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Complaint About Seller Conduct

Not applicable

Here's my issue...I live in the Philippines...on 05/27 I purchased an Icom IC-W32A handheld ham radio  from a seller

I paid for the item...and my order was confirmed...I have the email confirming that fact...

With no more than an hour or two I get another email that my order had been cancelled by the seller and the reason being "buyer cancelled" the purchase - this was when I looked at the details why it was...

Then I dug deeper and found that the seller had cancelled the which is it? Whichever reason it was I contacted the seller and have yet to receive a reply...

That aside...if it was a matter of not wanting to bother with shipping to the Philippines then should not the listing reflected that? In which case I would not have (obviously) been able to purchase it in the first place...

Listings that don't ship to the Philippines indicate that as my experience has been...

So what is the problem with this seller???

If it was a matter of shipping a radio like that to a foreign country it would then be my problem not the problem of the seller...

I was further advised that I'll receive with 3 to 5 days a full refund...

I'd rather have the item than a refund though a refund is acceptable certainly...

I have purchased a number of other similar radios and never had any issue(s) with those sellers. The items were shipped here and arrive...

If I was a seller and didn't want to ship to the Philippines or any other foreign country my listing would so indicate is clear and concise terms and an issue like this would not have occurred...

Message 1 of 21
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Re: Complaint About Seller Conduct

Well I was trying to be polite.

I think they cancelled because of the neutral feedback they left because it didn't arrive on the expected delivery date. 


Although they said it was the fault of USPS  if that was true then why leave the seller a neutral? Neutral feedback carries the same weight as a negative. It's not a positive rating. 


The low feedback might have been overlooked but I think he was  hung by his tongue.

Message 16 of 21
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Re: Complaint About Seller Conduct

I was just getting ready to say, the seller likely happily ships to the Philipines and that isnt the issue. IMHO, being polite here is not the way to go, because brutal honesty is the only answer.


Seller probably ships to the Philipines but saw 3 feedback score, 1 neutral given that was 0 fault of that seller, and account created last month.


I understand OP saying they wish the seller had communicated, but OP doesn't realize that means the seller would be PUTTING IN WRITING that they are about to violate EBay policy. Nothing the seller could do would help themselves. Clearly seller wanted out and got out of it. Anything the OP wishes the seller did would have further hurt the seller, which goes against what the seller wanted to do (self preservation). Dont condone or agree, but understand it. Communicating with buyer in this case just adds to evidence against seller.

Message 17 of 21
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Re: Complaint About Seller Conduct

Not applicable

One thing I forgot to add in my reply to your response - prior to the time I created my eBay account I made close to 60 purchases and checked out as a guest - never had any issues with that or with the sellers I purchased from, and neither have I had any problems until now. Of those purchases 30 of them have been since I've lived here in the Philippines. I talked to a neighbor and he said he's had the same experience as I've had. One seller said (quote-unquote) said no way in xxxx would I ever ship to your God forsaken country. I was skeptical until he showed me a screenshot of a message the seller sent him. So that validate his claim...

Message 18 of 21
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Re: Complaint About Seller Conduct

They may have read the FB left for another seller and this made them hesitant to supply given shipping times to overseas buyers - as you said in the FB it was not the sellers fault, yet they still received a neutral.

I have been imported from Australia and this is my posting ID
Message 19 of 21
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Re: Complaint About Seller Conduct

Not applicable

So what if I did buy using this account - is that a crime? No! Not wanting to ship a $250 dollar item to a foreign buyer is no excuse. In fact my daughter told me that reeks of discrimination against being a buyer in a foreign country - just because they had a feeling I might be a scammer?  This seller screwed the pooch and needs to own it...

She see's civil cases in her courtroom every day, and I'd value her opinion before that of others - she told me let them shoot all the flaming arrows at you they want for speaking your mind and standing up for yourself and what you believe to be right. In the end she said it's not the opinion of others that matters...

I rest my case... ~LAUGHING~

That aside you did present a good argument, it's just that you're a seller yourself, right? I think I've seen your user name in some listings I looked at recently, so if you are you would by the very nature of it favor the sellers point of view...

Message 20 of 21
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Re: Complaint About Seller Conduct

Not applicable

I left it at neutral because I thought it was the best choice and stand by that. If the seller had issues with shipping here then he should have communicated their concerns to me. When I do buy on eBay I go to the US site generally since it gives the price in US dollars, and I can (if I choose to do so) check out and pay as a guest buyer which I've done numerous times without a problem from the Philippines...

You can't buy and check out as a guest buyer on eBay PH for whatever reason, but on eBay US I can...

What the issue is with this is the seller claimed I cancelled the order when in fact I did not...

I left the feedback I did based on the facts, and I'll continue to stand by that. Is it a crime to purchased with a credit card that is valid? Is it a crime that my billing address is in the US but I reside in the Philippines? I have a second home there and that is my legal billing address. My credit card issuer is well aware of that...

So the answer to the above questions is xxxx no! It's not a crime in the legal definition of what a crime is considered to be...

This would never have occurred had the seller communicated their concerns to me. If I had been this seller I would have immediately communicated my concerns to the buyer...

Had the seller done that I would've addressed their concerns and this would not be happening...

I appreciate you response...

Message 21 of 21
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