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Chanel Authenticate Quilted Handbag


Message 1 of 22
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Re: Chanel Authenticate Quilted Handbag

IMO, that's a bad fake.


But wait for others to post their thoughts.

Message 2 of 22
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Re: Chanel Authenticate Quilted Handbag

I would also say that the bag was not made by Chanel.

Message 3 of 22
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Re: Chanel Authenticate Quilted Handbag

Oh how wonderful  I love how it says Paris on the outside then Italy on the inside ... (with a stamp)  ah yes a stamp? Even a monkey would do something better than that . I would think common sense could have answered this authentication question the second this bag was looked at not even picked up it clearly has no weight or structure that skeleton is dilapidated and clearly  cardboard as for the stiching that isn't even thread it's some kind of embroidery yarn and the strap is just a chain with no leather strip as to not dig into your shoulder that's where quality, comfort and, craftsmanship kicks in . So if you're keeping it don't bend or wet it or shall I say again .  I'm sorry but  this bag is so completely comical and just the worse knock off I have ever seen not to mention that color is dreadful! Sometimes if we just stop and think about things and be reasonable and tell ourselves how much is it retail? If you don't know do a quick Google search and if  the price is into the thousands then ask yourself the next question. Is the quality of this that amazing? Then look carefully at what you have in front of you  then it should all fall into place so here's the thing   ... Do you think someone would walk into a Chanel store and drop about $6,500 on that bag? Because for that size and quilt that's how much it would be retail for one that size. That could very well be a "CHANNEL" for instance but it's not a "CHANEL".   People know Chanel if they buy Chanel and they pay for quality not 2 C's side by side it blows my mind that someone knows the 2 CC's  and recognizes that but don't recognize qualiity as if the purse is all about just 2 C's even if it were on a paper bag they would check to see itf it were real I mean are people who buy these bags supposed to be just dumb and brainless ? People who can afford these bags can aford them for a reason and being dumb isn't making anyone a cent.   The whole concept of the quality that surround the price is what people need to look for not the lable cause China makes lables all day everyday these bags and their purpose is .. "privilege and luxury" and I don't think 2 metal C's have anything to do with privilege or luxury when people finally get the point of a high-end bag maybe just maybe knock offs wouldn't even exist or even better people wouldn't even have to question it well they don't even have to know they just do it with  delusions of grandeur and signs in there eyes over how much can they get for what they found most likely at a thrift shop because they clearly are not the original buyer and if it was given to them by the buyer they would know everything they need to because they are familiar with these types of high-end  items more than not.

Message 4 of 22
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Re: Chanel Authenticate Quilted Handbag


Message 5 of 22
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Re: Chanel Authenticate Quilted Handbag



As a trained teacher, I always taught my students (and my children) that the only stupid question is one that wasn't asked.

The OP doesn't know the brand and was smart enough to come here for opinions before listing and possibly getting her account dinged.

There's no reason to ridicule and shame someone who wasn't as brilliant as you are to have recognized the bag as fake.

On the fashion board, we try to offer constructive help. (Yes, we're tough on those who come here insisting that their fakes are genuine but the OP isn't doing that!)


Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 6 of 22
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Re: Chanel Authenticate Quilted Handbag

Pyrex-As a pretty regular and long time boardie, I’m going to step in here and expect that others may do the same. Our purpose, as far as authentication opinions go, is to stop others from selling a fake or to help buyers confirm what they’ve bought. Belittling others for their lack of knowledge accomplishes nothing and our experience here proves that many do no have the sophisticated eye that you do, so let’s try and help others without making them feel stupid. We all make mistakes, probably even you.

You obviously have knowledge so welcome to the boards but try to use that knowledge in a more constructive and supportive way.

Next, many of us who wear these ridiculously overpriced bags do so for reasons other than to flash some misbegotten sense of status though that is a reason that some do wear them.

My experience, as a senior who virtually always worked in fashion, has pretty much confirmed that if I only use luxury bags and take care of them, they not hold hold significant value should I ever choose to let them go, but that many brands vastly outlive their lesser examples and are far mor cost efficient in the long run for those that are comfortable carrying vintage bags and I’m one of those.

Lastly, all elements of construction need to be considered when giving an authenticity opinion. If I went by stitching and alignment alone, I’d have to toss all my French Co. Vuitton luggage which has served me well for decades.

