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Ebay needs to crack down on Shill Bidding

Really I buy a lot on ebay and shill bidding is tricky and easy for sellers to do when in moderation But some of these sellers are OUT OF HAND they are so obviously shill bidding it is so so in your face..


Clues of shill bidding .. a bid on every single item and they are automatic bids 

bids at same time like they will go down the line and bid on 200 items no matter what it is to set their price

Turn around and relist it if they did not get the price they wanted! This is easy to see when it is a one of a kind stone!


Please if you see this REPORT IT... I can not name these sellers but they are in India and these sellers with Fraudulent listing activities are giving the good sellers in India a bad rep and they waste your time ..


And for the ones that will write they are not shill bidding because they would not want to get in trouble!

lol please No  

Message 1 of 114
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113 REPLIES 113

Ebay needs to crack down on Shill Bidding

"What should be telling about a true new member is that they can only bid 4 times before running into the new buyer bid (open transaction) limit ebay imposes on new members."


Did eBay update their policy and not update the published TOS?


"Avoiding buying limits

Buying limits are very rarely applied, but here are some tips to help you avoid them:"

Message 76 of 114
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Ebay needs to crack down on Shill Bidding

If shill bidding is done correctly it is impossible to prove. Unless ebay can find a link between the sellers account and the shills account there is no way to prove it.

A seller could have a friend that lives in a different state or country do the shilling. How can you prove their accounts are linked or that they even know each other? You can't and neither can ebay.

Bid once. Bid your true max. Bid as late as possible. Be a winner!

Message 77 of 114
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Ebay needs to crack down on Shill Bidding

You are absolutely right. I spent hours last night checking them out and I found SIX!! I was wondering why I couldn't win anything for 2 weeks to save my life. Then I checked out the bids. Every single one had a buyer named O....s, and not just one seller ! Several had the same O...s. How that happened I don't know, working together I guess. Anyway, I then go into the bid history of O...s and see that not only has he spent all of his time in the same category since joining Ebay, weeks ago...No feedback of course, but he would up his bids 100 at a time at 1d 12h 15m. 100 bids...same minute. I know how they're doing it.. They're using software, similar to sniping software. You can never win anything that they have until you reach their desired price. It sure is a lot cheaper to pay Ebay their cut than to pay the loss of an expensive item selling off cheap. These sellers do it on EVERY SINGLE LISTING THEY HAVE. Even the **bleep** ones. Now either O...s has one crazy collection of someones screwing us. And Ebay says that they have "software on patrol looking for "unusual bidding patterns" LOL.. I found the **bleep**s in under 20 minutes using the old noggin... Why would Ebay care anyway? They get paid by the true buyer or the seller trying to rescue their item from selling cheap by bidding on it themselves. It's **bleep**. So tell me, why are you afraid to list the sellers names? I'll put it out there once I know your reasoning behind that.. It's rampant. AND I HAVE ALL THE SCREENSHOTTED INFORMATION AND EVIDENCE THAT PROVES IT!!IT'S UNDENIABLE. Do you think Ebay cares? Think again... Have you ever called a seller out on it? What happened? I'll go first. I messaged the seller, told him that I caught him, called him a few names and told him that if he wanted to keep his Ebay store and not get kicked off then he would listen up. I then cut and pasted 5 items of his that I was bidding on, sent it to him in the same message and told him that if I got shilled then I was going to Ebay with my evidence and they would remove him and therefore his livelihood and all that feedback that he worked so hard giving himself!! I uploaded a couple of pieces of the evidence that I had screenshotted and you're not going to believe what happened next. I won 4 of the 5 auctions! Never had my luck been so good... I keep him around and threaten him when necessary, and I know that it's wrong but Ebay isn't gonna do dick about it so I had to take it into my own hands and it works fine for me. Now though... they are getting even smarter.. They are making all of their listings "private" which means that I no longer have access to bidders names or bidding patterns, which makes a case against them and even some gool old fashioned extortion impossible. **bleep** smart of them if I do say so myself. Surprised that Ebay's patrolling software hasn't caught that yet! I think their software is an old compaq computer running Windows '95. Because if I can figure this out and spot the sellers doing it and their patterns and i'm just a single stoner then Ebay should be able to do the same or better. But, they even say not to alert them to shell bidding. As long as they do that then i'm just gonna keep my little seller monkey slave around and threaten him from time to time.
Message 78 of 114
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Ebay needs to crack down on Shill Bidding

