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Feedback can't be left

Wondering if anyone else is having trouble with the feedback. I can't leave my sellers their feedback for items I've received. I uninstalled and reinstalled the app, didn't work, same problem. I also noticed that the filter feature on sellers sites isn't working either. Guessing the site is messed up or being upgraded? I can enter all the feedback information, even insert a photo.. but that's it. No submit button. No way to move forward. Anyone else having this issue?

Message 1 of 11
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Feedback can't be left

If the purchases were more than 60 days ago you wouldn't be able to leave feedback. 

Message 2 of 11
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Feedback can't be left

As well as: QUIT using the app for ANYTHING except 'perusing'. 


Do ALL business (buying, listing, selling, feedback etc.) on a COMPUTER!! 

Message 3 of 11
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Feedback can't be left



Have you tried logging into ebay the classic way with your username and password so that you get the whole site rather than the abbreviated one the app displays?   If you do that you may be able to leave feedback if you purchased the items less than 60 days ago.

Message 4 of 11
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Feedback can't be left


There have been MANY reports of members not being able to leave feedback when on using the app.


Use a browser (such as Chrome, Firefox, etc.) and go here:





Volunteer Ebay Community Mentor

Message 5 of 11
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Feedback can't be left

eBay did something and the filter list on the seller's "items for sale" page is not working at the moment, either in the app or a browser. eBay has been notified and the developers are working on fixing it.


See here for some discussion of this, and for some clunky desktop workarounds:


You can use the Advanced Search search by seller username to get the old version of the "seller's other items" link that still has the filter options:


It is still possible to search by category on a seller's store page or a user's profile page by clicking on the seller's username:


From there, click on the "Categories" button in the upper left.

Message 6 of 11
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Feedback can't be left

Sorry, maybe I'm missing something, but what does missing categories  have to do with the OPs inability to leave feedback? 

Message 7 of 11
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Feedback can't be left

Sorry, maybe I'm missing something, but what does missing categories have to do with the OPs inability to leave feedback?


No direct connection that I know of, other than both issues seem to be happening right now, and the OP mentioned not being able to filter a seller's listings.


So while using a browser should allow the OP to leave feedback, that will not allow the OP to filter a seller's other items list without employing a workaround.

Message 8 of 11
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Feedback can't be left

Using a computer we are unable to leave multiple feedbacks of a purchase for more than 2 items from a single buyer..and feedback still in "leave feedback mode". This is day number 2.

Has nothing to do with apps or anything. 

Can only leave feedback for a single purchase or two...of same buyer...not three or more.

Message 9 of 11
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Feedback can't be left

Same with me on mobile. I choose positive, add my message and my stars but the LEAVE FEEDBACK button has disappeared for me over the last 2-3 days. 

Message 10 of 11
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Feedback can't be left

I'm on Android, Pixel 8 Pro. I've been leaving feedback via the app for years. In the last few days I am unable to leave feedback via the app. I can select the POSITIVE, add a message, and choose the stars but the LEAVE FEEDBACK button has vanished. It works for me on desktop but I rarely go on and use my phone and app for everything eBay. 

Message 11 of 11
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