid what ! Your bank is not going to do that nor should they have too but ebay is not doing that either ! Also Shipping before you have the money actually in your hand is very very risky ! I opted to just not sell on ebay anymore. There is far more work involved now than it could possibly be worth. Ebay has taken a major slide backwards with this stupid new agenda ! Good luck to you with what ever you decide !!

Message 22 of 108
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Re: New Fall Seller Update: Managed Payments Now a Recommendation, Not a Requirement

Okay, I get that you are done. You have repeatedly stated this in every which way in multiple posts.  You are not happy,  as many others feel the same, but you continue to post the same sentiments. I ask myself, why? Have you asked yourself why? Just let go and move on. Find your new venue and realize you do not make the business decisions for Ebay only for yourself. I hope that you find a place where you can flourish.  I personally find your repetitive negativity unhealthy. 

Be good to yourself.


Message 23 of 108
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Re: New Fall Seller Update: Managed Payments Now a Recommendation, Not a Requirement

did you forget we are in America ? When I see a business that I have been involved in nearly 20 years going down the tubes because of a stupid agenda then I will voice my opinion and belief as often as I want too !! See that is the problem ! Many do not mind being blindly led off of a cliff but if I can save just one seller from falling over then I feel I will have done a good deed. It is simple !!! Dont read my post !!

Message 24 of 108
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Re: New Fall Seller Update: Managed Payments Now a Recommendation, Not a Requirement

So will we still be getting billed monthly for the final value fees or are they taking those charges out before they send us the net payout amounts to our banks? Also why are they telling us to send out the items if the payments have not even cleared yet? I have 4 items that have sold now and it's telling me to ship the items but under that it says waiting for payment to clear their banks. And does that mean they are holding the shipping charges to so we are forced to pay out of pocket till their money clears? What happens if their payment fails and we already sent the item to them??

Message 25 of 108
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Re: New Fall Seller Update: Managed Payments Now a Recommendation, Not a Requirement

eBay fees are subtracted before your payout. Monthly fees will include your store fee (if you have one) and any cost for FedEx/UPS labels.

Message 26 of 108
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Re: New Fall Seller Update: Managed Payments Now a Recommendation, Not a Requirement

I very much understand your frustration after so many years on eBay, but I'm curious what you feel is a fair percentage to pay to the house on a sale? 

Message 27 of 108
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Re: New Fall Seller Update: Managed Payments Now a Recommendation, Not a Requirement

Ok thank you.. Do you know why they are making is ship the items before the payment even clears the buyers banks? What happens if their payment flops and we have already sent the items to the customers?  Can we refuse to ship till the payment actually clears the banks? 

Message 28 of 108
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Re: New Fall Seller Update: Managed Payments Now a Recommendation, Not a Requirement

Payment is done the moment you have notification of a sale. Just like paying in a store, the moment you 'swipe' the credit card charge is 'authorized', but Walmart doesn't get the actual $ in their bank for 3-5 days. Same with you paying for an item on any website, the payment is done, they process the product and sometimes notify you same or next day that it shipped. That company, has not really 'received' your $, but they know it's coming. 


You can pay for shipping out of the 'pending' funds, which allows you to NOT pay out of pocket, if you purchase labels on ebay.


You can also change your handling time to be X days after a customer purchases, to coincide with when you actually get your $ in your bank (add 5 days handling, 10 days etc.) 

Message 29 of 108
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Re: New Fall Seller Update: Managed Payments Now a Recommendation, Not a Requirement

if handling time can be that long now without a strike against why cant a seller just wait on a check or money order like before pay pal ?? Oh thats right ebay has to manage our money because we do not know how ! Gotcha !

Message 30 of 108
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