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Playtime 2022

I'm keep my fingers crossed that this will work.

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Playtime 2022

Happy Father's Day!




Message 2176 of 2,333
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Playtime 2022

Hello everyone...hope you're having a good day and staying as cool as a cucumber 🙂


Jackie...I hope your are doing well, and thanks for sharing your lovely photos.


Shirley...So the doll room is spotless? Great! On to another project then 🙂 ...thanks! I also have a mom and daughter with green. Together they're called the Greens 🙂 I saw phenomenal stuff as the Lego show and am posting LOTS of photos below so enjoy...Thanks for sharing your beauties. They all look good and I love that big horse.


Kate...I knoooow! The Beatles were the best!...Thanks! Lego photos below!...Love Spoka and how it changes colors.


Here are the LEGO photos. I'm not posting a write-up because that would take too long. If you have questions, just ask.






Message 2177 of 2,333
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Playtime 2022

I'm not posting the photos in any particular order.



Message 2178 of 2,333
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Playtime 2022

The theme was "Let's Go Exploring." Sometimes it was self-evident, sometimes it wasn't.



Message 2179 of 2,333
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Playtime 2022

This space is huge but it has become too small for the exhibitors and the public so the organizers are getting a new space soon.



Message 2180 of 2,333
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Playtime 2022

Had enough of this heat yet? 


Good time to stay inside (if don't have yard work to do and now with no rain, means dragging out the hose and buckets).


I think I am finished as of today with doll room.  Got some more dolls sorted out to go bye-bye along with clothing.  Finished up today with going through the whole mess of shoes! 😲  Now I just have to make sure I don't fill er up again!!  It was good to keep busy simply because of missing Rootie.  Tomorrow will be 5 weeks already! 


KATE ~ Happy to know I had some company with the cleaning project!  In all,(includes doll sorting) I think I spent about 10 weeks.  I am done in!   

Sounds like you may have some heat headed your way too!  Chicago broke a long standing heat record (1954??? )yesterday if I heard correctly.


I like the Spoka character!   First photo is really cool! 


QUELI ~  WOW!  The daddy merman is quite the hunk!😍 He sure has a cute little daughter! 


Holy crow!  The LEGO displays are super amazing!  Some of the projects don't even seem to be made of LEGOs.   Some are very busy, some are pieces of art!  Wasn't difficult to recognize Dolly Parton, ha!   I would think stepping on a bunch of LEGOs with bare feet would be painful!   Riverboat was cute and there was even a jacket made of LEGOs!   So much to look at more closely!   Must have cost some big bucks to make the giant scenes.   Your dolly seemed to be enjoying herself 🙂 

Thanks for posting all the photos...will have to look at them a few more times. 

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 2181 of 2,333
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Playtime 2022


😂  Leave it to the cat!! 

(taking a break from dolls)😉

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 2182 of 2,333
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Playtime 2022

Good Wednesday morning,


Queli - The Lego photos are amazing! So much creativity goes into building them - and the size!! Some of them are so large. I had a tough enough time building that Yellow Submarine Lego and that had a big instruction booklet - these people are making it up from scratch! 


Shirls - Record temps here it was 100f yesterday afternoon. It isn't that bad inside - I have fans going and I have stopped cleaning - I'll just work on small things today. 

William loved cuddling, especially in the evenings - mornings was his nap time and he had seasonal spots all over the house. 


xxoo Kate

Looking at the instruction bookletLooking at the instruction bookletWilliam didn't touch anything!William didn't touch anything!Stinky is overwhelmedStinky is overwhelmedfranciesubmarine.jpg

Message 2183 of 2,333
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Playtime 2022

Good morning, everyone! I hope you're staying cool.


Here's a link to my current favorite song by Daryl Hall, Can't Say No To You, with Dave Stewart (Eurythmics). It's about a man in a complicated relationship! Love the arrangement. The CD is being released today. 

Daryl Hall - Can't Say No to You (



Shirley...Oh yeah, that merman is a HUNK in capital letters! The daughter IS cute; it runs in the family 🙂 ...When I go to the Lego show, I'm in a daze. I'm on visual overload! I'm there all day because it takes me FOREVER to get through that auditorium. Glad you enjoyed the photos. My dolly and I had a great time...Haha, loved your kitty photo 🙂


Kate...I knoooow! Yep, I hear ya. It took me forever to build my Tiny Plants, and I had instruction booklets. All those builds that are done free-style just fry my circuits. I know exactly how Stinky feels 😉 


Here are photos from the flea market. 



