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feedback policy change proposal

As a long time, consistently excellent buying customer on eBay but never a seller, my biggest complaint revolves around sellers who do not reciprocate the positive feedback that they receive from a buyer. I have read many posts regarding this, most of which make statements about how feedback is never required, some sellers don’t think it’s worth leaving feedback because they can only leave positive for a buyer, etc.  While these statements are true on their face of course, they miss the point I wish to make. As a buyer, when I leave positive feedback for a seller, I have directly benefited them in very important ways, not the least of which is raising their seller score and profile.  The minimum a seller should do is to reciprocate that favor, especially since if a buyer leaves positive feedback there could hardly be a good reason for the seller to not feel the transaction was positive as well.

Here I come to the main point of this post. I would like to see a change in eBay feedback policy, that would allow for a person to remove feedback within a certain time, if they so choose for whatever reason. This change would not allow for changing a positive feedback to a negative for example, but would allow a buyer to be able to remove the positive feedback that was left if the seller is not going to reciprocate. Why should a seller benefit so enormously when they can’t be bothered to take the time to reciprocate to the person doing them the positive favor, let alone purchasing from them?  There would of course be a time limit to take this action, and as I stated, no ability to change a positive to a negative, but the ability to remove positive feedback that raises a score if this is not reciprocated.  This could and should of course work the other way as well. If a seller leaves positive feedback for a buyer, and the buyer doesn’t reciprocate, the seller could choose to remove that positive from the buyer. Obviously these things would be at the discretion of each individual, with no requirement for any such removal, but with the option existing as it is highly offensive to me and I am sure to others that when we benefit someone else and receive nothing in return, it is really a proverbial slap in the face.
A gentle reminder can be left regarding feedback, but in certain cases, these are ignored, and I really think there should be the ability to simply remove the feedback completely so the seller does not benefit from the goodwill if they are not going to reciprocate to the buyer who has benefited them so greatly.  I am very much interested in thoughts and comments regarding the specific details of this proposal, especially any downsides to this proposal that I may not be recognizing.  Thanks.

Message 1 of 81
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Re: feedback policy change proposal

Dunno -- I kinda miss Phanato (midday breeze?).  He/she was definitely set in his/her ways, that's for sure.  

Message 16 of 81
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Re: feedback policy change proposal

Not correct.  I have always left feedback.  There are may occasions where feedback is not counted because of a short time between purchases from the same seller.

Message 17 of 81
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Re: feedback policy change proposal

I am buying a product, but I am adancing a seller and they should reciprocate or not keep the benefit.  Quite honestly your response is indicative of the attitude problem I seek to alleviate.

Message 18 of 81
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Re: feedback policy change proposal

Did you read my post?  Apparently not based on your response.  I address your questions directly on it.

Message 19 of 81
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Re: feedback policy change proposal

A seller should not receive my benefit to them if they are not going to do the same in return.

Message 20 of 81
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Re: feedback policy change proposal

Yes as I stated it is voluntary, but why should a seller benefit if they are un willing to benefit in return?

Message 21 of 81
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Re: feedback policy change proposal

There should be a way to simply remove a feedback if no reciprocation takes place.  I benefit the seller by choosing to leave feedback.

Message 22 of 81
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Re: feedback policy change proposal

It is not obsessing.  It is keep track of the entire transaction from beginning  to end through the process so nothing goes amiss for myself or the seller I am dealing with.  Not really interested  per se on what most people do or don't do.  I do care about doing the right thing, and have the expectation others will do the same.

Message 23 of 81
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Re: feedback policy change proposal

Yes, but the feedback I give to you as a seller is not meaningless.  I have benefitted you and the least you can do is reciprocate this benefit.

Message 24 of 81
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Re: feedback policy change proposal

It is given g a benefit to them.  Their seller profile is upped.

Message 25 of 81
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Re: feedback policy change proposal

I am not a scum of the earth buyer.

Message 26 of 81
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Re: feedback policy change proposal

That is certainly your prerogative to not be concerned about it.  I have spent a lot of money with sellers, and expect the same courtesy in return for mine to them.

Message 27 of 81
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Re: feedback policy change proposal

@carey-marie wrote:

That is certainly your prerogative to not be concerned about it.  I have spent a lot of money with sellers, and expect the same courtesy in return for mine to them.

See, here's the problem. Just as it's my prerogative to not be concerned about it, it's your prerogative to care so deeply. But in no way, shape,or form should you expect eBay to devote the manpower to coding a change just for you and a few other like-minded people. There are 25 million eBay users. Can you imagine eBay trying to tailor the site to meet each person's preferences? If you're that concerned, just stop leaving feedback. Problem solved.

Message 28 of 81
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Re: feedback policy change proposal

I really find the trend in the responses interesting...sort of essentially that I am being to obsessive, what difference does it make, etc.  Not really answering my point of why not just allow for removal of a positive if either party wants to do so within a time frame.  No one has actually stated why this should not be allowed.  Buyer pays lots of money for item, pays immediately, seller ships item, all good, buyer leaves positive feedback and then....nothing.  No reciprocation.  Okay, fine, seller too busy, doesn't think feedback is worth leaving for a buyer, whatever reason.  Buyer has within the 60 day feedback window the option to completely remove the feedback for the seller.  No black mark, but no gain for the seller either.  Case closed.  Seller does not receive the benefit to their feedback score., and of course no negative either.   Since feedback is all voluntary, and as several have stated, not a big deal, okay, then taking it away is no big deal either right?

Message 29 of 81
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Re: feedback policy change proposal

@carey-marie wrote:

Yes as I stated it is voluntary, but why should a seller benefit if they are un willing to benefit in return?

I'm repeating myself because you seemed to have missed my previous post:


>>  The purpose of leaving feedback is to describe the transaction for other buyers.  <<


If the feedback is removed only because we didn't receive feedback in return ... then we're not really using feedback as intended.  


I'm a buyer only, who once was caught up in feedback-collecting game.  I devised a strategy to maximize the number of feedback I received, which I'll happily share:


As soon as I received my item and checked to see that all was 'as described' ... I left the seller positive feedback AND sent them a personal message that said something like this:


I just wanted to let you know that I received the [name item] and all is well.  I really appreciate the careful packaging and rapid shipping ... and left positive, 5-star feedback.  Thanks much, and have a great day!


I only gave honest compliments regarding the transaction and the item ... and I DID NOT ask for feedback ... but I (almost?) always received it back.


I got to enjoy hearing back from the sellers who seemed genuinely moved by receiving an unexpectedly  complimentary message (for a change) ... but I eventually weaned myself away from sending messages.  My feedback return dropped somewhat ... but I already had stopped caring about my score.



Message 30 of 81
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