There are always exceptions. JMHO


Message 7 of 22
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Re: Chanel Authenticate Quilted Handbag

Sniped by A LOL and also adding apologies for the lack of paragraphs. I had some weird “hidden HTML” message and the system reconfigured my post and eliminated the paragraphs.

Message 8 of 22
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Re: Chanel Authenticate Quilted Handbag

Have to say that those are hysterical-love the paper bag w chain!

Message 9 of 22
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Re: Chanel Authenticate Quilted Handbag

Despite what was posted above, the backplate of the turnlock on an authentic Chanel Flap bag will ALWAYS say "CHANEL PARIS" regardless of whether it was made in Italy or France. And yes, "Made In Italy"  or "Made In France" printed on the interior of an authentic bag will most certaily look as though it was "stamped."

Message 10 of 22
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Re: Chanel Authenticate Quilted Handbag

I've been largely a lurker here for years, only asking the occasional question, but I'm sure I must have seemed stupid to someone at some point in all that time.  Thankfully, the knowledgeable and generous ladies of this board always took pity on me and answered with patience and courtesy.


Your response to OP reminded me of Johnnie Cochran's interrogation of the limousine driver who loaded O.J. Simpson's luggage for his trip to the airport.


When Mr. Cochran demanded at trial if the bags the driver had placed in the trunk were Louis Vuitton, the man looked a little surprised or confused and answered, "I don't know."


Cochran appeared to go into shock in the courtroom.  He took a step back, curled his lip and said in a mocking tone, "Are you telling me that you don't know Louis Vuitton?!"


The driver answered flatly, "No, I don't.  I can't afford 'em.  I just carry 'em."


Some of can't or wouldn't want to spend $6,500 for a handbag, but we'd probably be ecstatic if we thought we'd found one.  We may not know Chanel from Channel, but on the other hand, some of us apparently can't (or won't) punctuate, spell or use proper grammar when we post either.  We all have different abilities and knowledge, don't we?  A little kindness smooths everyone's path in life.


Many thanks to Alberta, River and JSales, et al., for all your kindness and willingness to teach this ignorant boardie over the years.   I've learned so much from you.

Message 11 of 22
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Re: Chanel Authenticate Quilted Handbag

Pyrex, I've been a lurker here for years, asking only the occasional question, but surely, I must have posted something that seemed stupid to someone in all that time. Thankfully, the knowledgeable ladies of this board always remained courteous and helpful if I annoyed them with my ignorance.

Your reply to OP reminded me of Johnnie Cochran's interrogation of the limousine driver during the Simpson trial.

Cochran asked the man if the bags he'd loaded into the limo were Louis Vuitton. The driver looked a bit suprised and said, "I don't know."

Cochran appeared to be about to go into coronary arrest, took a step back, curled his lip and said in mocking disbelief, "Are you telling me that you don't know Louis Vuitton??!!"

The driver calmly replied, "No, I don't. I can't afford 'em. I just carry 'em."

Some of us can't afford or wouldn't spend $6,500 on a handbag and don't know Chanel from Channel. Some of us ask questions others think are foolish, while others post here without paragraphs, punctuation or proper spelling. We all have different abilities and areas of knowledge, don't we? I think a little kindness smooths everyone's path.

Many thanks to all the good ladies of this board who generously and patiently give their time to teach the rest of us. You know who you are, and this ignorant boardie appreciates you.

Message 12 of 22
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Re: Chanel Authenticate Quilted Handbag

Apologies to all for the double post.  The first time I wrote,  it just disappeared instead of posting.   I rewrote it because I felt that some of you have made this board a very valuable resource, and you need to be told that more often.


Thanks again to each and every one of you who share your knowledge with the rest of us out of the goodness of your hearts.

Message 13 of 22
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Re: Chanel Authenticate Quilted Handbag

We ALL learn from each other!👍

Message 14 of 22
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Re: Chanel Authenticate Quilted Handbag

I will step in here as well.  I as a buyer appreciate sellers checking the authenticity of their bags.  I could care less where she got it. It could of been in a thrift store or fallen from the sky. I don't care.  But what i will say is this; Miss PyrexBowlHoarder should stick to pyrex bowls and not belittle someone because they have a question here.  This community is filled with great sellers that come here for answers and shouldn't have to feel like their bullied or their question is irrelevant.  

What an ignorant rude post... 

Message 15 of 22
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