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Say Goodbye to eBay Bucks

It was almost 4 years ago, to the month, that eBay decided to drop eBay Bucks from 2% to 1%.  Some idiot at a desk decides 2% is too much to give to loyal buyers.


Now some idiot at a desk decides 1% is also too much to give to loyal buyers.  I wonder if it was the same person! 


I used to get around 1 special 5% eBay bucks every month.  That ended last July; in the last 7 months I've only received 2 special bucks offers.  So 1st they throttle down the 5% special eBay bucks, then they gut the program all together.


To make it even stupider on eBay's part . . . in the same email where they gut eBay Bucks program; now they give you a year to use the eBay Bucks you will no longer get.


Thanks for literally NOTHING eBay.



I am embarrassed for eBay.

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Say Goodbye to eBay Bucks

Ebay became to big.  Now lets all just sit back and watch them go down the tubes.  They are done.  Got to greedy and now asking for my bank name and password so they can get into my checking account??? Ain't gonna happen now or ever.  Bye bye to Ebay


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Say Goodbye to eBay Bucks

maybe we should only buy during those special eBay bonus bucks periods

Message 3 of 101
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Say Goodbye to eBay Bucks

I'm done with eBay. They've been getting more greedy with each passing year. The last 6 months have been stunning though, putting previous greedy maneuvers to shame. They forced out Paypal and increased their fees for sellers and now remove any incentive to purchase from eBay than through any other route. I think they'll realize this over time. Perhaps in 6 months they'll reverse the eBay Bucks program and make it so that when you buy something on eBay, you give THEM an extra 2% of eBay Bucks out of your pocket. So dumb!


Goodbye eBay!

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Say Goodbye to eBay Bucks

This actually screws over sellers as well. I don't think buyers bought simply based on receiving ebay bucks, but speaking from personal experience, it was definitely something I took into account and looked at as an incentive. I'm sure there have been multiple occasions where I would NOT have bought something (especially higher $$ amount) if there were no ebay bucks incentive.

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Say Goodbye to eBay Bucks

100% agree.  I know when I got my 5% special eBay Bucks, I would go on a buying spree.  I'd buy things that I had been watching and waiting for the special eBay Bucks.


As Sellers, we get screwed twice with the death of eBay Bucks.

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Say Goodbye to eBay Bucks

The way I read it,  yes, they are doing away with the constant 1%, and giving you a year to use them now, but they will be sending out 'bonus bucks' invitations. So it's not going away totally, but now you only get them IF you get an invite and IF you accept it and IF you see it/use it before it expires.


Of course, knowing ebay, they will probably send them for use only in specific categories.


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Say Goodbye to eBay Bucks

But the bonus bucks invitations always come poorly timed to me. When I really need something, I buy it. I don't add it to a wish list and wait hoping that ebay will send me a bonus invite. I only do that for something on a "want list." As I mentioned elsewhere, the 1% actually led me to choose ebay over other sites in the past year at home and doing more online shopping. I had never really shopped for needs on ebay until last year. Only wants. Now the needs will go back to being ordered from other websites.  I'm just scratching my head over why they would make such a decision.

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Say Goodbye to eBay Bucks

Probably limited categories and minimum purchase of $100.  That way eBay can claim they are sending out Bonus Buck, but know most people won't bother.

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Say Goodbye to eBay Bucks

Wow, BAD move eBay! I spend THOUSANDS each year buying almost exclusively via eBay. Now that there's no longer an incentive to do so, I'll be looking at many sites to do my buying. I'm a seller here also and this will most certainly negatively affect my income. To continuously cut corners brings to mind the old adage of "Cutting off your nose to spite your face." 


I will continue to take advantage of Bonus Bucks events, but those aren't happening much any more. Most are only 5% now when I used to frequently see 8 & 10% offers.


Perhaps corporate thinks eBay will save a ton of $ in doing this, but I suspect the opposite is true. I'm just 1 Buyer who spends a lot of money here, but now I will be checking out other sites from which to buy. It is those sites that will now get more traffic and sales - don't really see that as beneficial to eBay, do you?

Message 10 of 101
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Say Goodbye to eBay Bucks

When they went from 2% to 1% on the eBay bucks program it seemed that there were consistent "specials", sometimes even a 2 day 10% event. Throw in a few 5% 2 day special offers and it seemed they were making up for the drop of 1%.

Fast forward to today, the promotions are few and generally come around the end of the quarter. I buy as well as sell, I probably spend as much buying as selling. This was a nice little "reward" that encouraged me to splurge on something I had my eye on.

My guess is the eBay bucks special promotions going forward will be very very limited.

I wish they would reconsider, but I know the answer.

Message 11 of 101
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Say Goodbye to eBay Bucks

I have bought based on ebay bucks many times. Because when I look at other sites sometimes the only advantage Ebay had was the ebay bucks. And I would sometime for go prime delivery to get ebay bucks. But they are saying I can use ebay Mastercard to get 5X points. I have not used it in months because the give you low limit and then all you can get is a statement credit with the points. PayPal card is way better but it was good while it last but not much incentive to buy on ebay if the price is even a bit higher on another site but you get it the next day.

Message 12 of 101
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Say Goodbye to eBay Bucks

Just one more way they cheap out. Considering they have been taking a cut of postal fees for a while now (someone should look into the legality of that), they keep getting more greedy, and now even the meager 1% they decide to screw people over on.


Pretty sure ebay isn't one of the companies that is hurting right now, and you can be pretty sure they aren't going to reinvest any of the "savings" from this into improving the quality of their site, their customer service, or making a better user, seller, etc experience.

Message 13 of 101
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Say Goodbye to eBay Bucks

WTH, eBay? First they phase out economy shipping services for sellers. Then they force the "managed payments" on us, which takes longer to get paid. (BTW, have you ever read the seller fees info? Convoluted and torturous.) Now they cheap out on the eBay bucks... it's not like I was earning a lot with it, but it's still a slap in the face.

Message 14 of 101
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Say Goodbye to eBay Bucks

Agreed. eBay is no longer the only game in town. In fact, eBay is no longer my top selling site. I list here THIRD,  after 2 others, so as a seller, eBay has already dropped from my #1 selling platform to #3.


I also do more buying on other sites now too. 


They are no longer the only game in town. A couple big fish are right behind them, especially for certain categories.


Oh well. Times are a changing fast.

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