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Is there a way to stop receiving offers on viewed items (not watched)?

Getting offers on items I've simply viewed (and not watched) is irritating—it takes several steps to remove those from the “My Ebay” page.  (Clear the notification, check the offer, reject it, confirm rejection, select, delete.)


I've seen that you can turn off emails and notifications for those unsolicited offers, but I'd like to turn off receiving them altogether.


Any steps or ability to do so?

Message 1 of 42
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Is there a way to stop receiving offers on viewed items (not watched)?

Hi @cardsandfigs 


You can opt out of receiving offers here: 


My eBay Account > Communication Preferences Edit.


Unfortunately, we eliminate offers based on our Watchlisted items … along with those related to Views.

Message 2 of 42
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Is there a way to stop receiving offers on viewed items (not watched)?

Thanks for the response but could you clarify? I'm fairly certain the option you're referring to only stops you from receiving an email or app notification. You can still receive the unsolicited offer in your My Ebay dashboard.


"Offers" under My eBay > Account > Communication Preferences > Edit is currently and had always been unchecked for me but I'm still receiving the offers (two in the last few hours) . 

Message 3 of 42
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Is there a way to stop receiving offers on viewed items (not watched)?



You will receive Special offers anytime you click on a Sponsored listing, from a page with a similar item you did open.  They do not always generate an immediate offer,  but one will be sent out once I believe 30 people have viewed it, which then triggers offers to be sent to those people. Since sellers pay for that to be done, I'm not sure if changing your preferences will work.


All you have to do on your my messages page is scroll down the list and check the box next to a message then delete the ones you don't want to view, or you can just ignore them.  If you do not want offers sent to your regular emails that can be set up by going to your My Account > Communications preferences.

Message 4 of 42
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Is there a way to stop receiving offers on viewed items (not watched)?

That it comes from sponsored listings makes sense.

But as I've said twice now, I'm aware that you can opt out of receiving emails and app notifications for these. I would like not to receive them at all (deleting the messages from your Inbox is two clicks and a page load. Rejecting the offer and clearing the notification from your dashboard is seven clicks and three page loads). But it sounds like there's no way to do it.

Message 5 of 42
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Is there a way to stop receiving offers on viewed items (not watched)?

Unless I'm missing something, there doesn't seem to be a place to opt out of these. Please extend this further if you can. "My eBay > Account > Communication Preferences >...."

Message 6 of 42
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Is there a way to stop receiving offers on viewed items (not watched)?

You could log out of eBay and clear your cookies before you search.

Message 7 of 42
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Is there a way to stop receiving offers on viewed items (not watched)?

SO ANNOYING. It's like constant spam. I look at tons of different things as we are sellers. Wish ebay would fix this, as I DO want to see offers on items I actually watched!

Message 8 of 42
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Is there a way to stop receiving offers on viewed items (not watched)?

This has been going on for months, if not years and will never be removed.


A 'fix' is not required as nothing is broken. eBay are doing this deliberately.

Message 9 of 42
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Is there a way to stop receiving offers on viewed items (not watched)?



"It's like constant spam. I look at tons of different things as we are sellers.  Wish ebay would fix this, as I DO want to see offers on items I actually watched!"


As as seller you should know, that sellers pay to have their listings sponsored, which generates the Special Offers. So if ebay gave members  a way to stop receiving the offers, the sellers who paid for sponsored listings would be paying for nothing. 


  If you are looking at listings as a seller to compare your item's condition and check pricing, If you did that by doing advanced searches of sold items, you would not receive any messages/offers, and get a better idea of what the items are actually worth. 


Message 10 of 42
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Is there a way to stop receiving offers on viewed items (not watched)?

Well we could get into a whole thing where i disagree with the ethics behind sponsored listings, but the fact is I look at current listings to know how to price things. It's even more important to check than than sold items.


It is annoying and honestly invasive to send people offers on things they just looked at and did not watch.

Message 11 of 42
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Is there a way to stop receiving offers on viewed items (not watched)?



Buyers should ONLY get offers for items they watch or have in their cart. 

Watching an item means a buyer is  interested. Putting an item in their cart means a buyer is interested and has intent to buy.


But a Buyer merely looking at an item means they looked at it and left without showing interest or intent to buy.


Buyers shouldn’t be bugged about those dumb items.


There’s no other buying service that has such an annoying, unsolicited, money-grubbing feature. But leave it to eBay to infiltrate your devices and shove more unwanted crap in your face to buy so you’ll give them even more money. As if the ridiculously high seller fees aren’t enough already.



It’s annoying.

It ruins the buyer experience.

It should be FIXED.



Message 12 of 42
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Is there a way to stop receiving offers on viewed items (not watched)?

Ebay doesn't care how much people hate them. I think they are trying to make as many people hate them as they possibly can. It's a strange business motto but that's what they have been doing for the past 15 years trying to get every eBay member to hate them one way or another. 


There stupid shills on these platforms will give you horrible advice like just go turn off the option, I mean regardless how they lie about it they are paid shills for eBay, they know there is no option to do that but yet they line up to tell you to turn it off on settings. 


The only thing that works is to have your phone block all notifications from ebay. I sure would like to know when I have a sale or question, but I'm thinking screw ebay they don't get to win just because they are the biggest desperate losers. So I am now going to have to block all notifications because of this **bleep**.  So be it. 


They have to be not just be the most dishonest business based out of the United States but also they are pushing to be one of the most hated business by its users and they are fine with this. It's their failure we have been watching for the past 15 years as they creatively craft their books to stay out of chapter 13 year after year after year after year after year after year after year after year....... And that my friends is the real problem we're dealing with a business that should have gone bankrupt years ago. 

Message 13 of 42
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Is there a way to stop receiving offers on viewed items (not watched)?

I'm going to avoid viewing sponsored listings because of this **bleep**, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.  Which will defeat the purpose of paying extra for the listing!  But at some point ebay will figure that out and make the sponsored listings "stealth" so you can't avoid them.  I used to love ebay, but this is beyond the pale.  

Message 14 of 42
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Is there a way to stop receiving offers on viewed items (not watched)?

I also find this irritating and a privacy violation.


I did not find a solution that allowed offers on watched items only in the various threads, so I contacted ebay customer service.



1. I was informed, these offers are called "seller initiated offers."


2. The only way to stop them is "to not view an item."  Absurd and counterproductive to business!


3. I requested info on how to register a complaint.

Here is the link: feedback.


Everyone who is unhappy/frustrated should send a complaint. You can optionally provide your email address which I did, but got an autoresponse on screen that said, I wouldn't be contacted.


4. I was told I could also go to the bids and offer page and "look for 'tell us what you think'." I did not see that option.


5. I did get an email re my customer service interaction that allowed more of an opportunity/more characters to review my experience and detail the reason I contacted customer service. So reaching out to customer service about the issue provides another way to inform ebay of our discontent.


I hope this is helpful and if enough thoughtful complaints are registered perhaps something will be done. The solutions certainly cannot be receiving no offers at all or not viewing items, both are bad for business.

Message 15 of 42
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