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Paranormal activity.

For all of those here who bring stuff home from estate sales and auctions, have you ever had some kind of paranormal experience afterwards?


I am rather skeptical of the whole "ghosts and stuff" thing, but I am curious if anyone has ever had something strange happened.

Message 1 of 33
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Paranormal activity.

Gonna have to offer up a "no" on that one.

Message 2 of 33
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Paranormal activity.

There was quite a thread once on a haunted doll......

Message 3 of 33
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Paranormal activity.

I dont do estate sales etc. so that answer is no. However since I have been a child spirits, ghosts, paranormal whatever you want to call them, seek me out. It’s not often but enough to keep me on my toes. And no I am not crazy. I pay my doctor to say that LOL




PS this subject is a very interesting one for me 

Message 4 of 33
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Paranormal activity.

They're called 'senior moments'.  You have more as you get more ...  senior.



Forget keeping up with the Joneses. Be the Finklegrubers!
OK kids, time to get the Dodge loaded up again. I hear 'Poppy's By the Tree' calling. This trip might be a long one too.
Message 5 of 33
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Paranormal activity.

I've never had anything happen, 

but I knew someone once who got one of those old upright pianos,

& had an experience with it.

They brought it in their house,

& that night after they went to bed they could hear a voice calling out his wife's name.:smileysurprised:

They are not people who would make up such a story either.

Message 6 of 33
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Paranormal activity.

@bargainsandbaubles wrote:

For all of those here who bring stuff home from estate sales and auctions, have you ever had some kind of paranormal experience afterwards?


I am rather skeptical of the whole "ghosts and stuff" thing, but I am curious if anyone has ever had something strange happened.

I remember seeing an auction for a ring and the guy wanted it out of his house because it was Never did check back to see if it sold. More likely an Ex-partner. Hahahaha

Message 7 of 33
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Paranormal activity.

I've come home with some impressive spiders from barn cleanouts, and at least a couple dead mice in stoneware jugs.


Does that count?

Message 8 of 33
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Paranormal activity.

@hollysfinds wrote:

I've never had anything happen, 

but I knew someone once who got one of those old upright pianos,

& had an experience with it.

They brought it in their house,

& that night after they went to bed they could hear a voice calling out his wife's name.

"Bernice! Get this blasted thing out of my dining room!"

Message 9 of 33
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Paranormal activity.

@bargainsandbaubles wrote:

For all of those here who bring stuff home from estate sales and auctions, have you ever had some kind of paranormal experience afterwards?


I am rather skeptical of the whole "ghosts and stuff" thing, but I am curious if anyone has ever had something strange happened.


Message 10 of 33
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Paranormal activity.

chrysylys wrote:

They're called 'senior moments'.  You have more as you get more ...  senior.



Loved this so much!!!  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^    Smiley Very Happy  Smiley Very Happy  Smiley Very Happy

Message 11 of 33
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Paranormal activity.

@bargainsandbaubles wrote:


I am rather skeptical of the whole "ghosts and stuff" thing, but I am curious if anyone has ever had something strange happened.

Okay, this topic is close enough to my own story that I'll contribute:


Early one Saturday morning, I'm sitting in the convenience store parking lot with my coffee and the morning paper, checking the Classifieds for any estate sale starting that morning. I found one about 7-8 miles down the road that sounds good, so I nosed the car out into traffic and headed in that direction.


The road is a twisty road with no opportunities to pass, so I quickly found myself stuck behind what my family cheerfully calls a pokey-butt, a driver going at something like five under the limit, squinting through the steering wheel, etc., leaving me to grit my teeth and just hope that they aren't headed all the way to the same estate sale.


Time goes by... slowly... we make a few turns in unison... and I start coming to the realization that yes, it looks like they (I finally get a good look at the geriatric couple in front of me) really are going to the same estate sale. Aaargh.


More time, more turns, and finally yes, we both arrive at the same estate sale. They get out, I get out behind them, and we both head up the driveway to the house. There is a car in the driveway, so when they walk up the right side, I zip past (finally!) on the left, and we get to the front steps with me in the lead, them following closely behind.


Here's where things got interesting. I was about halfway up the concrete steps when I heard a noise behind me. Just as I turned to see what it was, the elderly lady stumbled on the steps and fell face-first straight into my arms. If she hadn't backed me up in traffic for 8 miles and 20 minutes of driving, I never would have been there to catch her.


To this day, whenever we're driving someplace and I start complaining about the car in front of me, my wife will say, "Maybe they're going to the same estate sale!"

Message 12 of 33
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Paranormal activity.

@bargainsandbaubles wrote:

For all of those here who bring stuff home from estate sales and auctions, have you ever had some kind of paranormal experience afterwards?


I am rather skeptical of the whole "ghosts and stuff" thing, but I am curious if anyone has ever had something strange happened.

Not from anything I bought but my wife brought home her grandmother's old cedar wardrobe.  We put it in the attic and almost immediately we kept hearing someone walking around up there.  It got so annoying my wife finally went up there and yelled "It's just a **bleep** piece of furniture! Let it go already!", and that was the last of the footsteps.


We've had strange events both here and at our old house.  That one is a 1923 craftsman bungalow and this one is an early 70s square house.  The old house we had lights go on and off, strange noises, etc.  Twice someone sat on the edge of the bed in the middle of the night.  The first time I was wide awake and heard whatever it was walk down the hall way into our room and pause at the foot of the bed before sitting down.  My wife's purse got thrown into the next room and emptied out, she saw a book fall off the bookshelf while she was talking to me on the phone.  All kinds of wierd stuff, but the house never struck me as negative or evil.  Just the opposite - it was very warm and welcoming.  I miss that place.


Here at the new place (been here 7 1/2 years), my 12 year old daughter has had the most experiences including at least three apparitions - a shadow person, a lady in a long white flowing dress, and a boy in "old time" clothes, as she described it.  There are a lot of little things that happen but no one here is really scared by it (except my daughter after the shadow person and the lady).  I get the feeling very often that I'm being watched but I chalk that up to my imagination.  I'm a very rational, science based type of person, and I believe there is a reasonable explanation for everything like this but there are a lot of things that have happened that I am at a complete loss over.  Again like the last house, this place isn't terribly evil but it's not as welcoming as the last house.  My daughter probably has other ideas.

Message 13 of 33
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Paranormal activity.

I have a lot of experience in the paranormal and have seen all kinds of crazy stuff. Ghosts and aliens are just demons deceiving people. Demons also appear to people as love ones that have passed away, they know everything about your life so they are good at deception. 

Message 14 of 33
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Paranormal activity.

I live in a house that is genuinely haunted. I thought that I had only one ghost, and most odd activity ceased after a medium was put on the case and sent the spirit lady over to the other side. Since, I've realized that I have two other spirits here, presumably the couple who built the house in 1940. My big beef with all of these beings is that they mess with my ebay merchandise (I sell paper and have thousands of items) and move and misplace it; a couple of times, it appears that they threw things away (after searching, nothing ever showed up). The big problem with the mising merch is that I usually don't know that it's gone until someone has bought it on ebay! That is inconvenient, to say the least. (I really can't message people that "our ghost stole your item.") Other than that, they seem to be lovely people, though they do scare houseguests; our guest room was their bedroom, back when, and they are resentful if it is occupied by strangers.

Message 15 of 33
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