16" Maui from Moana



This giant folding chair is definitely a conversation starter 🙂



I don't look through bins like this. I figure if the vendor wants me to buy something, the least they can do is put the dolls in order.



This vendor rents shopping carts for your shopping pleasure 🙂


Message 2184 of 2,333
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Playtime 2022

Hi Girls!  Staying inside quite a bit of the time.   Go out in the mornings and then again late afternoon or early evening.   I have lost track of how many days in the 90's we have had.  I'm thinking it has been at least 2 weeks when I consider the day I had to take over the yard mowing.  It was that weekend when the heat wave began.


QUELI ~  I would have a hay day at the flea market.  Digging through a small bin like that doesn't bother me esp. when it is those types of dolls I love to do makeovers on.  Never know what could be buried in there.   Figure there is a pony in there somewhere if you know what I'm talking about. 😉.   It is when a vendor's ENTIRE booth is in total disarray that you can't even wade through all the stuff to get in it, that I don't bother. 


Your dolly looks beautiful in her pretty yellow dress!   She can't wait to get started; it's like she is saying, 'come on Queli!  The day is burning and we got to get started!'   Nice catch of the plane overhead!


KATE ~  Yeah, I was wondering if you got up that high in temps!  So unusual!  Wow!


The Yellow Submarine is awesome!  No wonder Stinky was overcome by how 'we going to do this?!'  Now to imagine the time and work some of those folks put in to their displays.  

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 2185 of 2,333
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Playtime 2022

A242497-R1-15-9A_1.jpg100_5469.JPG100_4381.JPG100_4306.JPG100_4107.JPG100_4030.JPG100_4047.JPGteapartycrsh.JPGbarcape&hat.JPG100_3821.JPG100_3809.JPG100_3779.JPG100_3668.JPGCleoInGarb.JPGMySizCupCak.JPGVinModGrp1.JPGTheKin&Qun.JPGStinkyHammoc.JPGHeads&Cal.JPGGrnEarBub#3.JPGGet a load of the outfit and those earrings.....yes, the hair too.Get a load of the outfit and those earrings.....yes, the hair too.

Just a few of the dolls that I have rescued from the 'vile piles'.

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 2186 of 2,333
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Playtime 2022

Good Saturday almost afternoon, 


I'm sending little packages to all three of you! They probably won't go out until Tuesday, but I'll make a mention of it again. 


Queli - The flea market looks like it was a lot of fun! Always nice to see what people have to offer - I hear you on the bucket o' dolls - better when they are spread out. 


Shirls - Hope your heatwave breaks soon. Today our temps are in the high 60s so that is a break from the past few days.  I love all your "rescues"!


xxoo Kate

DSC05962.JPGSummer watermelon dresses!Summer watermelon dresses!

Message 2187 of 2,333
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Playtime 2022

It's Saturday night and oh what a day.  One of those days where everything is running backwards or out of sync.....not sure how to describe it....maybe discombobulated is a better word to sum it up. 

No break in the prediction of a whole 'nother week of this. 


KATE ~  Thank you, Miss Kate!  I think I could use a nice little surprise in the mail.   The watermelon dresses are pretty cool and perfect for the summer.   Some old Barbie booklets!  I remember the ones that came with my Barbie, Midge, Ken, Skipper......little dream books 😊


Hope everyone is having a good weekend. 

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 2188 of 2,333
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Playtime 2022



Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 2189 of 2,333
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Playtime 2022

Good Monday morning, 


Shirls - Discombobulated is the perfect way to describe things! I sure hope your weather breaks soon. 

Love the mini-Bratz dolls - minis are so cool these days! 

And, of course, I love to see mini-Myah! She looks so confident with her stride. I have all my photos of William rotating on the desktop of my computer - it is sad but I also love seeing all the photos of my dear boy! 

Pretty vintage Francie doll, too! 🙂 


xxoo Kate

I always get a laugh from this photo - best toy store ever! 🙂


Message 2190 of 2,333
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