Difficult to prove? Are you kidding me right now? I caught and gathered evidence on 6 shill bidders LAST NIGHT ALONE. All the tools you need are right there. If you want to go on a little journey and i'll show you how it's easily provable in under 5 minutes then by all means download a screenshotter, message me and we'll go take a look see! I can't believe that in a group of eggheads that have thousands of articles under their belts that they believe that it's hard to prove. It's so **bleep** easy that you will laugh. I just wish that Ebay cared. Seriously. Message me. We'll go!
Message 79 of 114
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Ebay needs to crack down on Shill Bidding

Why would he have the negative removed or more importantly how would he get the negative when he's buying back his own item using a dummy account and paying Ebay their cut if he didn't inflate the price high enough to sell the item. I guarantee it's a whole lot cheaper to "buy" your item back your self, secretly of course, and pay Ebay the listing and selling fee than it  is to take a $200 loss on an item that was not selling near the price they wanted. I can prove this all of course. By all means, contact me and we'll go on a journey together and you'll see exactly how it works..

Message 80 of 114
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Ebay needs to crack down on Shill Bidding

When they make all their bids private then you can't see that the buyer is a fake account, you can't check bid history to look for patterns, nothing.. I can't crack this one. I wish Ebay gave a **bleep**. I don't know how im gonna get past this maneuver. It's genius. The perfect way to exploit Ebay's weaknesses! I hunt these **bleep**s a couple nights a week. I know, I get bored.. I've made several pack up their store and take off in minutes! But with this? They are fearless..

Message 81 of 114
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Ebay needs to crack down on Shill Bidding

hasn't anyone ever heard of 'VPN' ? check it.
Message 82 of 114
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Ebay needs to crack down on Shill Bidding

i too have studied a couple of the india or asian sellers and found disturbing patterns that really look like shill bidding on a massive scale.

ebay made it much harder to identify shill bidders when they made feedback and bidding activity of members, private.

if you do find a pattern looking like shill bids, you could report some of the items in the reporting form on the item's page. As suspecting it to be shill bidding.

Message 83 of 114
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Ebay needs to crack down on Shill Bidding

yes i know that one seller with "silver" names in thier multi ID's! i looked up their seeming shill bids and may have reported a few a while back, as i recall.

Message 84 of 114
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Ebay needs to crack down on Shill Bidding

you can still report it, as 'suspected" shill bids, if you choose the menu carefully. maybe under "other".

Message 85 of 114
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Ebay needs to crack down on Shill Bidding

-duplicate post deleted-

Message 86 of 114
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Ebay needs to crack down on Shill Bidding

"The purpose of bidding on an item being sold at auction is to be able to purchase it for what one is willing to pay for it."

lol, nothing like ignoring the fact someone is making you pay MORE FOR IT  than you should have to, due to illegal and unscrupulous fraud. Or just plain wasting your PRICELESS time WHILE THEY ARE COMMITTING FRAUD against you. 

how could that not be of concern??? it's a crime for a reason.

Message 87 of 114
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Ebay needs to crack down on Shill Bidding

oh yes that's another clue, a bidder who always bids and often wins but THERE IS LITTLE TO NO FEEDBACK AT ALL on thier feedback page. Not from that seller either, even though they won a ton of their auctions.

Message 88 of 114
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Ebay needs to crack down on Shill Bidding

if shill bidding is a crime of fraud in the US, that is what counts- not what's legal in asia. Because ebay is an American site.

Message 89 of 114
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Ebay needs to crack down on Shill Bidding

that was hilarious!!! thanks for the laugh. Smiley Very HappySmiley LOLlaughing

Message 90 of 114
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